If you still see yourself as just someone who sells houses, you might need to reevaluate. In this market, you should be an entrepreneur. You should constantly be looking for new ways to make money in this market and new ways to capitalize on a shifting market.
The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)
00:03:33:13 – 00:04:04:18
So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webster, Real Estate Marketing Dave. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them, Let’s get started.
00:04:04:20 – 00:04:25:06
What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Other Up. So the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast folks, Rome is burning. Things are going all crazy. Holy shit. There’s another NAR lawsuit. This one claims to take down the industry. The number two just came out, I think, yesterday. Folks, this is not going away. And what’s going to happen? Sorry, my mic’s like pulling on me.
00:04:25:06 – 00:04:43:04
But what’s going to happen is that the cream is going to. What’s up? What’s the saying? The cream rise of the top or what am I trying to say? Cream rises to the top. I think that’s what what I’m trying to say. But that’s what’s going to happen. This is like a what’s the DA wisdom rule called survival of the fittest.
00:04:43:04 – 00:05:08:11
Right? That’s what’s going to happen. Survival of the fittest right now. And people are freaking out. I’m loving it. Like, not that people are freaking out, but I just see nothing but giant opportunities because I love paradigm shifts in the market when everything is going so smooth, so easy, no one changes and you become complacent. And that’s that complacency that’s got you kicking yourself in the pants right now because you haven’t changed in the market.
00:05:08:11 – 00:05:25:18
Just caught you with your pants down. And when that happens, you have to change. And so many people are just stuck right now. They’re like still like me and they’re not doing anything. But folks, if you listen and pay attention, if I told you last quarter here, it’s just going to be about what to do when that shit changes and this is going to be one of those shows.
00:05:25:20 – 00:05:42:24
So we brought on Coach Dan Gordon and Dan is going to go out and Ganz. A whole brand is for bad ass entrepreneurs only. Okay, so we’re going to talk to you about entrepreneurial ism because you’re not another salesperson chasing a check. You’re selling houses in real estate. You’re you don’t work for your broker, you work for yourself.
00:05:43:05 – 00:06:00:03
And if you’re not positioned as an entrepreneur or you don’t view yourself as an entrepreneur, I will promise you you’re going to be out of business in the next 6 to 12 months. So without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guest coach. Dan, what’s up, Dan? Mike, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I just.
00:06:00:03 – 00:06:22:09
I love what you shared. I am a big fan of things changing. I’m a big fan of things breaking in. I’m a big fan of things failing because in breaking, failing and changing, that’s where you learn the most about yourself. That’s where you grow. But as human beings, we are designed to avoid new things. It’s just it is endemic in our humanity.
00:06:22:14 – 00:06:46:07
And your ego, like the part of you that keeps you safe, tells you don’t do anything new. And when something new happens, it says, run away from it. Yeah, but look, I have studied successful people all of my professional career and the one throughline of every successful person I’m talking from Richard Branson to Dr. King was the Theresa.
00:06:46:09 – 00:07:11:14
Everybody who has made a splash in the world. They have run towards change, not away from that. Now, it’s an easy thing to say. I mean, that’s a refrigerator magnet, that’s an Instagram post. But how do you do it? Right? It reminds me of like when I went skydiving, I was all about skydiving too. My instructor rolls open the door at 10,000 feet and I’m like, Holy shit at this.
00:07:11:14 – 00:07:37:08
It just got super real. Yeah, that’s so here’s the here’s the first thing I want you. Thank you, Mike. You too, listener to remind yourself of. And that is, I’m safe no matter what’s going on. That’s different or crazy or you’re worried about actually, you’re safe. And it is in worry that you shut down your creative pipeline and things get worse.
00:07:37:10 – 00:07:58:03
So worrying does not help. We only worry because we. Because we feel like we’re in control. If I’m worried about something, I’m taking action. You’re not. You’re actually limiting yourself. So the first thing you have to do is you have to surrender, worry And and remember, if something was going to take you down, it would happen by now.
00:07:58:05 – 00:08:25:18
You know, the fact and I love realtors, I love people who are in real estate and I’ve worked with over a thousand entrepreneurs. And the thing I love about people in real estate is they work harder because they have to. It’s a really weird business. You begin a real estate business at a very high dollar product, and most people who get into business to not start at a high dollar product, you guys jump right in to the fire.
00:08:25:20 – 00:08:51:24
And so because of that, it is so important that you connect with your clients on an emotional level. Thank you at all. Right. And so what that means Wait, everyone has commission breath, though. Everyone’s out there selling their Have you seen interest rates that here’s the post going around social media right now. You know, here’s what happened in 1972 when buyers waited for interest rates to come down.
