Education content is boring, we all know it. But how can we use it to cultivate an audience and improve our brand image.
The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)
00:00:02:07 – 00:01:05:13
Tell the editor your name and the website that we’re going to put in the show notes here. My name is Mark Sullivan and the website is Homeowner Dash Handbooks. Who are you ready to rock? Yes, to anyone.
00:01:09:21 – 00:01:28:18
So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webmaster Real Estate Marketing Dave and this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them.
00:01:28:23 – 00:01:37:23
Let’s get started.
00:01:41:03 – 00:01:58:20
What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude Podcast. Folks we’re going to be chatting about today is and I’m basically going to dedicate the rest of this year to is being different, standing out, getting ahead, doing things differently. You’re going to have to work a little bit harder in this type of marketplace.
00:01:58:20 – 00:02:16:02
And because of that, I mean, you’re going to do things that you probably weren’t used to doing. And when the market shifts, you have to shift with it. The ones who will stay and remain complacent are the ones who get their ass kicked in times like these. But on the flip side of that, I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom because there’s nothing but opportunity in shifts like this as well.
00:02:16:02 – 00:02:32:21
At the same time. And it’s only during a shift that you really build share market share, you build brand, you build huge opportunity because the shifts are when businesses are made really it’s very hard to get ahead when everything is going well and everyone else is crushing it around you. But it’s very easy to get ahead when nobody else is.
00:02:33:02 – 00:02:50:19
But you need to know where that opportunity is going to be at so we’re going to, you know, going forward, this is the second half of the year in 2014 and dedicate the rest of the year to sort of just standing out better serving. How do you become a better agent, a better lender? Why should people shoot, you know, choose, use what makes your shit not stink?
00:02:51:12 – 00:03:10:20
Why are you the bottom? Why do people need to call you like that’s a week? That’s that. That’s what we want to chat about. So I’m bringing on a past client friend, known him for a couple of years and he’s a mortgage broker right now and you know, obviously mortgage brokerage business is down across the board. Right. So, however, he didn’t stop.
00:03:10:20 – 00:03:30:00
He kept working harder and harder. And I seen him working on this project that he’s been building and whatnot, and I want him to come share his experience. But in short, what we’re going to be chatting about today is how do you use education and how does that work within the buying cycle? A lot of times I see a lot of realtors try to create content and they try to create education, but it just falls on deaf ears.
00:03:30:00 – 00:03:46:23
It never really works. They make a video or they make a post. They do it on Facebook and then it dies in the newsfeed and everyone forgot who the fuck they were or what the fuck they talked about. So how do you leverage education to convert, attract and get more business ultimately? So without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guest, Mr. Mark Sullivan.
00:03:46:23 – 00:04:16:08
What’s up, Mark? Hey, what’s going on? Mike Thanks for having me. Why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about who the hell you are, where you at, and what are we going to be talking about today? Yeah, absolutely. My name is Mark Sullivan. I run a mortgage team out of Nashville, Tennessee, licensed in most of the Southeast and eight different states and built my business on the back of educating clients.
00:04:16:08 – 00:04:43:23
Right. Making sure that my clients, my clients stuck with me because of the education that I provide and the value that that I provide to my clients. So tell me about you. Obviously, you do a lot with real estate agents, I’m assuming. Right. So you work with a lot of real estate agents and I’ve never really it’s crazy because we create a lot of videos, guys.
00:04:43:23 – 00:05:00:16
We’ve done over 4000 videos like a scene every type of video could possibly create about real estate in space. And I can tell you that when you’re creating videos on education, they’re usually the least engaged pieces of content that you’ll create, right? So if I create a video on the home buying process, I might get like ten views on that thing, right?
00:05:00:22 – 00:05:22:04
But if I create a video about me dancing in a in an elf outfit at a listing, I’m going to get like 30 500,000 views on that video. But why is there a difference in content and it’s not that one’s bad or the other, it’s just on you need to know. On how to use the content. Some of the most important content that you guys should have and everyone should have is education about why the fuck you’re an expert?
