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Client Attraction and Personal Branding

Without a brand, your business is already dead. But what is your brand doing for you? This is a great time to develop your brand into something that will bring in a consistent stream of clients.


Check out Laura’s Website

Real Estate Marketing Dude

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00:00:02:05 – 00:00:28:13


Laura, go ahead and tell my editor for Shownotes name website. All of your social handles, stuff like that. And so it’s Laura Griffin and the website is groups within us to leads within and the same social media handle. Or you can also do for Instagram. It’s Laura Griffin Rail, a tour that’s set up while we’re talking here.

00:00:28:15 – 00:01:59:11


All right. You ready to rock? Yeah. So you said groups to leads like the number two. No. To gay. I mean, just see. So some visuals and it’ll be good to go. Ready, Rock? Yeah. All right. Three, two and one.

00:01:59:13 – 00:02:18:11


So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webmaster Real Estate Marketing in this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them.

00:02:18:15 – 00:02:30:14


Let’s get started.

00:02:30:16 – 00:02:54:03


What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude. Podcast books should It’s hitting the fan. There are things happening in the marketplace. Mortgage apps are the lowest they’ve ever been in the history of mortgage apps. What are you going to do? I see nothing but giant opportunity in this marketplace because as agents continue to dwindle and whatnot, it’s just a reality of the situation.

00:02:54:05 – 00:03:11:19


The amount of agents leaving the industry is not as large as the number of homes still being transacted. So there’s actually a large opportunity there. However, you need to know how to capitalize on that opportunity and anytime there’s a shift. Brands are built, all right, Brands are built, and without a brand, you will not survive in this fucking space.

00:03:11:19 – 00:03:28:05


I don’t care what you say. You need a brand to continue going forward because no one’s hiring the realtor for what they do. You’re it’s a commodity in the consumer’s eyes, but they’re hiring. You force how you do it, but you have to be thought of first. You have to be top of mind first, and you have to be able to connect with people because you’re no longer a real estate agent.

00:03:28:05 – 00:03:55:11


Your damn media company been screaming this since 2014 and I’ve been damn right we have probably Today show one of the best brands I’ve seen and we just met like, I don’t know, Laura, we haven’t talked before. We’ve met for what? Laura At 4 minutes? Yeah. 30. But I could tell you just from browsing on her website right here, her brand is one of the best I’ve ever seen positioned wise, especially for a real estate agent.

00:03:55:13 – 00:04:15:24


And she positions herself as a mom. And I bet you Laura can probably charge me an 8% commission and I wouldn’t give a shit. I’d probably still hire her because I could connect with her so much. And there’s a difference between people. Like when people are hiring you, they’re hiring you for how you do things and more importantly, what you stand for.

00:04:15:24 – 00:04:34:24


But it’s ultimately the way you make them feel. And your brand is the direct reflection of that. The reason why I’m harping on this so much is because right now, developing your brand is going to be easier than when the market’s hot. So when you’re when people are like, look how many realtors stop doing video in the last time, I’m telling you, I used to do videos for hundreds of realtors.

00:04:34:24 – 00:04:54:03


I lost over 75% of my business in the shift and the amount of people leaving, that just it’s a vacuum for attention on social media. It’s a vacuum to get your face out there, because regardless of what happens when people are pulling back on their budgets, this is when you double down. But if you don’t have a brand to go with it, it’s going to fall on deaf ears.

00:04:54:05 – 00:05:12:06


So what I want to focus this show on is how to really develop your brand and what a better example than to have Laura Griffin here today and share with us exactly how she I don’t think Laura sells real estate. I think she’s a mom that happens to sell real estate on the side. At least that’s the way her brand is positioned.

00:05:12:06 – 00:05:35:15


And this is an unbelievable way that she’s doing it from her fonts to whatever the colors are really good or sharp, but she’s doing it. She did this in a cold market because she literally went to a brand new cold market, new Nobody didn’t buy any leads but focused on her own personal brand, adapted that to her business, built a Facebook group and now she’s talking, crushing it.

