Done For You Video Marketing

Pivot (ft. Nick Sarnicola)

Todays market is a brutal one. If you are going to succeed, you need to learn how to pivot. If you are stuck in the same old business strategy, you might be in for a rude awakening.


Real Estate Marketing Dude

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00:01:29:05 – 00:02:00:08


So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webster, Real Estate Marketing Dave. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them, Let’s get started.

00:02:00:10 – 00:02:23:24


What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we’ve got a lot to talk about today. I want you. If you’re sitting to work working out, I want you to stop working out and grab your pen and paper. If you’re sitting at a desk, grab your damn pen and paper, because we’re going to be chatting about today is exactly how to pivot in today’s marketplace, because I can’t tell you the amount of stories, the amount of posts I see on social media.

00:02:24:01 – 00:02:45:14


As a matter of fact, I just logged on to Facebook one day today and in the post that I read was, Hey guys, it was an anonymous, of course, because no one wants to admit this, but this is happening all over the country with people in the industry. And she goes, Ah, he says, Hey guys, this is the worst year I’ve ever had in my life and I’m not going to make my mortgage payment in the next 30 days.

00:02:45:16 – 00:03:07:02


I don’t know what the fuck to do. Essentially, where do I do? Guys like they’re just asking for help. And this is a consistent story’s us right here, folks. 90% of the industry has never seen a shift. Repeat that. 90% of the industry’s never seen a shift. And if your broker has ever seen a shift, it’s very hard to find leadership in this marketplace today because you got to see people who are doing it.

00:03:07:04 – 00:03:23:02


Reality is that these are the best times. And even though it might be hard right now, whoever does pivot, this is when people are born, this is when brands are built. So market share is taken. And this is when you really build your legacy. It’s when things go easy that it’s very hard to stand out. When things don’t go easy, it’s very easy to stand out.

00:03:23:04 – 00:03:44:23


So the opportunity you have in front of you is very trying for any of you guys. And it might not be smooth road right now, might feel a little rocky and that’s normal. Welcome to the shift. But it’s what you do and how you react is going to make the difference. So if you don’t want to end up like the story I’m going to or I just told you about, I want you to listen to our guests today because this guy knows all about pivoting.

00:03:45:00 – 00:04:06:14


Absolutely. Lutely, super successful, sold his company. I’m not going to let him tell you, because this guy’s a serial entrepreneur, but there’s not a better person to have today than the get your get out of your damn box. Get outside your box, get out of your own head. There’s a ton of opportunity, but you need to pivot. So without further ado, let’s go out and introduce our guest, Mr. Nixon, a Did I say your last name right?

00:04:06:14 – 00:04:23:17


Nick In Alamance article it’s like Coca Cola. That’s not Italian, is it? It is. Jesus. I didn’t think it was. Oh, my goodness. All right, let’s tell everyone who the hell you are. What are you doing? What are we good to talk about today? Yeah. All right, I’ll. Maybe I’ll give you a call about 92nd or 62nd version.

00:04:23:17 – 00:04:40:16


So I live in Miami. Data entrepreneur, originally from Michigan, super blue collar, middle class upbringing. All four grandparents worked at the same factory. Dad, uncles, brothers, all worked there. I said, Hell no, I’m never working there. I want to be rich one day. Couldn’t sing and dance, couldn’t rhyme, can’t act, can’t play an instrument, not going to do anything illegal.

00:04:40:16 – 00:04:57:23


So what was left? Sports. When I played college baseball while playing college baseball got introduced to kind of like I would say, the lowest common denominator to sales and entrepreneurship, which was the direct sales and work marketing and sales. 18 I drank the Kool-Aid. I made no money for several years, but I attended every event and every training.

00:04:58:00 – 00:05:21:13


And that’s the best part about that industry. It’s just nonstop community culture and training. And you’re just, you know, you’re trial by fire. And I learn sales, I learn objection handling, I learn prospecting. And then finally, I learned leadership made my first million and direct sales at 25. Company went to business. I bought the assets of that company and gave birth to a company called by Salus and it was a 15 year run.

00:05:21:15 – 00:05:38:15


But on that journey we built it up to about 40 million a year. It crashed in 12 months. It went from 3 million a month in sales to 600,000 a month in sales, and that was because of the recession, the same one that hit all the all in real estate in 2009. It buried our high end anti-aging supplement company.

