Done For You Video Marketing

Stop Letting People Forget You Exist

Three Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

  • How to stay in front of your database.
  • Why you aren’t getting referrals.
  • What are some tools you can use to keep in touch with your audience.


Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

REMD on YouTube

REMD on Instagram


What is up ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the webinar. And let me tell you, there’s nothing worse in the real estate business than when someone forgets what it is you do for a living or better yet didn’t even know. So whether you’re a lender, real estate agent investor, basically anyone in a referral based business, these principles are going to apply. But this is going to be the case for why we create content consistently that builds our brand. And we keep our content in front of people that are responsible for sending us new business, repeat business and referrals. The more content we create, the easier it is, and the more marketable to attract business. And the more marketable, you become as a real estate agent. If you guys have not met me before, my name is Mike way, boss, I’ve been licensed since 2002. I’m one of those dinosaurs in the real estate industry. So I’m recovering realtor and broker owner. And over the last five years, we’ve been helping real estate agents create a whole lot of content, mainly in the form of video, we script we added, we distribute video, and we’ve done over 2000, maybe even 2500 different videos for people spread out around the country, when it comes to content creation. I’m the founder of referral suite, which is a software platform that allows it makes content creation easier. I will show you guys what that is at the end of this training. And for those of you that want to pursue or look at that more advanced if you’re having trouble creating content, I would love you to join our community. But I’ve been in this business for a long time guys. I’ve had brokerages teams, and I know what works and what doesn’t. And what I’m going to share with you today is what I’ve learned over the last 20 plus years of in this business and how I’ve applied creating content, literally every single real estate agent I’ve ever worked with in my brokerages on my teams, the ones I’m working with now across the country, and everyone has the same results because I believe that real estate is nothing more than a giant popularity contest. And in a business where 87% of agents fail.

I believe that’s very simple. I think they’re chasing the wrong people from the get go. So what we’re gonna start about is, how do you avoid the peaks and valleys especially as we approach a recession within the real estate business, because when you have a large personal brand, it is recession proof despite what the market does, you will always have clients. And this is the reason why you want to focus your time on where the highest return on investment is going to be. It’s not going to be through cold calling, it’s not through door knocking. And it’s not through implementing the latest, greatest technology AI or superduper website or the best auto responder with text messaging automation. All of that stuff you guys, when it comes to business, in my opinion, is just noise. I love that stuff. But I’m talking about building the base of your real estate business. And the reality is the vast majority of business is right in front of you. These charts are from a NAR National Association of Realtors, and this was talking about where sellers found their real estate agent 39% were referred from a friend 24% They used in the past that right there is 63% without going through the rest of sources of business right here. And it’s no different for buyers. Buyers, you see over 53% are referred or they used in the past. But there’s still a lot more attraction based items right here. And I’m gonna summarize those off for you. And here’s what these charts said 51% of business on average comes from the former referrals 12% from repeat business 3% of transactions arouse from strategic alliances as like a mortgage broker or a real company,

you know, referring you out 10% For signage, believe it or not 4% from an open house. In both cases, over 74% of people come from people you already know, or transactions. I mean closed comes from people you already know used in the past, or that you’ve personally met, right? So what is the most important thing to do in real estate? And it’s to stay in front of the people you already know, like and trust because everybody lives somewhere. The problem though, that we all have is, well, what do I send them? How do I stay in touch with them? Because I don’t know how to do anything else other than just talk about interest rates, real estate or turn back the clock emails. This is why we create content folks. So what do you think happens when you go, Mia are out of sight out of mind? What happens when you stop communicating with your database? Well, they stopped sending you business and they keep they start forgetting what it is that you do for a living. And just because

you don’t have to talk about real estate but you can’t not. You can’t stop talking at the same time you see, as an independent real estate agent or lender, you’re in charge of your own personal brand. Your brokerage is going to do anything for you. Therefore it’s going to rely on you to constantly build your own personal brand because it’s not your databases job to remember what you do for a living it is your job.