00:05:35:17 – 00:05:58:14


Without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guests, Ms.. Laura Griffin. Laura, once say hello to everybody and tell us a little bit about who is Laura. Quick story. Where’d you go? Where you at? Where are you from? Hi, everybody. Thank you so much for that introduction when he was Laura Griffin, I’m a real estate agent, and then the Northern Virginia areas, which is my inside Washington, D.C., we moved to this area, Oh, gosh, almost 12 years ago.

00:05:58:14 – 00:06:18:19


My husband was military, retired and worked for the government. And so we moved from Northern California to Northern Virginia. I didn’t know anybody. I was in the corporate world, in the banking industry as a bank manager. I had my daughter that I got to be a stay at home mom. This is going to be great. And I failed at it.

00:06:18:21 – 00:06:34:12


After a few months, I was like, I think I need something to do. And I had been in the real estate industry in California in a different capacity and called the who’s now my broker, who sold us our house. And they said, have they contacted real estate? How does this work? What I need to do a lot, a lot.

00:06:34:14 – 00:06:55:23


And so he hired me and said, Hey, I’m hiring my team, which later turned into a brokerage and up a thousand plus agents in our area. And I was on his team. He was our team lead, and they gave us some online Zillow and Zillow and Facebook ads, all these different things. And I quickly realized that was not my jam.

00:06:56:00 – 00:07:13:23


And if you ask him, I probably lost him thousands of dollars. And with a young child, I couldn’t pick up the phone. It was like speed delete, right? And I’d always fail because there was no way I could call that Lee. The first second it came in and keep calling. And, you know, my daughter was little and and all these things and I hated it.

00:07:14:00 – 00:07:31:08


And I hated doing open houses on Sundays because I had a little child. And that was the day my husband was off to his job. And so it was like, I don’t want to give up my weekends. And so I start going to mommy me classes. And I was like, I really like this networking thing. And ended up starting a Facebook group in our area for local moms.

00:07:31:08 – 00:07:45:06


And it’s county wide because there are areas the county made more sense when you started that not to interrupt you, but when you started that group was real estate in mind or you just wanted to connect with other moms, just wanted other moms to go coffee with you. Because I was born, I didn’t know anybody. We had no family.

00:07:45:06 – 00:08:04:10


We no friends. Like it was more self-serving. It sounds really bad, but it was self-serving. I wanted I wanted friends. Okay. I’m going to bring that up in a minute. Write that down. Okay. So I wanted to friends and I had like a handful of friends I’d meet at a hospital, mom’s group, and I ended up into the group and it was just like night, you know, like my kids aren’t sleeping.

00:08:04:10 – 00:08:21:08


What do I do? Kind of things. And I thought, no one’s going to join this group, and my friends join a few their friends over and a whole bunch of people started joining and it kind of snowballed into this thing. We’re just about it. I have little mini groups too, so if you count the mini groups, we’re out over 12 are over 12,000 members.

00:08:21:10 – 00:08:40:12


And I slowly realized I was better placed to face connecting and people thought I was some sort of a local celebrity. Like people will stop me at Target or the farmer’s market. My kids just go, Oh my God, I please stop. And these people want to talk to me because I’m a celebrity. And I was realizing that they already knew, liked and trusted me and they were comfortable with me.

00:08:40:12 – 00:08:59:16


And so I was getting all clients that were moms with little children because they could relate to me. And I can relate to them. And their transaction with children is a little bit different than if you’re downsizing or you’re a first time home buyer. And most of them are trade up clients because they’ve little kids. They outgrew their house and they’re buying a bigger home.

00:08:59:16 – 00:09:24:02


And so I started realizing that my group was powerful and I started utilizing that as my lead source and threw in a few events here. And I have a Santa event and things like that that started leveraging my group and growing it and putting in content that would not let me like stand up and say, Hey, I’m a real estate agent every 5 minutes in my group, but it’s weaved into it and it’s weaved into my weekly nurture system that they all get every week.