00:05:38:17 – 00:06:03:14


And what did we have to do? We had to pivot. And I’ll talk about that pivot later. But we pivoted. We created body buy by the 90 day challenge. We did 2.2 billion in sales, 19 countries, 3.6 million customers made tens of millions of dollars, personally created 70 millionaires. It was freaking epic. Sold the company three years ago and now a company called Renewable Real Estate, which is a platform that connects real estate agents to the best solar professionals out there.

00:06:03:14 – 00:06:25:13


And does a commission split down the middle to both sides. So I get it in 75 seconds, I think. Yeah, I think I think you freakin nailed it. You might have done this before. I think. Oh, yeah, you guys in the 2009 was the last time the market. What you talking about? We need to pivot. So last time the market for those are there weren’t around which again is 90% of the people are listening to this right now.

00:06:25:13 – 00:06:47:23


If you’re still practicing there’s all kinds of opportunity in those times as well. But it wasn’t just sitting there. And what I see in the industry today is a tremendous amount of opportunity to pivot. You can see what’s going on and here’s why. You guys. Let me first just paint the picture. If you got your head in the fucking sand, there’s a huge there’s a huge lawsuit going on right here, some tapping new commissions.

00:06:47:23 – 00:07:06:08


Commission compression is real. It is happening. The days of you getting 5 to 6% commission are no longer. It’s not going to happen because what’s going to happen? I guarantee it. I mean, right for the last ten years of this damn podcast, I guarantee you I’m right on this one. What’s going to happen is that people are going to start undercutting themselves and you’re going to compete on value in price.

00:07:06:08 – 00:07:24:04


Initially, that’s what’s going to happen because Narcan no longer control buyers, agent commission, that’s going to go away. You can’t say you have to get credit cooperating commission. And when agents start going up against each other and there’s a lack of value, people immediately compete on price. So that 5% commission is going to go down to four and a half and you’ll be like, No, that motherfucker took four and a half.

00:07:24:04 – 00:07:51:19


I’m going down the 4%. Fine. I just want the damn sign in the yard. Fuck, I’ll do a signing yard for three and a half, and that’s the beginning of it. You guys, are everybody in real estate? You no longer sell real estate. You are the fucking digital mayor of your damn market. You are everything home services, You are Home Depot, and you have to be everything around the transaction of real estate buying and selling real estate, I believe, is only part of your job, even though it’s probably one of the most fruitful, one of the most, you know, lucrative pieces.

00:07:51:21 – 00:08:17:24


It’s not all. And that’s why, you know, a guy like Nick came over and created a solution for solar income opportunities for real estate agents because you share that client. But that’s part of the battle. Solar is just one aspect of it. I believe you guys have a multitude of opportunity to get in there. This is the reason why mortgage companies are creating is legally so that real estate agents can actually partake in a commission of the lending company.

00:08:18:01 – 00:08:38:11


You’re going to see this across all fronts because it doesn’t mean you’re going be out of business. Just the way we did business is going to change and change, and I think now’s the perfect opportunity to change with it, because whoever does is going to be the one standing while everyone else is floundering. And what happened in 2009 were that not the people didn’t change what happened.

00:08:38:13 – 00:09:00:22


They got crushed. So sorry to go on a long winded rant there, but walk us through this pivot because I see nothing but opportunity here. And although it’s painful right now, if you’re a real estate agent, what the hell are you doing? Well, I think number one is talking about pivoting in general philosophically and God has a sense of irony in my opinion.

00:09:00:22 – 00:09:26:18


There’s there’s two major things that are required of us to be highly successful as either an entrepreneur, a sales professional, or a sales leader or even a solopreneur. There’s two requirements like, you cannot argue it. It’s law. One is you must overcome your fear of rejection, and two is you must be constantly changing. But then you had God is like, Let me just fuck with people.

00:09:26:23 – 00:09:48:22


I’m going to make you so highly resistant to these two things that you will literally break down. You’ll take anxiety pills, you’ll go search out, you know, a shamans in the deep forest. You’re going to do whatever it takes to figure out how to overcome the pain of rejection and and change. And I really think about that all the time.