00:08:52:01 – 00:09:34:13
I’m like, Quit selling your shit, dude. Like, why do you always have to sell, stop, start, stop selling and start serving people and watch what happens? Like exactly. You can’t be a salesperson anymore. Like you you, you are in sales. Okay? But anyone in sales isn’t good unless they’re great at service first. Yeah. And. And what you’re saying about sales, the the perfunctory term of sales is that everybody hates salespeople because the way that salespeople act now, if you are selling in that way, you aren’t a salesperson, you’re con artist, you’re trying to convince someone to buy something.
00:09:34:15 – 00:10:00:23
If and we’ve all had those experiences where we bought something and think, Wow, the person who sold me this, they weren’t like a salesperson at all. They just helped me. But that’s what you have to do. So we’ve been looking at condos in Long Beach, right? And the thing that’s so fascinating about this, the the realtors that we’ve talked to is so many of them, just like you say, Mike, they’re just pushing product.
00:10:01:00 – 00:10:21:00
Here’s what I want to hear. And I’ve never heard this once, but for my clients who are salespeople, arms who are real estate agents, I’ve told them to do this and it works like a charm when someone walks into a house that you’re selling, you greet them and you say, Hey, can I tell you the thing I don’t like about this house?
00:10:21:00 – 00:10:36:08
And the three things that I love about this, I see that all the time. I used to trash fucking house and I’d be like, just because, like, honestly, the first showing was like, I always set up a decoy showing because on the first show, no one knows, no matter what you guys like, you guys know the business. Like people say they want this.
00:10:36:08 – 00:10:49:01
They never end up buying what they fucking end up saying they want buying from the beginning. So I always threw a bomb in the middle, especially on the first groups of showings. And I was there to earn trust and I’d be like, Dude, I wouldn’t like that. I want to let your grandma buy this house with a ten foot pole.
00:10:49:03 – 00:11:05:18
Get the fuck out of here. Like, there’s no way in hell I’m letting anyone buy this house and I’ll talk them out of the sale. But you’re right, because what happens is that people are just like, Damn, that guy’s looking out for me. And I hate those. The little things are what generate referrals, guys, those little things and all those dos being best interests.
00:11:05:18 – 00:11:24:22
My client. Like, if you’re worried about yourself, then why the hell would you let them? Like, we just called moral responsibility, dude. Like, I don’t. To me, that’s common sense, but there’s a lot it is people that it’s not to it’s scary. And you guys are the ones that are going to get your ass kicked as this lawsuit changes.
00:11:24:22 – 00:11:43:12
All right. And it is scary. And the scary part is, is that you put all the time and all this effort into work it into something and you get nothing from it. Right. And when that happens over and over, you get traumatized. I mean, straight up, you get traumatized by it and you’re worried. This is what I was talking about earlier.
00:11:43:12 – 00:12:07:14
Your worries starts telling you a story that it’s going to happen again. But the only way is going to happen again If what if you don’t do something different? Okay. So I love I love what you said. Trash the place you will gain so much yardage by telling someone I do not like this about this house. And if you buy it, you have to be aware that this exists.
00:12:07:16 – 00:12:33:08
And we were looking at this condo and and it was next door to this big apartment complex. And we said, you know what? We’re worried that it’s going to be noisy. And the the realtor said, oh, they’re no, they’re really quiet. Right. Like, he knows every person in the apartment complex, like my good. Mike Oh, shit. Mike So what he should have said is, how did you feel, though, right when he said that what you do like internally, you’re probably like, Fuck you.
00:12:33:09 – 00:12:55:19
This guy’s like, I didn’t do anything internally. I laughed at him. Did you still use him? Well, no, of course not. See, we. Do you see those guys? But if he had said, Look, you’re right. It could be. It could be. No, you see, I don’t know. I would spend the night here. But the fact is, this place is $100,000 cheaper than the one down the street.
00:12:55:22 – 00:13:16:15
It looks exactly like this that doesn’t have an apartment complex next to it. So you’re going to have to trade either a potential for some noise or spending an extra 100 k. And I’m I’m glad either way I remember a glad sorry to me after yes I’m sick. That would have made me trust him. That would have made me say, you know what?
00:13:16:15 – 00:13:41:05
Right. But you cannot any objection that somebody has. You cannot counter that objection by trying to convince them that their objection is real. You start with this. Hey, I get it or that makes sense. Whatever they say, start with, Hey, I get it or that makes sense. And you will gain their trust, Be on their side. Do not be on your side.