00:05:22:11 – 00:05:44:24
Like Who the fuck are you and why should I let you tell me what to do on the largest investment of my house or in my lifetime in educational content is what we call core content. Core content is there. Everyone needs it. You have to have you imagine a hotel not having pictures of their pool and it’s a resort online, right?
00:05:45:00 – 00:06:05:16
Yeah, right. Exactly. No entities. That is their core content. Right. And you got to look at like from any other business, it’s just go around other businesses just so you guys get in the right mindset because the question I’m going to ask yourself while I’m walking through these examples is if you visited your website, would you fucking hire you seriously, look at your own website and be like, Dude, would you would I hire myself?
00:06:05:16 – 00:06:26:22
Like, Seriously, what are my site actually tells people I’m an expert and why should they trust me? Because I’m a realtor. No one cares, right? That’s where education comes in. So although it isn’t like the most sexy type of content to create, it’s the stuff you use over and over again with every single client. No one cares that your license, only one cares.
00:06:26:22 – 00:06:46:24
Is that your what you could do with the license? So how are you using education in your process? Like obviously you’re more on the buy side, but talk to me about that. What do you do education wise? How do you leverage education to enhance the experience? But more importantly, make realtors look like freaking badasses because that’s ultimately like your secret sauce, right?
00:06:47:14 – 00:07:14:16
Right. Right, exactly. And the difference I think the difference between the two videos, you know, the examples that you gave was the video’s for entertainment purposes. Right. And the the education the education is more targeted. Right. You’re shooting for a specific person that you’re talking to and you’re a specific audience that you’re targeting things to. And so what we try to do is we find we find people where they’re at in the process.
00:07:14:16 – 00:07:36:22
And when you have a whole when you have a whole learning center or a whole library of educate, then it doesn’t matter where I find that person, I know where to place them. Right. If they if they’re a renter, I know. I know to put education in front of them, that will make them a first time homebuyer if if their objection is that they have a low credit score.
00:07:37:05 – 00:07:58:00
I’ve got tons of credit score education material that I can put in front of these people. And, you know, they can consume at their own at their own pace and and start fixing their credit score. Right. If somebody comes up to me and says, you know, I get introduce somebody, hey, Mark’s in the mortgage business. I’m like, Oh, yeah, I just bought a house for four months ago.
00:07:58:00 – 00:08:17:01
Right? That’s that’s like the ultimate thing for anybody to tell you, because they know that, you know, I’m not going to try to start selling them a mortgage or a real estate agent isn’t going to start selling them a house because they just bought one. Right. That they’re in the safe zone. But I go, okay, that’s great. Hey, my clients, whenever my clients close, I always give them a gift.
00:08:17:11 – 00:08:42:18
And this gift is the homeowner handbook and it’s a learning center. And half of it, not half of it, but a lot of it is based around being a great homeowner. I’d like to give this to you. Right. And that’s that’s usually where I leave it. But I hand that to them. I sign them up. They get a whole bunch of great value home maintenance videos about how to be an awesome homeowner and how to maintain their home.
00:08:42:23 – 00:09:03:04
And at least instead of saying, Oh, great, congratulations on closing your house four months ago, now I’m going to be in front of that person educating them on how to be a homeowner so that whenever I guess in the mortgage world, whenever the rates go down, they’ve already been been listening to me or whenever they’re ready to buy a new house that they know that they need to come to me for a preapproval.
00:09:04:15 – 00:09:25:12
It’s a powerful thing because we all know that there’s NAR stats out there that say that, you know, 87% of people say that they’ll use their real estate agent again, but only 27% of them actually do the right thing. It’s even less than that. Yeah. Yeah, that’s crazy. Yeah, it’s crazy. It’s crazy because there’s no power. All right.
00:09:25:12 – 00:09:49:03
So well, I think the main point that the main point that I try to drive home is that when you have a robust learning center or I have a library of education, that there’s nobody that you can meet out there that you can’t slide into your environment and start educating them. If it’s not right now for the future, yes, love it.