00:09:24:04 – 00:09:41:00


So that way they know that I’m a realtor and it’s easy. They call when someone wants to buy or sell a house, they call me and it’s a nice feeling. I’m not chasing the lead like I was with the online leads. This sounds so easy and would unpack a couple of things. First, I want to deal with everyone’s objections and it’s free.

00:09:41:02 – 00:10:00:09


Yeah, it’s a free leads are store, which is something that is unique. So let’s focus and let’s unpack this because you’re sitting on your treadmill right now. You’re like 12,000 people. I’m not that interesting, right? That’s the first thing that people say. I’m not that interesting. No one’s going to pay attention to me. Well, everyone says the same thing about video, too, but I’ve yet to see an agent that does video consistently.

00:10:00:09 – 00:10:19:08


That’s not crushing it. And the reason for that is just a matter of attention. And this entire industry is based upon attention. It’s a popularity contest. The best agent doesn’t get the damn deal. The most popular one does. Yeah, that’s nine times out of ten. 9.5. I would say 9.9 times out of ten. It’s no differently in any other industry like the best lawyer.

00:10:19:08 – 00:10:39:15


I’m doing a ton of attorney work right now on a ton of videos with the attorneys, and the best attorney doesn’t get the job, the best marketed one does. And it’s the same in every single industry, you guys. But marketing without a brand falls on deaf ears. You’re just a salesperson chasing a truck and you’re pitching someone on your services about why they should buy or sell you, which is why the key to this whole brand that you did.

00:10:39:15 – 00:10:56:23


And I don’t know if you knew what you were really onto, but it’s genius because she didn’t like develop this. If you look back at her story really quick, she in developed this like on a whim. She’s like, I want to create a group of people that I connect with first right now, most real estate agents will come out first objection.

00:10:56:23 – 00:11:15:02


They’re going to have their income on say, Oh, if I’m going to position myself as a mom, well, I’m going to turn off the fucking dads. That’s the first thing that agents are going to say, right? No, doesn’t happen. Or hey, if I’m just working for just a mom, then I’m going to turn off this group or I’m going to do this.

00:11:15:04 – 00:11:37:11


Look, guys, I called myself a marketing dude and I fucking crushed it. And it’s because I connected with people on a level. And the reality is, is that your brand should turn some people off. And if it’s not meant to connect with every single person, because if it was, you would call yourself God. Yeah, true. So so like she she identifies.

00:11:37:11 – 00:11:54:20


So what’s your tribe? Look at your own business. Who do you connect with? See the brand and your content strategy. Really, what she’s developing is she developed a content strategy formulated within a group, but it first starts by who’s group entry? Who do I really connect with? What are you what do you do on the weekends? What do you really do on the weekends if you don’t have to work?

00:11:54:20 – 00:12:06:18


And if you won the lottery but you can’t move anywhere you’re living in, you’re stuck in a town you live in. That’s the answer with whom you communicate with those 5 to 10 people you put yourself in a room with, hang out with them for the rest of your life because you don’t need to worry about money anymore.

00:12:06:21 – 00:12:29:10


Well, that’s what you build your basis about. What would you guys talk about? There’s your content strategy 100%. And if you look at my group’s demographics through the insights, because I’ll be honest, I’m 41 and my group mainly is 35 to 44 age group. We’re all moms. Most of us have two children. Most of our children under ten, which is me.

00:12:29:10 – 00:12:53:04


I have a ten and a seven and a half year old. And I, I will say I speak their language. And what I’m yes, the reason I’ll get the call oftentimes is I understand this is going to be a shit show of us selling our own small townhome, upgrading to a bigger house. We got kids and dogs and there’s like toy throw up all of our house and yeah, like we don’t know what to do, but they call me because I understand it and I’ve lived it.

00:12:53:04 – 00:13:14:07


I mean, we’ve moved nine times this year to military. I’m going to gas you guys are up like Quantico or not. Yeah, no. As it’s medically retired now, but and then I have two children and I’ll say one has ADHD and autism and my other son is has ADHD as well. But it’s like, I understand this like, yeah, it’s going to be a shitshow.