00:13:41:05 – 00:14:12:01
Nobody cares about you. They care about themselves. So don’t just promote the house like it’s lipstick on a pig. Be honest, be authentic. Even if they don’t buy that house, they’re going to come back to to you, which is how we got our realtor in Long Beach. It’s somebody who did that, and we picked her up. And when I was selling real estate in Chicago, one of the listings I took didn’t hire their previous agent, and I’m not going to call them out, but you know who you are calling you scumbag.
00:14:12:03 – 00:14:33:10
But anyway, anyways, I guess when she bought the house and I lived on it, if you don’t know what the deal is, it’s a train. Okay? Oh, yeah, Yeah, for sure. And if you live next to the train, that thing is loud. I lived on the hill for three years, so I know it front and hand. And he told this buyer that was now my seller at the time that.
00:14:33:13 – 00:14:51:19
Oh well the, the CTA is going to go ahead and put rubber. They have plans to put rubber wheels on all the all trains and that’s going to actually increase your value because the only reason this is a good price right now is because the property is next to the L train. But once that noise factor goes away, you’re like into a 10 to 15% equity cushion.
00:14:51:19 – 00:15:06:06
No doubt. I’m like, Huh. You think they that that train is louder now than it’s ever been since it’s been alive there. But same thing. You just talk some into it and look how much you what was the opportunity cost on that? Right. Well, I got to listen a couple of years later and that turned into buy two.
00:15:06:06 – 00:15:36:09
So be honest. I like it. Let’s go to the point in time in your at surrender. Yeah. And then what’s next? Listen to what people are saying like and you have to listen to people beneath their words, right? So if somebody says it’s too expensive, what are they really saying? They’re saying, I’m afraid I’m going to spend a lot of money and I’m not going to get value out of this.
00:15:36:11 – 00:15:47:04
I’m not going to get what I want. And so, again, someone says it’s too expensive. Like, yeah, I know the market is crazy right now.
00:15:47:06 – 00:16:24:01
It is expensive, but let’s talk about what it is that you want to so you get someone to open up. Just get them talking about their feelings because people do not buy based on logic, they buy based on emotion. People don’t buy on price. They base, they buy based on emotion. And if you are not talking with someone about emotion, about the things that they want, about the things that they’re concerned about, but the things that they love, then you’re having a conversation that is happening.
00:16:24:01 – 00:16:47:07
It’s like talking to someone across a courtyard and yelling back and forth at them as opposed to being right up with them and chatting with them like I’m when when I talk with someone, one of the first things I say is, Hey, what’s the best thing that’s happened to us so far today? Right? Because it gets them into what their feelings are.
00:16:47:13 – 00:17:07:11
So whenever I walk into a or whatever, we we walk into a condo that we’re looking at, it’s always the same questions. How long have have you been looking? Have you been looking in the area and do you have in your head? Yeah, right. And those three questions are designed to get business out of here. Got question number four?
00:17:07:12 – 00:17:26:21
Can you please sign in here? Yeah. Oh, can you please sign in here? Give me your give me your Social Security number where you live and everything else. And so I could call you and try to close you. I saw you on something. Stop asking people to sign it. Stop it, Stop it, Stop it. Please, Please. Unless they show interest in you.
00:17:26:23 – 00:17:42:22
Look, if people dated or tried to date the way that people try to sell. This is how. This is how it would go. You’d walk up to someone in in the bar and go, Hey, give me your phone number. And then they’d be like, Wait, what? Like, Hey, what do you say we go back to my place? I would think it’d be the other way.
00:17:42:22 – 00:18:03:23
You didn’t ask for the phone number. You’re just saying that there is no phone number. I just go back to my place. You have to warm people up, and you have to really be focused on what they want, how they’re feeling, what they’re struggling with. You know, it’s when someone walks in, say, hey, you know, how was your buying?
00:18:04:00 – 00:18:25:14
You know, how is your house shopping experience going? I and they’re going to say, yeah, it’s been a little rough. Yeah. Yeah, I bet it is. I mean, I don’t I don’t envy you. Yeah. You know, I mean, you know, it’s. Yeah, it’s rough selling houses, but you have it worse. I show that you understand them. Go to where they are.
00:18:25:16 – 00:18:53:04
Let me ask you a question. Just switched this topic up a tad. And like, right now you have 8% interest rates essentially. Hmm. Properties are way overvalued. The others and if they’re not, they’re they’re expensive. Like they don’t come down but like just it’s simple math to me. Like there’s only so many people that can afford so many houses at some time, but when it’s at 8% rate.