To remind them to and this is why we create content. See when we’re creating content, that’s the way I’m going to explain it to you right here in the rest of this training is we’re not doing it to generate leads. Well, we are doing it to for and we’re creating content is to generate attention and notoriety so that when people think of the term real estate, they associate our name or our brand with it, that’s it. We’re not fighting for leads, we fight for the attention of our friends, our family, our database in our local community, because Top of Mind brand awareness, or attention equals conversations, which eventually equals referrals, and over 80% of people will hire the first agent they speak with.

This is not theory, when I’m explaining to you guys, this is mathematical, because of these stats. And these are what I want you to get out of anything, if you’re going to remember anything from this training, and that’s 10 to 15% of the population moves each and every year, but 100% of the population know someone they can refer a realtor to. This means 10 to 15% of your Facebook friends, your IG followers, 10 to 15% of your email list 10 to 15% of the people you walk across in the grocery store, or you sit next to at your kids sporting events, they’re moving this year, but 100% of the people that you know, or come into contact with, know someone that they can refer business to. And that is why attention is so important in this business, especially in a referral based business. So if you do the math, people move every six to nine years. So I want you to just to look at your own network. If you have 1000 friends and your Facebook friends list, well 10 to 15% of them are moving, that means 100 to 150 people of them are moving, but all 1000 of them have a referral for you. Now, if people are going to move every six to nine years, do the math, there’s always a percentage of people within your existing relationships that are going to be moving and most won’t even know it yet. There are these things called Life Events, marriages, new kids having a baby, getting a divorce, losing a job, these are good and bad life events. But when a life event happens, people move and when they do 80% of them are going to hire the first person they meet with. Wouldn’t it be nice if that your name comes to mind immediately upon, you know, anyone thinking of the term real estate or lending? Well, that’s what happens when you create a whole lot of content. And what we’re talking about here, guys, is marketing versus advertising. We’re not talking about creating content to say come buy my stuff, or interest rate, buy, buy, buy, sell, buy, sell, buy, sell, because when we’re always selling people start tuning us out. But when we create engaging content that reminds people, we’re in real estate at the same time, it creates engagement, and we stay in front of those people, we start attracting business. And what I’m talking about is creating content consistently, not just through social media, social media is a part of it. But creating content consistently through social media, video, email, and even using direct mail, to keep our brand at the forefront of people and literally be everywhere all the time. This is what it takes to build a fully attraction based business. But we don’t, where most people fail is this is that when we’re creating content, we’re usually creating it or when people immediately result to start creating it in the in the form of a sales message. No, we don’t need to sell our services on online or through any of the content we create. We need to add value with the content we create so that people think of us first. That’s it, okay. And when we’re marketing and creating content, we’re not creating content to sell people directly who received that content a house, we’re creating content to receive their referral business, because everybody can refer you business. And when you start chasing referrals versus direct business, you start telling stories, alright, the other way where you fail to be consistent is it or people just fail to be consistent as we’re most fail? See, content creation requires two things. It creates an audience a group of people, which everybody listening to this has, we all have a Facebook friend list, a wedding list or funeral list, I like to say. But without being consistent in communication to that list, it doesn’t work either. So consistent communication to the same audience over time is exactly how you build a large personal brand that people know like trust, remember and refer.