00:09:50:02 – 00:10:10:18
Here’s what happens realistically. Like no one hears from anyone after they close. And like, it’s funny because, you know, when you especially on the buy side, like your work or the client, you almost become friends with them. Like you have intimate conversations in the car, you’re laughing together and whatnot. They’re emotional, especially when there’s like a couple. I mean, I used to go out to dinner with all my clients.
00:10:10:18 – 00:10:24:16
I was like sort of my secret. I would get them drunk and I’m like, they’re you can ever cheat on me with anyone else. They’re going to close all up. They’re going all the way to the closing table. But that was I built a relationship. We go out to dinner, I would invest 3 to $400 per client just through dinners and whatnot.
00:10:24:23 – 00:10:43:17
And I did that strategically because I wasn’t in it for their direct business. I was in it for the referral business because every single person they know they can refer me to. And that client experience is like what we’re sort of talking about here. But Mark’s taking it to a new level. What he’s saying is like, All right, great, let’s not only use education within the client like service.
00:10:43:17 – 00:11:09:22
That’s how everybody uses it, right? But how do we stay in front of them and continue to add value without being a douchey real estate agent saying, Hey, do you got a referral for me? Hey, do you have a referral for me? Hey, do you have referrals from me? Oh, don’t forget, I’m in real estate. Hey, by the way, you get the latest market update, real estate market news, you can’t if you guys just talk about real estate and buying and selling and self-serving interest with your database, they’re going to tune you out because no one wants to talk about real estate listing in the market to buy it.
00:11:10:08 – 00:11:32:00
Sorry, HGTV does a good enough job for that, so they’re going to watch that real estate content over yours any day. So don’t try to compete, but doesn’t mean you don’t stay in touch. How are you doing that? And like, do you have like a frequencies or touch schedule? So if someone closes on a house, you give them your homeowner handbook, they take the homeowner handbook.
00:11:32:00 – 00:11:51:13
And that’s basically like, okay, here’s how you save money, I’m guessing on like solar or this, and here’s how you do this and here’s how you do that and so on and so on. Yeah, sure. So the people that are going into the closing table, it all depends on how they enter the handbook. So we have the the homeowner handbook is a learning center.
00:11:51:13 – 00:12:12:12
It’s a library of videos and it also comes with a CRM, right? So it depends on when they enter the handbook whether if they entered as a first time homebuyer, they’re going to they’re going to start a campaign. We’re going to start a campaign for them. That’s going to just talk about homebuying. It’s going to talk about being prepared for financing.
00:12:12:18 – 00:12:33:19
It’s going to be talk about things you want to think about when when buying a home, you know, then it’s going to talk and it’s also going to talk about credit score and things like that. Things you need to do to get ready for us. But if you’re if you’ve just closed, like, say you want to my clients and you know, and or say your, you know, say a friend of mine, you know, that everybody gets right.
00:12:33:24 – 00:12:54:01
I just you know, I just saw a Facebook, a friend of mine closed on their house and it didn’t use me. Right. So, hey, you know, here’s a gift, you know, happy closing day and they get the handbook and they’re entering as a homeowner, right? So they’re going to enter it as, hey, congratulations. They’re not going to get homeownership videos because that doesn’t apply to them.
00:12:54:06 – 00:13:23:06
But they’re going to get is they’re going to get is hey, it’s summer. Now here’s your list of things you need to do to maintain your home for summer. Right? Here’s here’s a, you know, here’s how to, you know, replace, you know, your your your filter in your dishwasher and things like that where honestly, a majority of the homebuyers, you know, first time homebuyers for sure, that are in their low thirties, most of them have no idea that their dishwasher, even has a has a filter in it.
00:13:23:06 – 00:13:41:22
Right. It’s little things like that that we’re educating them a little bit further. So they’re Oh wow. I didn’t even think about that before. Yeah, that’s a value. It’s a value added way to stay in touch. It isn’t self-serving. This is how content works. You guys like we’re talking about content, education, it’s all content. Like we have to create something.