00:09:48:22 – 00:10:08:04


Like, okay, to become successful, the biggest fear of all people is the fear of rejection. A lot of people argue, No, no, no. It’s a fear of public speaking, and I’ll argue back. That’s just a fear of being rejected while people speaking publicly. That’s that’s what that rejection of what’s what that fear is. Right. So that that fear is required in order to sell because you’re constantly being rejected.

00:10:08:08 – 00:10:31:06


Everyone on the line right now knows you cannot sell if you’re not if you can’t handle rejection. School preparedness. Absolutely terribly for this school said get 59 out of 100. Right. And you’re a failure. Now, we’re over here in sales. We got 59 out of 100. Right? You’re a millionaire or beyond. In business as an entrepreneur, you only got to get one right?

00:10:31:06 – 00:10:47:00


I got one right. That’s it. My career and it made me tens of millions of dollars. Right? So that’s the failure part. And then there’s that second part. The second part is change. And I’ll tell you guys, it’s way easier. It’s way easier to get over the first one. The fear of rejection than it is to get over the second one.

00:10:47:00 – 00:11:09:22


Because once you overcome the fear of rejection and everything is working, that’s when shit starts changing. And we don’t want like, I think we’re more accepting producers, performers, producers, performers. We’re more accepting to change when things are not working, then we are things are working and which is what you might be saying. Shit, shit. Sitting, working right now.

00:11:09:22 – 00:11:33:22


Nick But hang on a second. Turn back the clock. I don’t know. I was 18 months ago. 18 months ago, real estate was the top of the top of the top of, of, of the game. You guys were killing it here in Miami. You didn’t have to show up in. You’re making $10,000 commission. 15,000 a commission because people were just sending you offers so nobody would see you wouldn’t thrown open house and that was so easy to you.

00:11:33:22 – 00:11:52:16


The last thing you want to do is change that. Right? So a little bit of a rant there. But philosophically, you overcoming change, a pivot is change. And that is hardwired for us to be up against as a human. Let’s that is really good. I want to dig even deeper at that. He writes, She knows fear is required.

00:11:52:16 – 00:12:10:18


I have my mantras. Faith over fear. I have no fear because I have faith. And that’s honestly been the story of my last seven years. It’s how I actually moved to San Diego. And you have this. I’m not saying you have to follow Jesus. I want you to encourage you to guys, but that is up to you. But you do have to overcome that fear of rejection.

00:12:10:18 – 00:12:31:24


That’s my way of overdoing, of doing it. And many things in life, Right. So whatever that is, that is as cool as I remember when I first got out here, I went to a mastermind and Jesse Hartzler spoke. Yeah, and it’s there. It gets up there and I’ll never forget this. And he’s like, so broke, you got to fucking be uncomfortable or no, you got to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

00:12:32:01 – 00:12:45:23


And I’m like that, that’s being uncomfortable. And I sat there and just thought about it, like, and think about it like you’re not growing if you’re not right. That’s really what you’re saying here is because then the second part is to change. Like people don’t. You’re right. No one wants to actually change when the going’s good. Like, No, no.

00:12:46:00 – 00:13:08:06


Who wants to work? Like, come on, I’ve just made 50 grand last week, working 10 hours last month or last week. You want to change but that? Yeah. Then you think it’s going to go well. And let me give you guys another example. Just I’m just over packing this from video perspective. So we have a video marketing company and in real estate and we’re not doing anymore because we got our asses kicked with the business.

00:13:08:06 – 00:13:23:23


So I had to pivot. I pivoted into the attorney world. We create content for them now, but I saw the pivot and there’s always a pivot there. That’s another example of mine. But let’s just take someone who is trying to get on video and build a personal brand. Everybody is scared because of what they’re going to look like on camera.

00:13:23:23 – 00:13:41:07


Never before it is. This little six inch device made a grown ass man buckle at the knees and turn into a little, little, little child. But it does for some reason. Why? Because you’re fucking scared of a little device. Why you’re not scared when someone wants to hand you money unless you’re allergic to it. So literally, right here, you got it.

00:13:41:07 – 00:14:00:11


Breaks them out. Why? Because it’s new. They’re scared of what people are going to say about them. But the ones who did change and I don’t know anyone who’s been on video consistently over the last 18 months to 24 months that isn’t successful now. And that’s not just by accident, is it? It’s because they built a personal brand, but you have to be willing to do what others won’t.

