Sarah Cruse joins us to talk about how to succeed in this market. It’s a hard road to success and there are always more things to learn.
The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)
00:00:00:03 – 00:00:28:01
So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webster, Real Estate Marketing Dave. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them, Let’s get started.
00:00:31:05 – 00:00:47:10
What’s up, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to other episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude Podcast. Folks, what we’re going to get to is a look the title of today’s episode. You’re like, What the hell is that mean? Crisis is seasonal. And this is I’ve been talking to people all over the country. I always do. And I asked one of the questions I ask is, how are people doing?
00:00:47:10 – 00:01:06:23
How are people doing? If you click on social media right now, you would think that nothing’s wrong because everyone’s, oh, just a great old God damn well I don’t like saying that word. It’s just a damn good time. And you probably are like, you wouldn’t think anything’s going wrong, but, you know, I think we’re all lying to us and people who are who are crushing it right now.
00:01:07:00 – 00:01:24:19
God bless you. Like congratulations. Keep going. But the reality is there’s a lot of people who are not. As a matter of fact, 60,000 are real estate agents just left the industry according to some recent stats. I’ve seen them from multiple places. I’m sure that number is not higher because once renewal comes around, I think that’s going to even increase greater.
00:01:25:14 – 00:01:46:23
I don’t know what show we’re on, but probably about six months ago I said multiple shows. I said the amount of agents leaving the industry is going to be greater than the less amount of homes that are being sold within the same marketplace. And if you guys remember that episode, if you didn’t go listen to my shit because I know what the fuck I’m talking about and it’s happening right now.
00:01:46:23 – 00:02:09:15
So yes, transactions are down. But don’t get me wrong, there’s still opportunity out there. And what changes is the way you market your business, the way you look at your business, the way you approach your business, because if you keep doing the same thing, you’re not adapting the business, you’re just the salesperson chasing the check. So we’re going give you some fucking real world advice today and if that’s you right now, listen, pay attention to this, because this might be the episode you’re waiting for.
00:02:09:22 – 00:02:30:01
And we’re going to just talk about business life, how you overcome these peaks and valleys, trials and tribulations within your lifetime. If you also listen to my show, I always talk about my faith in Christ. The reason for that is because that’s what got me through all of my seasons. And trust me, I’ve had quite a roller coaster in my lifetime, so so is our guest.
00:02:30:08 – 00:02:42:11
So what we’re going to do today is introduce our guests. You actually, we just got out here. She thought we were going to prepare for the show. I’m like, no, we’re going fucking live right now. You’re not. We’re going to take notes and prepare on how we’re going to go out and do this show. I’m like, No, I’ve never done that in my life.
00:02:42:18 – 00:03:02:20
So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go live right now and just roll with it. So I’ve known her for quite a while. I actually should probably since 2015 ish, I’m guessing. Yep. And I remember when I first met her was at a club wealth event, I would believe, and I was speaking and she was an attendee and she came up and grabbed me.
00:03:02:20 – 00:03:17:23
She’s like, Tell me how you doing this? Tell me how Eunice She was asking all the questions and she was, you know, like you could just tell she was going to do something and then she ended up wrecking crushing it and really doing well. And you have quite a story to tell. So sorry for the long, drawn out informational introduction here.
00:03:17:23 – 00:03:54:02
But without further ado, Sarah Cruz. Hi, Sarah. Hey, thank you for having me on that was a really good intro. Um, yeah. So yeah, like he said, I did not prepare for this, so just, you know, hopefully don’t sound whiny or anything, but back in 2015, I left emotionally abusive husband packed up, my kids left. 2016, I was divorced and I, I had been a stay at home mom.
00:03:54:02 – 00:04:28:05
And so I felt at the time that real estate was my only option because I couldn’t afford daycare. All three all three kids were not old enough to be in public school. And so low income just straight. Just no. And just like boom. Yep. You got I think that what I had going for me is I had been a loan officer back before 2008 and then I had I went ahead and by the grace of God had my real estate license.
00:04:28:05 – 00:04:58:06
So I was ready to roll. But we all know like it’s when you’re a solo agent, you get out there and it’s a rollercoaster. So I was in foreclosure twice. I dug myself out a couple of times. And just looking back on that time, it I, I may I was able to make six figures within two years, which I think for a single mom that’s pretty good.
00:04:59:01 – 00:05:20:10
I had three kids at home screaming. I mean, take you take a phone call and you have people you have kids crying in the background, which in the beginning that stressed me out. I mean, I would hide in my master closet and then after time, I just let it roll because I mean, the kids would build trust. No one seemed to care.