00:13:41:22 – 00:13:56:16
You have to create something to stay in touch, to stay present. Because if you’re not somebody else’s, I mean, that’s just how simple it is. That’s that’s why those stats go like 80% of people would love to work with you again, but they just forget who you exist, who the hell you are. I mean, that’s just the reality of it.
00:13:57:00 – 00:14:16:09
You can never build any type of brand without staying in touch with people, whether it’s people you’re just friends with their family that haven’t transacted with you or the ones you have. It doesn’t matter. You have to always be marketing wherever you’re at. I like to say ABR always be reminding wherever you’re at because you never know where the next deal is going to come from.
00:14:18:00 – 00:14:44:10
Just think about from this point of view. There’s a reason and we’re not telling you anything that no one knows. I’m trying to get out of your head is why aren’t you doing this? Because there’s not a business in the world that doesn’t have an email list. Like I just signed up. I went to visit on a vacation last weekend to Huntington Beach with my family, and Hilton’s already sent me like four freaking offers or hi, wherever the fuck I was out, they said I got like four vacation things.
00:14:44:11 – 00:14:59:00
I’m like, I’m like, close to pulling the trigger on another one. They’re staying in touch with me. I could tell what they did at the hotel last week. I’m like, Oh, cool shit. I wish we had went there this weekend. None of it is self-serving. It’s just sort of like value added, right? So and that happens with any business.
00:14:59:00 – 00:15:19:21
If you go to Home Depot, they start sending you coupons because a retailer has a version of value to their customer base as a discount. It’s all shit. So what’s your value base? What are you going to do? What are you going to give as a real estate agent or a lender? Even when you give give them tips, that’s your expertize that positions you as the expert.
00:15:19:21 – 00:15:46:04
What is it like? How often do people stay in touch? I have like I’m all about staying in touch with people. That’s my whole thing. So what are you guys doing? What do you see works best of actual. I you know I think this day and age actual value right it’s less about how often unless somebody raised their hand and said, hey, I want to buy right now and then, you know, then you kick it into high gear and trying to stay in touch with somebody.
00:15:46:04 – 00:16:13:05
But I think it’s less about how often and how much value you’re delivering. Like there’s there’s only there’s only so many checking cash story recipes or happy girl cheese day, you know, kind of emails that you can send out. Like they don’t nobody cares about that. But when you send something of value that they’ve even if they only read it for 15 seconds, you know, they, they decided they stopped what they were doing in their day to read what, what you provided.
00:16:13:07 – 00:16:44:05
Right. And I think it’s value whether it’s whether, you know, twice a week, once a month, I think that matters less. And in the buying cycle, especially the first time homebuyer, you’re buying cycles 12, 24 months. Right. It’s just that most agents and loan officers don’t realize that because we tend to enter the buying cycle on that last 10%, you know, when they’re when they’re one or two months away and they’ve been learning for for 12 to 16 months already.
00:16:45:06 – 00:17:03:09
So it’s something then that we don’t really think about. And honestly, most people are only equipped to provide the value that, you know, that they’re equipped of about it. So if I’m a loan officer, I’ve got financing videos, or if I’m a real estate agent, I’ve got, you know, things you can do to buy a home videos, right?
00:17:03:09 – 00:17:24:07
But if you team up like we’ve done here with the handbook and have experts from every sector educating on it, then then you can focus on what you do best and let the other experts that you’ve partnered with focus on what they do best. And I think it’s I think the answer is value for sure. Yeah. That the other option is entertainment.
00:17:24:07 – 00:17:38:14
If you can make people laugh, but reality is most aren’t that funny. So that’s a that unless you’re you know, you’ve got to have or entertaining content. That’s where video comes in and then you’ve got to get editors and all that stuff. So you got to get one or get a couple other mortgage people all over the country.