00:14:00:11 – 00:14:19:06


So well-said. I love that point. You guys unpack that. That is so, so, so, so good. Now changing. Yeah, let’s get into it. So I sort of went off on a tangent there. I thought that was really well put. Today’s opportunity. Yeah. What is that change? Because I think what people really want is, All right, give me specifics.

00:14:19:06 – 00:14:35:14


I good. I have to change it by blah, blah, blah. And some people like the person I mentioned, when your backs up against a wall like this is survival of the fittest. This is why people survive when there’s no water for months is because when it hits the fan, you fucking figure it out. And I bet I’ve experienced so much.

00:14:35:14 – 00:14:50:18


But I’d like to see what are those things right now? Like, what do we do? You don’t have a choice, right? You know I’m a choice. So I’m going to go back to a quick story that 2009, when our sales dropped from 3 million about to 6000 a month, we had just got bought a year earlier, so we got bought at our peak and then it crashed.

00:14:50:20 – 00:15:10:22


This was a publicly traded company who’s a billion and a half dollars, and they decided based on that next years of sales to write us down. Now, when a company is public, write you down what that says is they claimed you as a failure and they got a tax break on their investment in you. It’s the most embarrassing thing that can happen to you as a company.

00:15:11:03 – 00:15:29:12


When an investor buys you and then writes you down as it’s not like your cousin is like, I’m writing you off at these, don’t send you a Christmas present more. This is a publicly traded company. You’re listed as a tax deduction because their investment was shit in you, in their opinion. So they said, Look, this pile is your pile.

00:15:29:14 – 00:15:50:07


We’re out. No giving it no more money. If you want to save it, you save it. And we locked herself in a room, my partners and I. And we had, we had. We broke apart every piece of the business. And here’s what we ended up doing. We took our third most successful product, which the margin of success between product number one and product number three.

00:15:50:09 – 00:16:08:15


Wasn’t it wasn’t like a relative number that was like, wow, it’s a close third place. It was like 70% of sales to 20% of sales, 4% of sales. Like it was irrelevant. This third product was a meal replacement. We said, Look, everyone’s broke right now, but what are they going to keep doing? They’re going to keep eating. Okay.

00:16:08:19 – 00:16:24:15


So they have to keep eating. Got it. All right. Well, why don’t we table let’s put the meal replacement first. So now you guys ask yourself where inside your business model is the must, where inside your business model is? They have to, no matter what, no matter what happens to the market, no matter what happens to this or that.

00:16:24:21 – 00:16:42:02


I think in real estate 2009, it would have been all of the all the foreclosures, the short sales and arbitrage, where I was that I was like, screw the short sales. And the ones I learned it killed it, right? Yeah, the ones who learned to kill it. You made the adjustment, you crushed it, said this is what’s going to happen.

00:16:42:04 – 00:16:59:04


So we said, okay, I’m the only place it’s not enough. Let’s create a referrer. Three years, a three campaign, and then let’s package it around something that had never been done before, which was let’s launch a 90 day challenge. That way they buy our product for at least 90 days. We and that sounds like it’s like, well, those are a dime a dozen.

00:16:59:05 – 00:17:18:12


They weren’t then. We were the first ones where the fathers are the godfathers of child based marketing. So we came up with a blue ocean. So what’s a blue ocean? That was you guys. The challenges we were never back. Yeah, that’s great. I use those out of my time now. Thanks, Audie. Bye bye. The 90 day challenge we enter to win 2 billion plus in sales.

00:17:18:12 – 00:17:36:06


Right? But that was all forced because we were forced to change. Otherwise, that idea never happens. So we made the decision. We put all of our money in and like I said, it works, but not all of that’s great for us. And back then, let’s bring this to you in the now. So you’ve got your back against the wall.

00:17:36:08 – 00:17:52:17


Maybe your broker does, maybe your whole team does. Are you all going to scurry? We watched a bunch of leaders scurry this little rats off the off the boat scurrying to another boat. That’s going to save opportunity, though, correct? It’s about right now. You got to find your tribe. I think that’s a really important point. Who’s your partner?

00:17:52:18 – 00:18:12:11


Who’s your tribe? Who’s who’s going to no matter how bad it gets, go to war with you. I mean, you’re going to make those calls together. You’re going to do that. You’re going to knock the doors together. You do whatever the hell it takes together, including the leader. Are the leaders. Got to be all in on this. If you’ve got a leader that’s got you know, they’re a pilot with a parachute on that, that’s a that’s a bad that’s a bad sign.