But the real real problem here is, what do you say? How do you do it? And that’s what we’re gonna chat about today. So what do you send them? Right? How do you nurture a relationship after the transaction? I just saw a crazy stat the other day that said 80% of buyers forgot their agents name and six months that’s very difficult to generate a referral from somebody that doesn’t

even know your first name. So we’re Ghen the reason why we create content is to remain on top of mind and create engagement and stay on top of people so they don’t forget we exist. Okay? So we’re gonna get out of real estate I’m explain this to you in a very easy example. And whether you’re

a byebye baby person or Bed Bath and Beyond, you probably have this happen to you. I think Bed Bath and Beyond are mean by or BestBuy, I think those exact same marketing plan. But regardless of what it is, I want you to look at this, because byebye baby sends me a 20% off coupon at least once a month, maybe twice a month. I don’t know how many they signed, but they’re doing it consistently. And for whatever reason, I never throw the coupon out. And just like you, you probably have a junk drawer and you open it up. And whether it’s byebye baby or Bed Bath and Beyond or one of these stores, you have some 20% off coupons that are just sitting in your kitchen drawer. First question I says, Why do I have this? Why don’t I just throw this out? Well, it’s because there’s 20% off there’s value. So I stock it. And I store it in the drawer. And essentially bye bye babies farming me with direct mail. Now, I don’t ever think of another baby store because this is all I think of cuz they’re all over me. But they also send those same coupons to my email. And

when I get to the store and I go buy my new diapers or whatever, that I’m buying it bye bye, baby. I never I always forget to bring the 20% off coupon. But I always remember to scan my email for the same coupon because I just give them that coupon and I still get my 20% off. And when I leave bye bye, baby. What they do is and they start farming me like I start seeing their ads on social media. They start retargeting me through Display Network, I see him all over Google. And that’s just because I just transacted with them. So they put me into a custom audience so they can retarget me online and be everywhere. Point being is that what they’re doing is they’re farming me. They’re farming me through direct mail, that email and social media. Right. And the reason why they’re doing this is because they generate more sales and referrals for marketing their existing clientele their customers than they do trying to acquire new ones. Folks, what if we were just a copy this plan in front of the 150 to 300 people that you know, and you started farming them through social media, email and direct mail? Would it work? Absolutely. It’s worked with all 500 people I’ve ever tested this with plus. And the reason for that is because everybody has a database full of relationships, if you’re in real estate, I just showed you the stats of where business comes from. And the most successful agents also tend to have something in common. They’re also the most popular agents or they have the most amount of attention on their brand. See, your best thing about real estate is that you already have a built in book of business. The question is whether or not they know you know of you and know that they can refer or do business with you. Because I just said over 80% of people hire the first person they come into contact with, much of which they’re referred to they personally know or personally met. And one of the sources I showed you about earlier. And all we’re really talking about doing here to create a strong personal brand is to stay on top of mind with people we already know through content creation, and putting that content in front of them so that when they think of real estate, they think of us. That’s it. This is not rocket science. This is 100% a popularity contest. You see, the reason why people refer us business, whether it’s real estate, a couch a vacation, or a brand new restaurant, is because they like you personally, or they’re satisfied with your past service. Like for you to get referred. People have to like you or like what you’re doing, right. But you also have to like the person that they’re asking for a referral. And deep down, we are all wired in our DNA to help others solve problems. You know, there’s a reason why we refer other things, people. There’s a reason why, when people ask me, Hey, Mike, did you ever do you know where this is that I go out of my way to help them. And it’s because that’s the way God made me. That’s the way God made you. And we’re all wired to just naturally help other people. So naturally, when a referral comes about, that’s why so many people raise their hand. And if you don’t believe me, you could go ahead and go on your Facebook account right now and go ahead and ask for an electrician referral or a plumber referral. And you’re going to realize that you’re gonna get about 10 to 15 names within the next two hours. And the reason that my first question is, is, why does so many people have their plumbers or electricians phone number on standby? It’s not that they have it on standby, it’s that they’re going out of their way to help you

with a referral. And it’s no different in real estate. But there are three things that have to occur when someone is going to refer or do business with you directly. And one is they have to notice a conversation about real estate and then immediately think of you at that time. And then they have to introduce you into the services or into the conversation. I mean, now how many people talk about real estate on a daily basis and one of the reasons why real estate is such a highly referral business is because it’s an emotional transaction. And when people are moving and close