00:13:14:09 – 00:13:33:06


Yes, it is, but I can help you with it. And they feel comfortable with me and, and, and I will say it’s always the wife that calls me, never the husband. But also when people are relocating into the area, the name of my group, the secret sauce to it is if you’re going to start a group, it has to be your city, town, county, neighborhood in the name.

00:13:33:06 – 00:13:49:13


So mine is loud and moms because I live in London County. So whether you’re Dallas, Texas or Sacramento or whatever, you know, it should be moms or community group or whatever. But what happens is people that are relocating to our area, which we have a lot of government here near D.C., so people are relooking all the time. The first thing is the white kids on the computer.

00:13:49:15 – 00:14:09:19


She searches for Moms group in our area. So I get all the relocation people because smart because they know they’re they’re searching this area and they find my moms group so I’m super smart. And what are the first questions that somebody who’s moving into an area asks where the schools, how are the neighborhoods? Because my kids go outside and play at the park.

00:14:09:21 – 00:14:27:09


Is it safe? Daycare? Yeah. Where’s the daycare? How much does it cost? Right. So like you could see the content strategy, but that’s just stuff you’re talking about anyways, isn’t it? As you live lives, are you really thinking that hard or are you really just being you? Yeah. And a percent and I have content, I have a kind of a calendar and I have a content strategy.

00:14:27:09 – 00:14:46:20


And I will say I rotate my question. I have questions that I will post in a group. So stay active and there are questions that I’ll post like I want. And some of them I’ll do just a data data mine, my group, because I want to know. So sometimes I’ll post what’s the one thing in your town today, whether it’s here that you want to change?

00:14:46:20 – 00:15:07:09


If you could change anything about your home today, what’s the one thing you would change? And it’s so golden because people will comment, Oh, we’re having a new baby and he knows how to get kind of smile. Okay, There’s a lead. Yeah, you’re just like ending. And if I know your name, I probably got your email when you joined the group with you gave it to me and or and, or I can kind of look you up in the database with our MLS.

00:15:07:10 – 00:15:25:24


I can find you. And so it’s, it’s positioning it’s you’re able to data mine and find people in your group that will be leads for you. Yep. Which is really easy to do. So let’s get we get the group and let’s get into contact now I’m the folks by okay so we have a you know you have a group, you have a group people.

00:15:25:24 – 00:15:48:07


Now can you tell them why forming a group is so important versus just posting them on your personal page or a business page first? Yeah. And so about it was in June of this year. I had Home Depot on the first weekend, I think Lowe’s as the first Saturday of every month, they do a kids workshop. I was on my way and I posted this on my Facebook business pages.

00:15:48:07 – 00:16:03:18


I’m on my way to a listening appointment. It’s the first Saturday my kids want. I forget what it was, I think was like a treasure box or something. We go to many times in a year and I’m hanging out with my kids, make it a treasure box on my way to a listing appointment. And I took pictures of me and the kids at Home Depot putting this thing together, and my husband did most of the work, I’ll be honest.

00:16:03:20 – 00:16:19:10


And I posted on my business page, I think 100 people saw it if even I posted it in the group. So first of all, they were saying, I’m a mom, I’m relatable. There’s a free activity going on right now which is giving value. Number three is he she’s a real estate agent because she’s going to a let’s an appointment in Ashburn on her way.

00:16:19:10 – 00:16:44:01


This is what she’s doing in my group. Over 6000 people saw it. So 6000 people saw it. A ton of people commented and interacted with the post versus a hundred people on my business page. And the reason why is Facebook is pushing more people towards groups. They’re putting a ton of money towards community and building community. And yeah, I could have put on my page and boosted it or didn’t add to it, but this was organic free traffic.

00:16:44:02 – 00:16:59:16


And so people not only know I’m a mom, I’m relatable, but I’m a real estate agent. So it was free advertising, love it, ongoing content, like there’s 30 days in a month, guys. So when you’re creating a content calendar, it’s on an annual and it’s 30 times 12. It’s a lot more easier to like, get your head around that right?