00:17:38:14 – 00:17:56:17
And I can promise you most of us are funny. So there’s different categories of content or call it learning centers. I’ll give you guys another example. I remember my old website. I know what happened with it, but my server’s down. But I had a concept. It was just nothing. But it was a homeowner handbook as a freaking encyclopedia, Chicago real estate.
00:17:57:07 – 00:18:15:16
And I would just blog and write and write, but I would always repurpose. So I had a page on the site How to sell your house without a realtor. And that whole page was like a course on how to sell your house without a real estate agent. I gave them the local Chicago Association realtor contracts. I gave them the disclosures, I gave them my inspector.
00:18:16:12 – 00:18:35:04
I gave them everything to do the job without them, even my photographer, my videographer. And I gave him my whole checklist of everything. We do it marketing wise. So the reason for that is that I’m not scared to share everything and anything. Like I’ll share all content. That’s my share. I’ll give you everything because I know that you need me to fulfill some of it.
00:18:35:04 – 00:18:50:17
That’s always been my sales strategy. So when I have a for sale by owner, what would I do? Do you think they want to talk to a real estate agent? Mark No. Yeah, that’s why they’re for sale by owner, bro. They fucking hate you. They hate you guys. All right, so. But yeah, I would try for some of that.
00:18:50:17 – 00:19:08:03
Oh, that’s fantastic. You know what? I just put a I basically have a gun for sale by owner course on my website. I’m happy to share with you to give you the contracts and all this stuff. I’m going to send it to you and we hang up. And the only thing I want to ask is that if you do have to hire somebody, I would love, you know that to be me or at least give me a shot.
00:19:08:03 – 00:19:23:01
But at the same time, if you’re going to sell your house without a realtor, I’d love be the person to show you how. And boom, they’re like, What the fuck you say? And then you just you completely mind fuck them because you got to go backwards with it, right? And then they’re like, Whoa, so you’re not trying to sell me?
00:19:23:01 – 00:19:39:16
You’re trying to help me. I can’t tell you how many times that works because if you if you really break it down, everyone assumes I’m going to do this, but I do the opposite. And then, boom, I have them. That was my hooker, my attention getter. But I at least had an excuse to stay in touch. I used to argue that people like I’d never would go.
00:19:39:18 – 00:20:07:02
Why would you go after for sale by owner for the listing instead? I’d go after them to buy their next house. And then you should. If you build a relationship that angle, get the listing in a much easier way because you’re not coming at it as self-serving interest. So think outside the box you guys like. And the other thing too is that when people have a very good experience with you, they refer you and no differently than you refer restaurant.
00:20:07:02 – 00:20:27:24
You beat that or whatever it is. If they have a shitty experience with you, they don’t refer you. They detract business from you because they tell their friends about how bad you are. That happens all the time. What kind of categories of content or would you call it learning centers? Do you see you’ve named a couple first time homebuyer, so maybe you missed.
00:20:28:01 – 00:20:52:02
We have we have homebuying. We have homebuying which which right now is financing and real estate side income is they work they work together so well that we had a hard time separating that. But we have credit score. We are, I think, most of the most popular part of credit score is we have a seven part video series on the seven misconceptions of credit.
00:20:52:10 – 00:21:16:00
Right and home maintenance is the is is in the top three right. And that’s that’s after you already own the home. These are things you need to know about, you know, yada, yada. We talk about home inspections. Home inspections is one of those things my brother and a co-founder of of the him but is a home inspector and one thing and my dad’s a home inspector.
00:21:16:00 – 00:21:36:13
So like like I know I know how important home inspections are. And I think that a lot of people go into the transaction not understanding, you know, anything at all about what that home inspection supposed to do other than they were told by their real estate agent, you need a home inspection, right? You need to get a homosexual.
00:21:36:14 – 00:22:03:24
This kind of breaks down. These are things that you should expect from your home and home inspector. These are things you should expect. The day of this is how to read a report. Right. This is I think the most important thing is this is what you should take away from the report. Right. And these are you know, these are all things that I think if if your client was more educated about the home inspection process, I think it makes all I think it makes the whole process less stressful, right?