Between you and me, we talk about it quite a lot. And we’re talking about it quite a bit. Because the truth is, is that like, Hey, dude, you’re moving. And anytime you are moving, well, that is something that is very emotional, and you’re going to talk about it naturally. So that’s why this is so important, guys. Alright, so when you create a whole lot of content, you being top of mind, happens a lot more naturally than if you don’t create content. And let me just ask you who’s more referral, the agent that has a blog and has done 25 videos over the past three months, or the agent that doesn’t even have a social media account, who’s going to do more business, obviously, it’s going to be the one that’s creating a lot of content or buzz around their brand. And that’s what we’re getting at folks see the value of each relationship that you have in your business, whether

it’s 10 of them, or 300 of them, but the average of every relationship, I believe, is a minimum of $25,000. For what I’m about to tell you, the average person buys two to five properties over the course of their lifetime, and then an average sale price of $200,000, which is extremely, extremely low. That would mean each individual if they were to use you for all two to five of those purchases should be valued at about $25,000. That would be what you would recognize in closed GCI from those relationships. However, that does not count the value that each relationship has the ability to introduce you to another person you could do the same thing with. That’s why the value of relationships in real estate is such a powerful thing. Because when we break the math down, here’s how it works. If people move every six to nine years, it’s just a numbers game. If you have 100, people that truly know what you do, let’s just say 100 people on your Facebook account 100 people on your email list, how many of them are moving this year? Well, six to nine. But out of those same 100 people,

all of them know someone that they could refer you to that you may be able to do the same thing with See, I don’t need to have a million people that know what I’m doing or that I’m in real estate, I need to have an engaged group of a few 100. If that, and I can have a very successful, stable and consistent career. See, people are going to use and hire an agent to the tune of over 85%. So the question is, is it going to be you or somebody else. And this is the reason why we create content. So I want to get through and show you guys a couple different things. When we and the type of content that I’m talking about creating, we’re gonna start with social media first. But I think I made the case here to show you why it’s important to create content. And whether you’re creating content on Facebook or Instagram, wherever your social platforms are, that you’re on, I want you to view each platform is just a place for you to generate business because everyone that sees your content on that platform live somewhere, and most, most of which are people that you should already have an acquaintance with or people that you already know. And when 80% of them are in a hurry, the first person they meet with I think the math makes complete common sense. Now, it’s the content that we’re creating on social that makes all of the difference. And that’s what I want to spend some time with you about right here. What kind of content do you create on social media? Well, video marketing is huge. If you go ahead and look like in the top right, that’s a Gen almeyda. That’s her first post she ever made her first video she ever made. And you have 59 comments and five shares on the very first video. Now of those 59 comments and five shares, she probably had over 1000 1200 1500 views of that video. Of those 1500 views. 10 to 15% of them are moving this year, and 100% of them have a referral for her. So the question is never a matter of if it’s a matter of when. Right So creating video content on social media is extremely powerful to do.

In recent months, creating short form video content has been very powerful. Using things like Instagram and Facebook reels, I’m getting 6x or 10x, even the amount of views posting the same video as a real as I am on as a regular post. Right. So short form content is very, very popular right now. But if you’re not doing video, there’s a lot of other things you can be doing as well that don’t necessarily involve you having to get up on a soapbox, and selling your services. Nobody wants to be on the end of our sales pitch. But everyone wants to be involved in engagement. And when you’re looking at some of these posts, I want to give you some ideas that you can go ahead and create and we’ll give you a whole lot more after this but house of the month, kitchen of the month view of the month neighborhood of the month, getting funny little memes that are sort of reminding people you’re in real estate. You see most of this content is going to fall into one or two categories.