00:16:59:16 – 00:17:17:11


Don’t don’t fucking don’t put yourself out the window before you even get in the car right. So walk me through like how you do your content strategy. Like, what do I post? What’s the best stuff to post and groups? What’s the cadence? Frequency all the above. Go ahead and spill the beans. So I look at my insights, right?

00:17:17:11 – 00:17:31:12


And I look at it a month that it’s time I have some posts that I know are really popular and I’ll and I keep a it’s not fancy. It doesn’t have to be fantastic. I have a Google sheet. It’s like a word doc in Google and I keep track of like what was really popular and I’ll put an asterisk around it.

00:17:31:17 – 00:17:49:20


Sometimes it’s it’s community based, right? So hey, there is this reactivity or this, this new pizza parlor that’s opening. Some of it is just engagement post like drop your like drop your favorite gif of how your morning went with your kids. People love that. Like, who doesn’t have their favorite gift of a you know, because no one’s morning ever goes great.

00:17:49:20 – 00:18:09:00


I mean, my house never does. And so I sprinkle in a little bit that spring on a little bit of real estate and I also one thing in my group is I have guides. So if you’re relocating to the area, there’s a relocation guide. If you’re looking to buy a house, there’s a buyer’s guide and it’s linked to my My idea site.

00:18:09:02 – 00:18:27:20


If you’re thinking of selling, there’s a seller’s guide and it’s linked to my What’s your homework that my broker gives us. So I get all those leads. I have guides for even more community based things like the ten things. You know, when you’re interviewing a daycare in the area different and things like best parks, best firework locations, best going into fall, best pumpkin patches, stuff like that.

00:18:27:20 – 00:18:48:05


And I’ll post that stuff in there, not only excuse me as a content, but it’s also giving back to your community and providing value. Yep. And every single like here’s the thing with like you guys years are real estate agents, right? You sell houses, but you don’t sell the house before you sell the community. The house like is on, right?

00:18:48:05 – 00:19:00:21


So that when it comes to content strategy, it’s really just be a fucking tour guide. Like, let’s not overthink this. Like literally just be a tour guide in this case, like, I’m looking at like you could be on a showing and just to give you guys some ideas, as a mom, how does the mob go to market it?

00:19:01:02 – 00:19:22:17


Well, showcase take pictures of yourself in the cutest kids rooms. The next houses you’re going in, right? Focus on how far the communities are. You know, when when you sell a house, it’s no longer just listed, just sold. It’s going to be more like probably, hey, the Jones family just moved in here and their kids are just about to start Carillo Elementary School for the first time and they’re relocating them.

00:19:22:17 – 00:19:44:23


Hey, guys, can you give them a warm welcome like it’s about if you realize everything she’s doing is just storytelling and stuff she’s already doing, and she’s just taken this little six inch device out of her purse and snapping it and documenting it. That’s what social media is, isn’t it? It is. And you know, it like even just like the pumpkin patches.

00:19:44:23 – 00:19:56:07


I don’t know how many moms are relocating or moving or in our area. And they’re like, oh my God, thank you so much for this thing. It’s like it’s like my AM and five minute to Google research all. We just update it once a year. I’ve done it. We did it one year and we just kind of recycle it.

00:19:56:07 – 00:20:12:24


Obviously, we have to tweak a few things, but it’s providing value and they appreciate it and they know that I know what I’m talking about, right? So it builds up that know like and trust factor within the group. And then like I said, yeah, it’s a little bit of real estate, but not raising my hand like I’m a real estate.

00:20:13:01 – 00:20:28:06


It’s real estate, it’s value based like community things and it’s a little bit of fun and engagement. I like to have a little bit of fun. That’s why we do it. Like drop your favorite gift or, you know, my morning was a shit show when I was your and people do. That’s the best you to get the region.

00:20:28:08 – 00:20:43:10


Yeah, the best the best contents. Probably like when you’re before your shower, your hair is all over the place. You got bags underneath your eyes. You look like shit and you’re in your pajamas, right? That’s going to be the video or the content that performs the best. And the reason is because everyone can relate to it. We all been there, and that’s the key.