00:18:53:04 – 00:19:11:00
So not only that, but then you have this NAR lawsuit that comes into the mix. Yeah, Realtors are already having a bad year. They’re already people are quitting left and right, like it’s happening. Like, of course it’s going to move. Transactions are down 30%. Of course you’re going to lose agents or just common sense. But what do you tell someone right now that has all this this adversity and challenges?
00:19:11:00 – 00:19:27:01
Because they’re look from agents and I understand, guys, you’re going to have to change. But I understand they are scared. And what do you tell them right now? They’re go they’re my reality is commission compressions real right. You guys are going to be getting 5% on a listing anymore. It’s just not going to happen. Like you could start.
00:19:27:01 – 00:19:41:10
My guess is my guess is going to go down to about one and a half percent would be what I would anticipate. My side’s going down, too, which means it’s going to be cut like 40%. I don’t think it can happen overnight. I think it’s going to be like five years from now. However, what do you tell someone with that?
00:19:41:10 – 00:20:07:13
What what what is the opportunity now? Well, every entrepreneur who comes to me has a reason why they’re not selling. It’s the economy. You know, it was COVID. It’s my mother in law, Right? It’s this. And what I say to everybody is somebody’s selling right. Right now there somebody with a lot of money spending a lot of money on something really expensive.
00:20:07:15 – 00:20:31:06
Well, who is that person selling it to them? What are they doing? And the big question is, have you invested your time and energy in learning how to sell better? Have you watched YouTube videos? Have you talked to people who are doing well? Have you researched online people in your area, realtors who are selling well? Have you had lunch with them?
00:20:31:08 – 00:20:57:16
Right. Not to pick their brain, but just say, hey, I just like get to know people in your business who are doing well in your business. You don’t have to buy anything from them. Just get to know them. Yeah. Because there is a way that you are being if you are struggling that is not working. And if you try to keep doing more of this same thing, it’s like driving faster in the wrong direction.
00:20:57:18 – 00:21:16:17
So it’s up to you to to find out. And I and I actually like to help all of you. I have a giveaway kind of give your audience something to shoot. Okay. So I have a book called Jump in the Gap, Kill Your Story and Take Action. And this is a book that I wrote about seven years ago after I lost everything.
00:21:16:17 – 00:21:38:13
And in a month I lost $70,000. I lost my marketing company. My world went to shit eight months later, I walked out on stage in Dallas, Texas, being paid $10,000 for my first speaking gig. Now the journey from the floor to the stage was all about changing the stories in my head. What I believe, like the real estate market is crap.
00:21:38:14 – 00:22:04:03
That’s a story. Now, of course, in the 3D world, you can point to it and say, Yeah, it’s actually happening. But I’ll say again, somebody is selling houses, somebody’s buying houses. You can be that person. So changing your story is the beginning. So to get my book, it’s free. Just text the word gap GAAP to this number 2134 or 9836×2134098366.
00:22:04:03 – 00:22:32:20
Text the word gap GAAP to 2134098366. Text the word gap and you can download. It’s a quick easy read. And so many people have told me, Wow, this really blew my mind. I thought these things that I believed were real. Turns out it was just a story. And the great thing when you stop telling yourself stories, you can get the people that you’re selling to to stop telling themselves stories like it’s too expensive.
00:22:32:20 – 00:22:55:03
Now isn’t a good time. I’m not ready. Those are all stories. Yeah. Jumping the gap is about moving yourself and moving other people from one side of where they are, where they don’t want to be, to the other side, where they do want to be over the gap of their fears. And the only reason that you’re struggling right now is because you have fear.
00:22:55:05 – 00:23:26:03
You have fear that you’re not good enough. That is not going to work and you’re afraid of investing yourself in learning new things. Because when you learn new, new things, there is you realize the shit ton of things that you don’t know. It’s it is. It’s terrifically intimidating. Oh, wow. I have to learn all these new, new things and but it’s the only way when I change my my life, I had to learn so many new things in such a short period of time.
00:23:26:05 – 00:23:50:12
And it was really hard. But you know what I got used to? I got used to not knowing things and I got used to failing and not knowing things. And failing is the best way to turn your life around in. Sounds like we’re very similar stories in our personal lives, but you guys look what is is absolutely true.