It’s either entertaining or it’s engaging. And as long as it’s one of the two, you’re going to win. It’s when you’re making blanket statements like just listed just sold, where you’re only getting two comments, both of which are the real estate agent trying to recruit you to their brokerage, or broker owner, or the title company or mortgage rep trying to earn your business. Those are the only people commenting on that type of content, because it’s not engaging. And quite frankly, the more of the sales type, pitch content, and non engagement that you create, you’re just checking a box because your coach told you to. The reality is, is that when you start creating content, and it creates engagement, and people start watching it, it’s just a matter of time until a certain percentage of them start referring and needing your services directly. Because of which the vast majority are going to hire someone they already know. Social media is nothing more than just a place, in my opinion, just to tell people what you do for a living in a fun, cool and engaging way where they can see the real you. And it shouldn’t be used. To put up a front it should always be used as to show the true you and becoming a good storyteller. And creating content and getting the practice of reminding people you’re in real estate versus telling them is where I believe the Holy Grail is at. So the key is, don’t try so hard. Write posts as much as possible. But a minimum of three real estate related posts a week or stories, I guess, follow the 8020 rule. I mean, I’d say 10 to 15 posts a month, that’s one every other day. But the more content you create on social, the better it’s going to do for you, the more eyeballs the more engagement. I mean, that’s what it comes down to what I don’t believe works is hiring somebody else to go out and post for you that sounds nothing like you that just creating very boilerplate templated content that nobody resonates with. So I don’t believe you could build a personal brand outsourcing social media, I think you have to, to an extent, be involved in the content you create the post you make, because that’s what people are going to respond to and be be honest, like people know, you. They know when someone’s not you posting and you’ll notice that to just look at all your other profiles. And look at the ones Yeah, oh, that’s definitely not that person. So where do you post this stuff out? You posted everywhere you’re at this includes if you’re on Facebook, for example, post your personal page and your business page and do them separately, there’s no sharing to one or another. Every social media profile you have, you got to treat like a different account. And just because they’re part of Facebook doesn’t mean you just share everything you upload organically to every single spot. So if I’m doing long form or meme like content, I’m taking my personal page, my business page, and put them in all the groups I’m in and put it into my Instagram. If I’m on LinkedIn, I’m dropping it off there. But if I’m just doing short form content, and then I know I’m posting on Tik Tok IG reels, Facebook reels and YouTube shorts, right, so you have to have a distribution strategy based upon the content you’re creating. But just know that regardless of what you’re creating, you’re broadcasting it wherever your brand is. See, the math on this is very simple. 10 to 15% of the people who see your content will be moving this year, but 100% of them will have a referral for you. So I want you to look at your annual social media marketing plan or your or your monthly for that is and just know these two numbers, because if you were to get 100,000 views over the course of the next 12 months, well 10 to 15% of those views are moving this year, and 100% of those views could have a referral for you, I want you to be motivated by chasing attention chasing views, because they always all lead to business. Now, social is just one aspect of marketing, you know, you have to be consistent on there, whether you’re creating meme content, social content, video content, images, pictures, all of it is reminding but it’s not the only place to stay in touch with your database and to nurture them. The truth is that a very smaller percentage of your social media, friends, and unless you’re running ads will see your content, usually under the 20% mark, which is why you want to take on a multi prong approach here. Now the second channel that you want to market your database to is video email. Now why do we use video email as opposed to any other type of email service and it’s 100% because it gets more opens more engagement. And that’s the only type of email where you could put your face body language and tonality to somebody else which is extremely powerful for brand awareness and attracting attention. So who you’re going to send your video emails to our family, friends, past co workers past clients. Basically, if you have someone that you believe they should be referring or doing business with you, well, they 100% need to be on your email list. And what we don’t want to do on emails is send them a bunch of spam light content. What we do want to do on emails is send them content that will add