00:20:43:10 – 00:20:59:13


I was like, Authenticity is what always attracts. And if you can’t find a way to be authentic, you just have the wrong brand or you need to dial it in, right? Like you have to be able to be you to do this successfully because if you weren’t a mom, would. How hard would this be to do like you could it?

00:20:59:15 – 00:21:14:23


I can’t run house group Yeah I can’t wear on your mom’s group before you even though I get it, I understand exactly what you’re doing. I would be a fraud. Yeah, and there is some ages I’ve seen Start them in like you’re not a mom and you’re in a No offense, but it’s like you’re early. 28 year ago.

00:21:14:23 – 00:21:34:07


You haven’t lived this life. You don’t understand this. And when clients talk to you about selling their house with children, you’re not going to be able to have that conversation. Like I can with. Yeah, I know there’s 23 up in every room of my house and you have to hide it, like shove it in something. So when people are showing your house, they don’t see it everywhere and you know, it’s it’s been relatable.

00:21:34:07 – 00:21:49:19


And so whether I mean, maybe you’re not a mom, maybe you’re, you know, your military spouse or maybe you there was another agent I talked to recently. They have a foodie group in their area. They just love food. That’s love. That’s great. A ton of people joining that group and they’re just and different restaurants because they’re a foodie.

00:21:49:22 – 00:22:04:19


But I’m not a flipside. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I mean, that’s like, you know, we do a ton of business owner interviews and they lead to a ton of business, offer a lot of referrals just because it’s not about telling people what you do, it’s about reminding them what you do and when people are going to buy or sell.

00:22:04:19 – 00:22:26:16


Like, let’s just do the numbers on your group. All right? Out of those 12,000 members you have, how many of them are local to Is it London and louder, It’s a Virgin Virginia. Get loud moms like that would be fun. You got the loud and moms That’s cool and that and that one yeah How many are local in the area would you guess?

00:22:26:22 – 00:22:46:06


12,000 members in our county. There’s a little over 500,000 people. Okay. So out of these 12,000 members are. You think they’re all live in this area? I’m listening to a few are relocation. So maybe they’re outside of the state and they’re just getting digesting content And what’s the county about that almost, I would say probably 95% live here.

00:22:46:08 – 00:23:12:08


So here’s an an I don’t know if you mind sharing these, but like what type of how many how much business is coming out of this thing. Last year did $22 million in sales. Damn. I mean, what’s the average sales price for single family? About seven 5800. And then like a townhome about 500,000. So out of those 12,000 members, these are the stats because none of the stuff is theory that we’re talking about a lot of people’s big oh, branding is theory.

00:23:12:08 – 00:23:36:05


How do you measure it? You’ll never be able to exactly measure it, but 10 to 15% of those 12,000 members are moving this year. Most don’t know it as she stated earlier, some of them are going to get pregnant, have to upgrade their house. Some are working to get relocated out of the area. But 100% of the people within that group, all 12,000 members of them, have the ability to refer you at least one deal per year.

00:23:36:07 – 00:23:55:14


So it’s never about trying to reach 300,000 people. That’s the mentality that happens when you go to like the Mike vary conference isn’t like oh go sell cold pork all and then until you’re blue in the face right and just want to shoot yourself but out of these you don’t need a large database. You need an engaged one guys, because 100% of the 12,000 people know someone who’s moving.

00:23:55:18 – 00:24:13:03


But just out of those 12,000 people, 10 to 15% of them are moving themselves and most of them don’t even know it. Yeah, those are the industry stats. So it’s not a matter of if people move, it’s a matter of when because it’s a life event. And despite whether the interest rates are going to at 8%, 7%, 12%, 20%, who cares?

00:24:13:05 – 00:24:33:06


People are still going to have life events that cause them to move. And the easiest way and the least expensive way is to attract them. Exactly. And I nurture that. And you have to nurture these people, too. I mean, I had a client this year that called me. Is it I mean, getting your emails once a week for three years, but now we’re ready to sell our buy one.