00:22:03:24 – 00:22:26:22
Yeah. Because I mean, anything anything that you do, you’re more you’re more stressed about things you don’t know that are approaching than things you are a little more educated on that are approaching. Right. I mean, if you take a if you take an hour drive to someplace, you’ve never been that out. That drive there seems like three times longer than that.
00:22:26:22 – 00:22:49:02
Our drive back, because you’re you’re going over a road that you’ve already traveled now and there’s less of the in your mind going, okay, what’s going to happen next? What, you know, where am I going? And unfortunately, that’s where that’s where a lot of home buyers and that’s how a lot of homebuyers navigate the homebuying process. And they’re like, where am I going?
00:22:49:02 – 00:23:16:02
You know, we also have an insurance module where it just kind of breaks down. It kind of breaks down homeowner’s insurance. We’re going to expand that a little bit more. But obviously, that’s what’s important in the homebuying process. And and a refinance process or homeownership process. So just knowing honestly, I don’t know a ton I didn’t know a ton about my first homeowner’s insurance policy.
00:23:16:02 – 00:23:43:10
Right. It just so much numbers your coverage you’re covered for $500,000 of this, you know, $300,000 of this. But you don’t know what any of that’s going to. And this kind of helps break that down so that, you know, to go to your agent and ask the right questions that I think a lot of times during the process, people just go for the lowest quote always and then they find out like we had in Nashville, we had tornadoes come through.
00:23:43:10 – 00:24:07:19
They had I don’t know, is it five or six years ago? And it just leveled leveled sections of a town called Mount Juliet. And we had people I had a few clients that bought a house, had their house completely, completely leveled. Two different clients. One had the house completely rebuilt. That ended up being worth $150,000 more than the house that they bought.
00:24:08:04 – 00:24:33:02
And another one barely was able. They had to come out of pocket, and it was a struggle for them to even begin rebuilding that house. And there was it was the same storm, two different insurance companies and two different insurance policies. It has a completely different experience because one was prepared and one wasn’t. Yeah. Yep. And so that’s basically the gist.
00:24:33:06 – 00:24:54:21
We have a title module as well. The title module is just mainly to say what is title insurance? Because I bet 80% of the people listening to your podcast right now, even though they’re loan officers and real estate agents, really have no clue what title insurance is. So it goes through that, Hey, what’s the role of the title company?
00:24:54:21 – 00:25:13:08
What are they going to do? What do you expect when you when you when you hear from them and and things like that? Some of these modules, people aren’t even going to open, right. Unless they’re really dedicated to knowing everything about the process. Right. But the fact that it’s there is the important aspect of things in my opinion.
00:25:13:18 – 00:25:31:23
Well, yeah, it’s most and no one will remember. Like even when they see it, they’ll just remember that you have it. So it’s like if you have two different people and you have one person who has all of this, like collateral call it, and one person that just shows up and they have like a their outfit on and a good smile and you walk away and they give it to Bolton.
00:25:31:23 – 00:25:51:02
It’s about making that impression. So, yes, 100%. It’s about the and the consumer experience and then the educating them on the process. But the touch points along the way are what are very key because I’m I think the whole damn business is about experience, consumer experience, because those are all selling the same shit, like everyone has the same products and services.
00:25:51:12 – 00:26:10:13
The only difference between all of us is, okay, how is that person delivering those products and services right now? That’s why we have owner advocate, for example, we have multiple seller options where we’re talking a lot on the buy side. But, you know, we have a process we call owner advocate and on the sell side of that, we give them six or seven different ways to sell their properties.
00:26:10:24 – 00:26:29:23
So very same concept just through education and all that is how we’re converting and attracting seller leads. So but here’s the point, though. This is your opportune idea to do something different if you don’t have your own. Like if you don’t have content that shows people you’re the expert, then are you really the expert? As my whole combatant?