00:05:20:10 – 00:05:48:11
Most of the families that I helped had kids, so they totally understood. So just moving. They became part of your brand too, though, right? Yeah. Without even, you know, that was something that I didn’t even think about. I didn’t know I needed a brand or anything, but I that is how I am known across the United States in the real estate coaching world.
00:05:49:16 – 00:06:19:16
And then, yeah, here at home, single mom and still single mom. So yeah. So getting through. Let me ask you a couple questions right here on this and just that, because I want us to resonate with some people. Things always just sort of work out. I believe and I believe that it’s like, you know, if you’re like animals, like if you’re a cat, you’re going to find a way to eat.
00:06:20:08 – 00:06:42:18
Mm hmm. Dogs do the same thing. Mammals do this in natural like habitats. And when you’re in and your back’s against a wall and you have housing payments to make kids to feed, you know, all the above, like you’re going to figure it out. But we can’t do is just stay frozen. Exactly. And I so I’m super thankful for their I know there’s a reason I went through all of that.
00:06:43:06 – 00:07:09:20
And I’m super, super thankful that I went through it. I don’t know why it is beyond my understanding. I’m just really excited. You know, I, I know God has huge plans for me and I mean, not just with that situation. I just recently went through another one and I’m just just that much more ahead. And so let’s unpack this really quick, because like in real estate, you have to like fall on your face.
00:07:09:20 – 00:07:24:17
It’s really the only time you ever learn. And I’m going to give you an example, and this might be some you guys listening every this happens every single age. I mean, doing this for so long, I could I could literally tell you this. So after that, 3 to 4 years, when you start making it might start making six figures.
00:07:24:24 – 00:07:48:21
You’re had get so fucking big, your ego floats up and you literally think you’re shit don’t stink. It is a disease. I’ve seen it with everybody. I literally don’t know anyone who hasn’t done it. And the same story happens. It’s happened to me too. Your egos run in. You think you’re walking on water, folks. We’re just fucking real estate agents.
00:07:48:21 – 00:08:25:05
Okay. All right. At the end of the day, get over ourselves. The ego will kill your business. The ego is what brought me bankrupt. Thinking, not planning ahead, not working on business, thinking that I could always just figure it out. Did you have an ego? 2.0, I’m sure. I mean, I just I was going through files last night and I had taken a screenshot of my backend software with my brokerage, and I had all these like you had to scroll to go through all my deals and I was like, look, it was like, look where I’m at, you know, like I’ve got this figured out.
00:08:25:11 – 00:08:49:22
But the thing is, it’s like you have to a lot of people in that position become reactive. So winners are proactive like we that a lot of us should have planned on a market like this. I grew my business in this market and then I got, you know, got to sell it and it was easy. And then, bam, here we are again.
00:08:50:06 – 00:09:17:01
And and that wasn’t the experience that I, I, I did experience. There was other things going on in my life, but I was not proactive. I, I was reactive since November. So let’s unpack these things first. What did you know from 2016 to 17 to that you didn’t know in 2019, but you only realize in hindsight, right? You probably didn’t do a panel before.
00:09:17:21 – 00:09:43:09
Oh, no. Okay, that’s necessary. In my case, like when I got to San Diego, I was so bad with numbers. I just learned the piano in the last 18 to 24 months. That’s when I really started making money like I had the fall to frickin learn the case here. So that’s not a loss, though, at the same time, because you can’t pay for that knowledge.
00:09:43:09 – 00:10:13:14
No, that’s a really good point. Pianos are I mean, there’s other things that I’m sure I wish I would have known back then, but when you’re just I mean, it was a shit show and just throwing wet noodles against the wall to see what would stick, you know? But when you do that, when you get your business and your bank accounts all set up and you get that PNL, which I finally just hired somebody to help me, which, by the way, she’s been amazing.
00:10:14:00 – 00:10:36:12
But you find that you are not making as much money as you think you are. And it really puts you you have to be put you have to be forced into that headspace. You guys have to know every number in your business. Every number. Like I know my number so well right now that I just know every moment, any business I’m involved, they know every dollar and know where it spent.
00:10:36:12 – 00:10:47:11
I know what my budget is. I know what my groceries cost. I know everything it is in this market. That’s probably the number one thing that people and if you don’t know, yeah, trust me, you’re going to fall on your face and you’re going to learn it. You’re going to come out of it, though, learning it. And that’s what it takes.