00:18:12:13 – 00:18:32:15


So I think I think it’s starting that one I’m making it back to you is if you’re going to fight this thing out, you’re going to win. It’s you’re going to have to make the decision. I pivot as required. Ah, where’s the blue ocean and or where’s what’s something else that can be sold in the now And then lastly, you’ve got the book up there.

00:18:32:18 – 00:18:53:04


Yes. And then lastly, who’s your tribe that you’re going to war with? And you can count on, even though you guys are fighting a a battle where it’s like it’s just the gladiator, three hundreds against that person, you know, army. It’s like, who’s your 300? You kick it out to you. So that’s pretty cool. Just out of curiosity.

00:18:53:04 – 00:19:07:21


Question, What would have happened if you had they they, they cut you, they cut all your capital off. They they stopped investigating. What would it have to cut it? What would have happened to you? Like, did you guys if you didn’t do it like you just when it went bankrupt, you would have broke what. Yeah, they would. They would they would have shut the doors and a lot of been the end of it.

00:19:07:21 – 00:19:27:01


So we the three of us put four or 5 million and it was the last dollar any of us had and we put four or 5 million in 1.6 or something like that. And they, they gave us a3x liquidation profit. So like, sure kids, you think that’s bullshit, We didn’t buy this garbage, we bought this company. You’re trying to you’re trying to make it a new company.

00:19:27:05 – 00:19:48:00


You put the money in. So they gave us a3x liquidation preference on just that route alone. So we ended up taking out 4.8 or 4.5 each based on making it work the next year. And then we got our whole buyout in the following years to come. Otherwise it would have been the end of it. I would even add a third tier one and two and the third being all in.

00:19:48:00 – 00:20:04:05


You need to go all in on yourself then. Oh, required. You get you can’t, you can’t like turn back like you can’t even have a second of hesitation. You know what I mean. Like you can’t be like, oh well was this the right decision, bro? If you’re even asking that question, it wasn’t your food. I mean, you let me think about your food at that point.

00:20:04:05 – 00:20:29:18


You got it’s like you have all these gazelles trying to figure out like, go straight, left or right and you’re one of the gazelles and you’re going to slow down and question your decision. And once it’s like you’re whether it’s left straight or right, whatever it is, run your ass off and keep going and don’t look back. So one is and I don’t know if you guys the cards is basically surround yourself with the people that are going to need the same shared clients.

00:20:29:18 – 00:20:47:05


I mean, this is like this is really simple like you guys could just the mortgage brokers having just as much trouble as you are. You want to find the one that’s just as hungry as you are. Same with title, same with every other ancillary service around the transaction. That’s point one. I’m going to do like I’m going to go out there and get my tribe to.

00:20:47:10 – 00:21:03:24


I think you got to be loud. Like while everyone else is in retreat, you need to scream from the fucking rooftops. This involves marketing, don’t you? Got This is when you triple down on marketing. This is when like because it’s all attention based in this business, people don’t really care who their real estate agent is and the vast majority of them over to the tune of 90% higher.

00:21:03:24 – 00:21:26:16


The first one they meet with. Therefore, what’s your fucking job? Become the first one they meet with. Focus on your personal brand, Blow it up because a lot of people are going to go quiet. I think that’s a huge opportunity for right now. Well said. A lot of I’m going to go quiet, brother, because nobody committed. If you read Influence by Karl Dini, The Psychology of Persuasion, one of the six tools of influence is commitment, consistency.

00:21:26:21 – 00:21:44:08


So why do people follow through on should they say they’re going to do when they say it publicly? Because they there’s a commitment, a consistency, part of their brain. It’s like I told the world I have to follow through. So all the people that are fear based right now, they’re they’re pulling back on marketing. They’re pulling back and saying, I’m going to do this and I’m going to do that.

00:21:44:08 – 00:22:00:17


I’m going to make this happen. Because they don’t they don’t want to be judged. If it doesn’t happen and I don’t want to feel inconsistent. They don’t believe they can do it. So they have a feeling of inconsistency. So they won’t make that commitment. So I think what you just said, getting getting loud or noisy, that doesn’t mean volume.