00:26:29:23 – 00:26:51:12
And then why don’t you have that content? We used to do these. We’re not doing them anymore. But there’s many people you could hire or services like Marks has a service can that you guys can utilize with the homeowner handbook. But there’s no excuse to not have this shit. Like these are basic sales tools you’re not having. Your education is like a restaurant, not having a recipe that they cook every single day.
00:26:51:19 – 00:27:16:07
Same damn thing. Mark, any closing thoughts on here? And we’ll get this wrapped up. Yeah, a few one. I’ll take a I guess I’ll take a page out of your I’ll take a page out of your handbook and you know, say that, you know, whenever you’re talking about your sphere of influence and you’re talking about like 10% of people that you know are going to move this year.
00:27:16:14 – 00:27:42:22
Right. And the important thing is 10% of the people that they know that your friends know are going to move this year. Right. So it’s all about controlling that sphere of influence. Don’t if you put yourself where you’re just self-serving. Right. And you’re just salesy, salesy sales that nobody wants to refer to that it. Right. Because when when it’s when it’s friend, a friend, they want to help, right?
00:27:42:22 – 00:28:05:05
They want to lead with a helping hand. So friend a, you know, your friend Cody wants to help his friend John buy a house or wants to help, but he didn’t. But Cody doesn’t know anything about home buying, but he’s. He’s in the homeowner handbook, so you can say, Hey, let me share this with you and I’ll give you a bunch of education that will help you at least, you know, start to navigate what you’re looking for.
00:28:05:07 – 00:28:26:19
Right? That’s something that a friend would love to share with another friend and help get you down that path we offer for those. There’s a lot of people in our industry that are afraid of a video camera. I shouldn’t say afraid. They just don’t want to do it. That’s not part of that’s not they haven’t they haven’t devoted that part to their business plan.
00:28:26:19 – 00:28:50:08
That’s that’s fine. We’ve got that solution for you where you can just leverage our videos. We also have a solution where you’re creating your own content, you’re putting your own content into your own learning center where you can take when you want. You can take control of that process, and instead of them listening to somebody else talk, they’re listening to you talk and making you more of an authority.
00:28:51:00 – 00:29:11:14
But again, if that’s not that’s not up your alley. If you’re not comfortable on camera, use our videos. And then the CRM that’s attached to the handbook. Let the CRM that CRM is coming from you. Right? Those emails are coming from you. Those texts are coming from you. And all of that value is going to have is going to have you branded on it.
00:29:11:18 – 00:29:45:02
You’re branded on the learning center. It’d be homeowner dash handbook you’re slash you know dot com slash your name handbook and your picture on it so this is something for everybody and it’s something to just to get education out there because the last thing you want your future prospect doing is being out there on Google Learning most mostly wrong information from sources that are going to take their information and sell them out.
00:29:45:02 – 00:30:10:17
But why don’t you tell them if you guys are interested in learning more about Homeowner Handbook, tell them what the website was just so they can find out. Yeah, for sure. We actually have a special site just for you. It’s homeowner dash handbook dot com slash sweet assist where you go. If you go there if you go there the landing page, it’ll tell you.
00:30:10:17 – 00:30:30:16
It will remind you what the code is. But you get 50% off if you use the code suite, assist you fit yourself the starter package and you get 10% off the pro package. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Love it, folks. Take this opportunity to look in working on your business. What can you do to stand out?
00:30:31:00 – 00:30:55:20
Out compete up brand OutServe and just be different? That’s what’s going to work in this market. And although things might be a little bit slower now, things aren’t dead and people are still going to move no matter what. So whenever things are moving again, then the last one standing are the ones who always reap the benefits. So I’ve seen this happen many, many times and I’m going to make a wild prediction and I’m going to say it’s going to happen again.
00:30:56:05 – 00:31:18:16
So appreciate you guys. Just another absolute reality marketing do podcast. We will see you guys next week and visit us at Sweet Assist with assist dot com. We’ll see you guys by peace. Thank you for watching. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do Podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW W dot real estate marketing do dot com.
00:31:18:19 – 00:31:48:03
We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.
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