00:23:50:12 – 00:24:10:22
Like until, you know, I say survival of the fittest. It’s like the squirrel is out there, figures out where the nuts are, right? He’s just going to figure it out. Animals figure it out, and you’ll just figure it out, too. But you have to change, like and that’s the opportunity there is right now. And it is reluctant. I remember when I was making so much money that my ego was so big that I was my own worst enemy.
00:24:10:24 – 00:24:33:10
And what and what ended up happening was I wouldn’t change. Like I couldn’t at that time, I couldn’t even like book appointment on my own calendar because I’d have someone do it for me. I couldn’t even I couldn’t even do the most basic shit. Like, seriously, I’m embarrassed about that whole time in my life. And it wasn’t until I went broke that I had no money, that I had to just get back and figure out myself.
00:24:33:10 – 00:24:56:21
But it took the complacency that I was at like the 3 to 4 year period. Whenever that was two, three years, whatever it was fucked up my mind so bad that I literally couldn’t even do anything like I could. I was just so used to having everything done for me and everyone saying yes to me, whatever the fuck I wanted to do that When I when everyone left and the money was gone, I couldn’t even fucking put on my own damn pants, dude.
00:24:56:21 – 00:25:17:20
Like, it was embarrassing and it took that. I don’t know if the word is, but it took that experience, that humble, humble humbleness, I guess humbling experience to literally, like now I’m it’s like if I won’t let anyone do anything I haven’t done first because I have to do it like especially now, business are growing. I’m hiring, I’m doing this doing that.
00:25:17:23 – 00:25:34:08
Yeah. And I don’t believe you can run any company without something you haven’t done yourself. At least be lead of it. And I’m I’m putting myself in all those positions. I personally will shoot videos of people. I personally done all this stuff. I grinded it out because I know the process. I’m perfecting the process. Then I’ll teach somebody else.
00:25:34:10 – 00:25:49:22
And when I teach not to somebody else, until they’re ready, they’re going to do with another person. They’re going to do it in another person. And I can keep fucking going until I have 20 of you guys, right? And it’s just same thing. Like, I’m going through a lot of reflection right now. I read two books this month I haven’t reread.
00:25:49:24 – 00:26:08:11
I wrote two books this month. I haven’t read a book in fucking five years. Well, you know, I, I in the gap that I’m going to business church event tonight. Yeah. Sign up for a conference. I’m. You have to do this stuff, guys. Like, I’m pushing myself out. I’m doing it. But you have to do it too. And that’s the opportunity, the business.
00:26:08:11 – 00:26:33:17
If you stick around with all these Debbie Downers and people doing the same shit, you’re going to be one of them. So you have to get out, go to these events, fly across the country, call Coach Dan, fire people, get with people, listen to people, read, do everything you weren’t doing 12 or 18 months ago. We’re closing doors in Be afraid like seek discomfort.
00:26:33:19 – 00:26:59:12
Yeah. Things that you don’t want to do. Do those things. If you find yourself comfortable in conversations, you’re talking to the wrong people. If you’re if you’re unloading with someone and you’re both griping about the industry right now, you’re talking to the wrong person. Yep. If you are not talking to someone who is doing ten times better than you, you are wasting your time.
00:26:59:14 – 00:27:22:11
You always want to be the dumbest person in the room. You’re your industry is changing dramatically as all industries are. You got to stay on top of the wave and that’s going to mean investing yourself in doing the things you don’t want to do because that’s what every successful person has done throughout history. I like it. Why don’t you tell them one more time?
00:27:22:11 – 00:28:04:09
You get that book? Yeah. Jump in the gap, kill your story and take action. Just text the word gap GAAP to 1340983662134 or 98366. Text the word gap GAAP. Appreciate coach Dan appreciate you guys listening folks if you like that change it’s time to go ahead and check out the software we just released referral suite dot com that’s WW W that referral suite dot com it’s as yet just like the popsicle and the reason why is because the industry is changing we’re changing with it so for all of you that stop and you neglect your database because that’s the reality where the business really comes from the people you know, like a trust and like
00:28:04:11 – 00:28:21:10
trust you, well, now’s the time to change and start marketing them, right? If you’re not generating ancillary streams of income with your service from companies like solar Mortgage and all these other streams of income that you’re literally just passing by, well, you need to check out referrals. Me folks, build a brand. Your brokers are going to do it for you.
00:28:21:12 – 00:28:40:21
You work for yourself. I don’t care who you work with or where you hang your license, now’s the time to do it. Put on your big boy pants. See you on the other side. PS Thank you for watching another episode of the Real Estate Marketing. Do podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our web site at WW dot Real estate Marketing dude dot com.
00:28:40:24 – 00:28:56:14
We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.
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