00:22:00:22 – 00:22:21:09


What he’s saying is quantity. Put out more content, put out, put out more videos, but get more visible now when everyone else is crying in their pillow, not attending their networking events, not attending, you know, the stuff they should be attending. You should be the most visible person. Yeah, it happened in I mean, the recent time was covered.

00:22:21:09 – 00:22:38:01


Like look how many YouTubers and Tiktokers became famous during that time because they had nothing else to do. They doubled down on their content and I don’t know anyone who really doubled down that didn’t come out of that on the upside. And it’s just attention. This is all touch it. It’s a popularity contest. No one really cares how good of an agent you are.

00:22:38:03 – 00:22:55:23


Like at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter because you have to be contacted first. Like, great, you’re the best agent in your market. That doesn’t fucking win you. The deal wins you. The deal is the most trusted agent in the market. Whether you’re good or not at your job doesn’t matter. It’s all in the eyes of consumer who didn’t think of first, who didn’t think of first, they think of first.

00:22:55:23 – 00:23:12:13


And that’s what a lot of this business is. It’s like said, it’s a popularity contest. Let’s talk about I want to talk a little bit about some of your stuff that you’re doing with the solar industry, because I like it. I like it a lot. I think it’s a I think it’s the future not just in solar, but I think all ancillary services.

00:23:12:13 – 00:23:32:21


I think this is the pivot. Yeah. Or the shift. I think it’s for the industry as a whole. And like one thing that I think every here’s what I think the future is. I think every team slash brokerage is a mini brokerage, whether you’re at any XP or coal banker, it doesn’t matter independent, whatever. But every team will work within a solution.

00:23:32:21 – 00:23:54:21


That team will also be an investor homebuyer. I think they’ll also have a mortgage arm inside of office. I think everyone in that will be selling solar through a company like yours. I think that everyone in there is literally the Home Depot of their market. I don’t I don’t like any business that just has one stream of income.

00:23:54:23 – 00:24:22:19


Like that’s a business built on a house of cards. Wait and fall, isn’t it? Like, look, you have to diversify. So what’s your opinion on that? And what do you is that one of the reasons why you went into the solar industry here and your scene in curious to get your take. Yeah so commission compression what you shared it’s going to force this and you know I see a world one day not a negative way but a positive way where there’s going to be a real estate agent is becomes like a concierge to all things in the home.

00:24:22:21 – 00:24:41:02


Yes, but newsflash, you already are you already are the most trusted advisor for all things in the home, but you’re not getting paid for it. You know it doesn’t. It’s the cool. They ask you. Who do you got for pool guy? If somebody wants a roof, they ask you, Who do they want for the roof guy? They don’t call the roofer and ask for a pool guy.

00:24:41:05 – 00:24:57:16


And they don’t call the pool guy and ask for the roofer because they don’t trust those. Do they trust the agent? No one trust the pool boy. Nobody but the pool boy works for the pool guy. Right now. I want to go back to commitment and consistency. This is two references, so you got to read the book if you have it.

00:24:57:16 – 00:25:15:18


Yeah. It’s one of the best sales books of all time to read it. But let’s go back to commitment consistency. If you’re a homeowner, you trust your real estate agent, even if you don’t like them, and even if you don’t want to trust them because you paid them more money for a transaction than anyone else you’ve ever paid for a transaction in your life.

00:25:15:22 – 00:25:36:09


And for you to actually verbally say, I don’t trust my my real estate agent or act on that is a treason against your own brain. Your brain won’t allow it because you just paid that person 510, 15, 20, $30,000, which is the most commission ever paid a human. So therefore, I must trust them. I got to be consistent with that.

00:25:36:09 – 00:26:08:00


Let me ask them about a flaw guy. Let me ask about you. Get the idea. So you being that person, we’re just talking about a world where maybe you’re going to lose a few points in the House, but you’re going to pick up money everywhere on everywhere else. Well, you begin to monetize on your connections and obviously inside of the rules of respites and run and, you know, rounding this out, Mike, all we did is we found the very clear conversion rates was the highest from a real estate agent.

00:26:08:02 – 00:26:28:22


Then anybody else when getting a referral for solar. So after seeing that over and over and over again, I said, Wait a second, I’m just going to build a platform that’s only for brokers and agents. I’m going to become a service provider to that world so that I can bridge the gap for them. I want to service them, bridge the gap for them, for B to B to C, let them go sell my shit.