00:24:33:06 – 00:24:48:16


And so it’s it’s staying in front of them because they may not be buying or selling today, but they will. And if you keep saying in front of them, they’re going to they’re going to realize it’s all it is. How long how much does it cost you to stay in an email, contact with them, and then it cost you any extra time over that three year period.

00:24:48:18 – 00:25:04:04


So I just so this last 15 months, I started doing a weekly email and I had to be honest, I am not the best writer, so I had a copywriter help me with it. I came up with the content what I wanted. I mean, anyone could use like chat, CBT or something like that if you really wanted to.

00:25:04:06 – 00:25:25:21


So I paid the the copywriter. It was about $1,000 for the emails. Not bad. And then I have them in a we use active campaigns, I’ve got them in an email system. And so I mean, we’re talking it’s an hour maybe it costs me $1,000 to stay in front end to do that. And those e-mails are going to get kind of recycled after the 15 months is over.

00:25:25:21 – 00:25:43:23


So it’s not that expensive. And then I just throw one event per year. It’s not that expensive. So let’s break these two down email. It’s emails. So many people don’t nurture an email like we we nurture one. Our whole our whole system is one video email month with your face talking just about community events, local news and whatnot.

00:25:43:23 – 00:26:01:21


Right. And it’s not it’s just about the the reminding touch but emails another channel because you can’t assume there’s so many people who are just on social media like, oh, I’m just on Facebook. That’s all I need. I just need Facebook. No, you don’t. You’re missing a lot of other opportunity are using direct mail to by any chance.

00:26:01:23 – 00:26:18:03


Yes. So I have an email. All right. I’m sorry, a postcard that goes out once a month and then I kind of tweak it every once if I see people having like so I see people having life events and things. We start having my and then my son will go through and look at the tax roll and kind of go, okay, well, I know they live in this town.

00:26:18:03 – 00:26:37:02


So this, you know, Susie Q has got to be that Susie Q in this town. And then we start mailing them content like it air, land and sea. And I might as well just take a commercial break because that is exactly what referral suite does. We help market your database through video email, direct mail and give you all the social media content each month so you can stay in front of them and take an omnipresent approach.

00:26:37:02 – 00:26:58:13


So people stop forgetting you’re in real estate. Back to show. So this is really, really, really interesting. I love it. This is my entire business model. Always has been. I love what you’re doing. Like this is I just it’s fantastic. And I wish more people would implement exactly what you’re doing because it’s not rocket science, is it now?

00:26:58:13 – 00:27:18:04


And it’s free. You don’t need to pay to do is a Facebook group and backed it. The last few years I’ve been getting asked from a lot of agents around the country like, how do you do this? Can you help me set up a group and things like that? So I actually just transitioned into doing I have a course on how to set up your Facebook group, how to grow your Facebook group, because that’s what everyone’s scared about.

00:27:18:04 – 00:27:34:05


Like no one’s going to join. They will join if it’s set up right and you have good content and it’s named appropriately. And then I talk about how to nurture your group and how to utilize it to get leads, because ultimately that’s that’s why you’re setting up the group is you’re building your know like and trust factor so that you can get leads and they’ll call you to help them buy or sell a house or rent.

00:27:34:07 – 00:28:02:04


Yeah, it’s just a matter of when they do. I mean, literally, guys, it is. And the bigger the group goes, the more engaged is, the better. But I want you to catch one other thing that she said and then we could get this week wrapped up a she’s she’s disciplined and building an audience you guys and you have to you don’t know when the person on that list or the individual senior email is ever ever even going to return the favor.

00:28:02:04 – 00:28:21:03


It’s not about that but it’s about and it’s not also about trying to sell them something with every bit of communication. It’s about trying to add value with every bit of communication and just sort of small little jab. Hey, don’t forget I’m in real estate. Don’t forget I’m in real estate. Hey, guess what? I’m in real estate. Don’t forget to say you don’t need to say it right.