actually enhance their day or add value to their lives. All right. And sometimes that could be as simple as a new restaurant opening. It could be a joke, it could be a holiday greeting. But you want to be sending about one to two video emails a month. And this will all go to your nurturing list of databases. You know, you could do holidays, simply copy the Hallmark greeting card strategy. I did that for five years of my career and it worked very well. Valentine’s Day. Groundhogs Day, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July Veterans Day, but pick the holidays that match more up to your brand. If you’re a veteran, you’re probably going to always be creating content on veteran Memorial, Fourth of July, American base holidays President day, right. But if you’re, you know, have a totally different personality, you know, service the veteran niche at all. Maybe you’re a jokester, maybe you’re a comedian, maybe you’re funny. Well, then you would probably create all the content on all the off the wall holidays like Groundhog’s Day, like popcorn day like Star Wars Day, that would be a cool funny way to remind your database that you’re in real estate without having to be too overly burdening with it. You can do local video series, we create content for people all over the country who are creating neighborhood tours.

Excuse me,

neighborhood tours,

business owner interviews,

anything within the local community, new restaurant openings,

events, local community events that are coming up. Anything within the local community would brand you perfectly as a real estate agent, because that’s the real estate agent is their community expert. Rosa had a lot of value. special announcements, real estate. If you are going to talk about real estate, I like doing like major announcements in the industry like interest rate reduction, stuff like that. Things of news worthy topics, but just think about it one to two video emails a month. And here’s the most important thing is that the content you’re creating, make it be creative. Don’t make it be boring, like don’t send bad real estate monthly news update, like don’t say, Today’s interest rate market update, no one wants a market update guys until they’re in the market to buy a new house. Okay, so stop sending the market updates and start sending them stuff that’s a little bit more personable. Now, your subject line is absolutely going to be the crucial piece of that email that and having a video with it will increase your open rates. And we’re seeing over 40% open rate on our video emails, that referral suite. Because the two things we’re creating content to a warm list people we already know, that isn’t necessarily overburdening, and we’re creating more entertaining and engaging like emails. So that’s it. Okay, this is not rocket science, but we are just nurturing. Now.

If you are to send a video email, this could be a schedule, you could follow, you could do nine holidays, you could do once a month update, if you wanted to, you could do a spring and a winter email. But however way you want to chop it off one to two times a month, which should give you anywhere between 15 and 21 Total video email touches throughout the course of the year. Now, the national average for emails, open rates is about 13%, which means 87% of your people aren’t watching your stuff, which means what’s the point of sending them in the first place, we’re seeing a 40% open rate using just what I showed you right there. And of that 40% open rate if you have roughly 200 people on your email list, 10 to 15% of them are moving and 100% of them have a referral for you. Those are the two numbers I want you to memorize and repeat and never forget, because it’s only those two numbers that you’ll be motivated to keep creating content. Because once you understand that attention equals transactions, you will understand and be motivated to go ahead and continue to create that. Now, the third channel on one of the most effective is direct mail. How many people are still getting direct mail today? Well, everybody last I checked and that’s why I like it, because mailboxes are wide open. Now. Let’s first talk about who you’re gonna send these to past clients 100% need to be on your direct mail drop address, or list close friends basically anyone that you have a strong relationship with if you’d invite them to your wedding or funeral and you have unlimited budget, they want 100% need to be on your direct mail list and the reason why I love direct mail is because 100% of them will receive your postcard before they throw it in the trash. Okay. And that is amazing for branding. Now it’s the same concept of why Bed Bath and Beyond sends me 20% off coupons I don’t throw them away I always remember they’re there they exist. And it’s a great way to farm or nurture me because I don’t cheat on them with any other Bed Bath and Beyond place either do I? So what kind of content

holiday greeting cards, postcards based on fun facts, gifts God

Many bears, what you don’t want to send them are just listed database or turn back your clock emails and talk to them one to one and a half times a month, one a month will do just fine for direct mail. And the reason why it’s so powerful is because 100% of people will receive it, they will all physically engage with it in a direct mail, at least with our system cost about $12 a year per contact. Now, here’s the ROI on this though, because I want you to see as if you had 100 people on your list, and you send them one postcard a month, that would equate to roughly 1200 $1,200 annually. Now, of those 100 people 69 of them are moving, or 10 to 15% of them are moving I mean, and 69 move every