00:26:28:24 – 00:26:50:11


And now when we do a commission split down the middle between our sales, the solar side and the real estate is do a commission split sharp. It’s coming from Chicago. Like solar to me is somewhat new. I’ve been out here five or six years, but it’s like and I’m like solar. It’s all solar, you know, what is that?

00:26:50:11 – 00:27:08:09


And you live in the winter, you’re from the Midwest. But I didn’t realize I know some agents that are crushing it and they’re making more money on solar than they are on their real estate business. And it just it it makes sense is because you guys got to look at it. Here’s here’s what we’re really talking about is you have to become that one known resource.

00:27:08:11 – 00:27:24:12


And the reason why so many agents have trouble staying in front of their networks is because you don’t know what the fuck to talk to them about. You sold them a house and everyone’s got commission breath and you can’t be breathing on someone for 5 to 6 years. They’re going to turn you off after year one. If all you’re doing is just breathing your commission breath all over.

00:27:24:12 – 00:27:43:12


You got anything else for me, bro? Talking about sales like it’s disgusting. You got doesn’t mean you stop talking to them, though. Having other value ads, like talking about the benefits of solar, that’s content. You could create that reminds them that you’re in business, and that goes for every vertical. It’s not just solar. Like you have to have no idea how dead ass right you are.

00:27:43:12 – 00:28:03:02


It’s actually the lead we create. All these resources for an agent, like all your news posts, generic stuff, text, generic stuff. And if somebody is interested, they’re going to contact you and you think this is just the ego. You think sending the Christmas card with you and your kids and the dog and the magic pajamas is what your client from six years ago gives a shit about.

00:28:03:04 – 00:28:20:07


Do you get your Christmas card? Looks like everybody else. They don’t care. That’s all you know. But if you could give them value, add about it any charge or information that how the whole world’s going electric with cars. This is why solar is important or pick a different lane. They’re not. You’re not educating them now that you’re educating them, you’re the plug.

00:28:20:09 – 00:28:39:15


So like Christmas is coming up, right? So what I would do if I’m selling solar is I would create a case study of how much money I sold or I saved on my electrical bill this year. And then how much of that is going to go towards the Christmas gift for my kids. Like, that’s a really easy way to say I sell solar and market solar without being a douchebag about it.

00:28:39:17 – 00:29:01:18


There are so many ways we just have to keep the conversation and anything that involves saving people money right now in this inflationary environment, like my gas out here is six, it’s almost seven bucks. We’re like at 678 or something goes up and down depending on what comes out of the president’s mouth tomorrow. San Diego’s the second most expensive power in the country next to Hawaii.

00:29:01:20 – 00:29:27:05


I get my my electrical bill last month was $444. Right. And that’s because I had the AC running for like 20 minutes. So it’s like, dude, it’s like, it’s crazy. It’s crazy. But yeah, I mean, any time you could talk about budgeting, but it doesn’t matter. The weather you’re selling, you’re getting a conversation started and marketing is not advertising, but you must always be marketing and it’s hard to market when you can’t provide value.

00:29:27:07 – 00:29:42:24


So you have to really reverse engineer what you guys are really talking about when it comes to how do you stay in front of your database and whatnot? Because every single person on your Facebook feed, your Instagram followers, they’ll fucking live somewhere, which means have a roof over their heads. Now, how many of them are homeowners and how many of them need solar?

00:29:42:24 – 00:30:01:22


Boom. There you go. There’s your potential lead list you’re going to buy with or without you, right? It’s just a matter of who’s going get the commission. One part that’s really important and this is why we went deep into this, this blue ocean is the real estate world believes that the financial tools that solar used to use are the same ones.

00:30:01:22 – 00:30:21:04


They still use. So if I’m an agent, listen to this. I’m like, I hate solar because they’re going to leave the house and it’s going to jack up my commission. And they are correct. A few years ago, any of the new financial products, because of there’s enough volume now in solar that the banks are like, oh, there’s barely any credit default here.

00:30:21:06 – 00:30:41:05


So let’s go ahead and take the wheel of the the walls of this, you know, the guardrails. Let’s take the guardrails off this now. It’s no money down, no lead and the loan transfers. So you go solar in five years, the new buyer comes in, they fill out one piece of paper and they just take over your solar payment.