00:28:21:03 – 00:28:41:12


You could do this stuff just by simply inferring it. And you can’t always talk about work with your list, with your database. You can’t talk about work all the time with social media. Your wife will divorce you if you do, and you need to actually, like, go out and nurture people with human related content. So my point is, is cut the commission breath stuff off.

00:28:41:12 – 00:29:09:22


It’s not going to work. It doesn’t work. Commission breath is contagious. We feel it. We see it. People see it. More importantly, like it looks desperate. You don’t need to do it, though. What other any other tips you want to add to this? Because this is. I think you nailed it. Yeah. I mean, if anything, I am always happy if anyone wants to figure out how to how to set up a group or has passions about it, they can go to groups to lead

00:29:09:24 – 00:29:25:16


And I can you know, they can there’s a free webinar. It’s groups to leads back slash webinar, and you can get a little bit of information. And then we’ve I’ve also got the course if you want to dive into a little bit further and how do I nurture people and how do I data them by my groups who didn’t get leads?

00:29:25:18 – 00:29:44:24


That’s on there as well. Script And because like I said, you know, I see so often real estate is like, I knew, I don’t know what I’m doing and blah, blah, blah. And I don’t have a lot of money to put towards marketing. I get it. I was there to start a Facebook or it’s free, it’s easy, and if you nurture it, it’ll grow and you know, it may not it’s not going to be one of the things.

00:29:45:00 – 00:30:08:06


But you start today and you’re these leads. It’s the long game, right? Yeah. And I think so often we get distracted with shiny penny things, but if you play the long game and you’re not standing up every time and saying, I’m a real estate agent and using it as a billboard, but using it smartly as a billboard for your business, the leads will come to you because people will see the genuine person and they get to know.

00:30:08:06 – 00:30:23:00


They get to know you better, like people know and they know my kids. Like when they stop and see me on the street, they know that’s great and or that’s Madison. Creepy as it is, but or they’ll say, Hey, you know, my son has the same vision thing that your son has, and they’ll ask me questions, which leads into the conversation of real estate.

00:30:23:02 – 00:30:43:08


So it’s used, you know, using my own way. I’m using my children to get business, but it’s because they know and like and trust me and I’m a mom and I’m relatable. And I’m also not that scary, right? I you know, I oftentimes will see, you know, people real estate they’re really Salesians up. That may be something that’s scary to some of these people, whereas I’m just more approachable in my jeans, just hanging out.

00:30:43:08 – 00:31:04:02


They can come and approach me and ask me questions. So it’s about being relatable to your target audience. And my target audience is a mirror of me. Yeah, well put. That’s a that’s a really good way to look at your target audience is a mirror of yourself because people hang out with people just like them. It’s just the way we’re wired, you know, You don’t go out and hang out with someone completely opposite of you.

00:31:04:02 – 00:31:21:09


Like you don’t see me on Friday nights hanging out with the dude, with the shaved head, tats, earrings and doing drugs all night, you know, like, that’s not my crowd. So it’s like, Come on, guys, I pick your crowd. You know what your crowd is? Just be you love it. This is a really good episode. And folks, if you like exactly what should go check her out.

00:31:21:13 – 00:31:44:00


It’s groups two leads dot com. Check out the Facebook group and whatnot and we appreciate you listening Another episode if you really liked the content we talked about, I want you to go visit referral suite dot com as referral sweet e-comm and it’s a database referral marketing system. All it is, it’s very simple. It takes about an hour, 2 hours, maybe maximum to utilize and it’ll keep you in front of your databases through direct mail, video, email and social media.

00:31:44:00 – 00:31:59:23


And you won’t have to think about what to say because we even give you that to build the audience. It’s the only recession proof business model there is. I’ve been in I gave you this with the last 20 years of experience, guys, so go visit that and check out Laura stuff. She shared a lot of valuable content today.

00:32:00:00 – 00:32:19:06


Thanks. Listen other up, so don’t forget to subscribe like CUBIT and visit us on the rest of our social channel and we’ll see you guys next week. Picks. Thank you for watching another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do Podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW w dot real estate marketing dude dot com.

00:32:19:09 – 00:32:34:23


We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.

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