seven years,

what’s my ROI going to be, I would need to generate one deal, one, to pretty much get like a 500,000% ROI. See, we have to invest in our brands, in order for them to return a positive ROI in them. And how we do that is through content creation. See, people

create content consistently. And the more content you create around your brand, the more marketable and referral you become. All I’m doing is just sharing with you on how we’re systematically creating content, and then distributing that content through video, email, direct mail, and social media, so that people never forget what we exist, and of which 10 to 15% of moving 100% of them, have a referral for you.

Do this for 12 months in a row and watch what happens to your business. You know, people always often say is, hey, how do I stay consistent? How do I generate more business while you stay consistent in the content you create, and in almost every single time that I’ve seen this play true or through, I have yet to see it not work for somebody because everybody knows a real estate agent. But it’s the real estate agent that is known the most as the most marketable and referral who always generates the most amount of business.

If you guys have questions on this process, please go ahead and chat below. I told you at the beginning of this training, I was going to walk you through a platform solution that makes this whole process a lot easier. And realistically, you guys have two different ways that you can go about doing it. We would love to have you be part of referral suite but referral suite as a software platform that gives you email, social media and automate your direct mail content so that you can implement the model I just shared with you right now, effortlessly in 10 to 20 minutes a month of total time invested. So what I’m going to do right here is play a video for you, it’s going to show you how the inside of referral suite works in just under two minutes. And I encourage you to come and check us out. If you like what you saw here today. And you think that you’re struggling with creating content, you don’t know what to post, or you’re sick of just chasing a bunch of leads and relying on lead sources you don’t control start creating a brand. By creating content, it’s the only way you can do it. So I’m gonna go ahead and play this video for you. And you could check out what referral suite is. in under two minutes, I’m gonna show you exactly how referral suite helps you build a strong personal brand that generates more referrals and repeat business. Referrals suite is an all in one CRM focused on one thing a place for you to manage, grow, nurture and market your Rolodex of relationships through direct mail, video, email, and social media. The first tools are social media calendar, all you do is you simply check your social calendar, grab your instructions and customize it and then post it now you don’t need to think about when or what to post on social and just follow the instructions each day and week. When it comes to email marketing your database referral suite provides a video email system to send engaging emails they actually like seeing all you do is simply check your content calendar right here will give you the subject line email, coffee and video script to record right starter software that you can send our direct mail campaigns are set it and forget it all you do is you simply pick a campaign you set it hey and then you forget it. Each month your direct mail list will receive a mixture of postcards, greeting cards, and even gifts based on what you decide to sell. Plus all members get access to the Learning Center which is full of advanced training courses on building your personal brand and advanced content creation with video for example. Plus in addition all members can utilize any of the advanced marketing services available through the Marketplace such as video editing, logo design, signage, and even gifts. Anything you need to build your personal brand is right here inside of referral suite. So if you’re struggling to stand in front of your database or tired of people forgetting you’re in real estate or lending, follow the instructions next video and join now. It is not your networks job to remember what you do for a living but it is your job to remind them and referral suite is the one place that makes marketing your brand. Very simple.

in under two minutes. So there you have it, folks. I hope you’ve enjoyed this training

books, we’ve been doing this for a long time, just creating content and referral suite is something that has been a project of mine for over five years to put this all together, but it is ready, we would love for you to go ahead and check that out. And regardless of whether you’re using referral suite or whatever you’re doing in your content creation journey, start creating content, whether it’s with us or with somebody else, or you’re doing it on your own, create content, put it in front of the people that you know, like and trust, and those people will reward you in the form of repeat business referrals and you’ll stop chasing a bunch of leads, and you’ll have a brand that people know like trust. Remember, most importantly refer and do repeat business with

go ahead and check out referral Right now

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