00:30:41:07 – 00:30:57:15


And I said, The lead is a fixture filing a.k.a if you don’t pay your monthly bill, they’re going to come get your panels. Same thing with everything else that you’re supposed to be paying for. You don’t pay your car, they come get your car. So it’s like a repo. Yeah, it’ll be like repo. The panels. Yeah, never happens.

00:30:57:17 – 00:31:20:12


So the bank closed in Atlanta in the plane on this one. From the real estate world, their beliefs are all on old information. And I know that I’m like, Oh shit, if I just build a world, I’m just going to go educate everyone I can. That’s an agent about the new world. We can all make money together, protect the customer, and unite two industries that have been warring for a while.

00:31:20:14 – 00:31:47:09


Yeah, very cool. But again, it’s a pivot and I think your timing is right on with the conditions at the market are in there right now. But I think the the pivot is just adding services. That’s the pivot, right? It’s like being one lane. So whether it’s solar or something else, the overall language you brought up is you can’t live in this belief of I’m only going to do this and it’s going to make me rich forever.

00:31:47:11 – 00:32:10:16


It’s not now any more. Yep. Yeah. I mean, if I’m you guys, I’m definitely looking at learning how to invest myself. Remember when these market shifts happen, that’s when you want to be the buyer. I’m not the person assisting the buyer, so I’ll take advantage of some of those couple deals that come across your desk. And sometimes that’s all you need to do one or two times a year and there’s ways here, you guys, is what we’re getting as opportunities around.

00:32:10:18 – 00:32:27:11


But you have to be the one that turn that ship. Not going to turn the wheel for you. And unless you’re willing to change and non fear the overcoming of whatever that change is going to be because you’re going to get rejected either way. If you think about it right, they don’t change and things aren’t going well. What’s going to happen?

00:32:27:11 – 00:32:40:03


I’m going to go broke. If I do change and things are going well, well then I have that lease. I go down with a fighting stance and chances are I’ll probably make it as long as I stick with it. Right. I do believe that as long as you’re not willing to give up, you will eventually succeed in anything you do in life.

00:32:40:03 – 00:33:04:01


So take it as as you will, guys. Nick, any closing thoughts on this? You know, I think this to me, this is philosophy. It’s philosophy as opposed to execute in terms of it’s not a skill, it’s a it’s a it’s a philosophical thing. If you just accept change is inevitable and you must change in order to succeed, you must pivot when things aren’t going the way you want it to.

00:33:04:03 – 00:33:26:07


Right now, all your competition is pivoting. Like, for example, I heard you talk about building a brand. Building a brand y’all build a brand was Web 2.0. That was ten years ago. 20 years ago was Web 1.0. Web 2.0. It started ten years ago. We’re now in Web three point 0ai and everything you hear about a high and, you know, blockchain, it’s all web three.

00:33:26:09 – 00:33:47:09


So while you’re still deciding whether or not you’re going to talk in a video, everyone is eating your lunch on building a brand and they’re now mastering Web 3.0. You’ll be so far behind in everything to close the gap. So don’t let that stress. You don’t let that give you anxiety. It’s about taking consistent daily, nonstop action or is the direction you should be going.

00:33:47:11 – 00:34:07:15


And and also when you when change is necessary, be willing. Don’t resist it. Be willing to accept it, receive it, and enroll with the find your tribe and roll with them in the direction you all should be rolling. Right on, dude. I appreciate your insight, folks, and we appreciate you listening to up. So the rest of marketing dude folks, if you like what you heard here today, follow us on our social channels.

00:34:07:15 – 00:34:30:11


Make sure you leave us review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening in on and make sure you check out our damn software suite, assist or make sure your brokerage gets it. If you really like what we talked about today, have an ancillary services involved in your business having a whole referral marketing system that build your brand and having it all in one cool place for you to access that your brokerage pays for, Well, you better go knock on his fucking door and tell the buy it right now.

00:34:30:17 – 00:34:50:09


Go to sweet assist dot com that’s S.W. ETX assist dot com. Thanks for listening. We’ll see you guys next week please. Thanks I’ll thank you for watching another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do podcast if you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW dot Real Estate Marketing dude dot com.

00:34:50:13 – 00:35:06:02


We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.

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