00:10:48:21 – 00:11:18:19
What about just looking at, you know, looking at just business generation, obtaining clients? What did you find when you didn’t have any money to spend? Where did you put that effort? What did you do to generate it? What did you do to make that happen? Okay. So when I was new and I didn’t realize it at the time, I was doing open houses, maybe events, and then so what?
00:11:18:19 – 00:11:40:18
It wasn’t necessarily the open houses that grew my bit. In fact, it was not the open houses. I remember one client that I got and he ended up being a repeat client, but isn’t for as many open houses as I did. I don’t know if I can say that it was worth it or not, but it was posting on social media about not my cute little graphics, but like, oh, here I am putting up signs.
00:11:41:01 – 00:12:08:03
Oh, here I am. It’s, you know, in Galveston, it’s windy, it’s about to have a hurricane. But I have this open house planned and just I well, I didn’t realize at the time, but I was showing the real life of a real estate agent or, you know, of Sarah Cruz. So told me posting about like your your what is it the home snap award that like 99% of the real estate population gets that says like congratulations.
00:12:08:03 – 00:12:22:10
You’re like in the top 1% and everyone posts and they’re like, oh my God, I post the award or they or maybe it’s the just listed like or it just sold like, I hate that shit. It makes me a court, folks. You just have to tell your damn story. She’s just hitting her database. So in other words, your business came from your relationships.
00:12:23:01 – 00:12:53:01
Yes. Yes. And when you’re doing that, which it’s super important to reach out to your your sphere, because those are your warm relationships. But thank God for social media. And by the way, if that’s ever ripped out from under us, but so many more agents, there’s probably going to be about 2% of agents that are still in the business because they have an email list.
00:12:53:01 – 00:13:13:23
I think a lot of us rely way too much on social media, and I’m one of them still. And, you know, just doing all the things it it’s you really have to leverage your time. And that’s another thing I learned through this last one. I had lover. I paid for leverage and then I had to let all of it go and it’s like I’m building back up.
00:13:15:00 – 00:13:34:03
We’ll take a quick a quick small second for a commercial break. If you’ve not heard about referral suite dot com, referral suite dot com. What that does it helps you market your database on social media through video email and automated through direct mail. It’s the only place you need to nurture, grow, manage and stay in front of your damn relationships so they stop forgetting who the fuck you are.
00:13:34:04 – 00:13:57:03
All right, let’s go back to the regular episode because you’re not marketing in your database. Someone is. That’s right. And that damn software that I finally moved out here for this finally day, I’m ready and I’m launching it next week. Fuck, yeah. Boom. That’s a ten year road. $600,000 down the drain. But I didn’t quit. And neither will you in this market.
00:13:58:04 – 00:14:17:22
No. Now, so let’s get back into this, because you started making it. I saw you start like speaking and creating a lot of content. And yes, like guys get the business right in front of you, but if you’re hiding in the closet, you’re chasing a bunch of strangers. Like your business is just never going to take off. You’re just going to get burnt out unless you’re a fucking robot.
00:14:17:22 – 00:14:38:01
There are some robots out there. And if you’re a robot, congratulations. But the vast majority of us aren’t. We have feelings. It’s emotional, stressful. We can’t cold call every day like this is the reality of it. A lot of us are salespeople. It’s very rare to find a good salesperson. Now you’re going through some else right now, and I don’t know what you want to share about that.
00:14:38:01 – 00:14:56:07
You don’t share any of it. However, you’re going through another season like you this is only two years. You thought you were probably you were like, Oh, fuck, I got it made and then I’ll send it crash again. Yeah, well, I which I know you know a lot about this, but I went, I slid right into a deep depression.
00:14:56:07 – 00:15:23:06
And it wasn’t because of the market, it was just things that were I was burnt out. I was really burnt out because it’s I one of the things that I pride myself on, oh, maybe I shouldn’t say that, but a lot of my clients use me because I’m so responsive and I think I just wore myself out and, you know, still three boys.
00:15:23:06 – 00:15:53:11
I try I run my ass off for them and I like I try to make it to where it doesn’t feel like a one parent household because it’s not their fault that their parents are stupid and had a failed relationship. So all three play sports. I’m constantly driving them around. I pay for everything my ex-husband does. I don’t even care about throwing him under the bus anymore.
00:15:54:00 – 00:16:22:05
He does not hold his weight. He is not a good dad. He has no respect for women. So he has no respect for me. I think there’s one woman in this world that he has respect for, and that’s his aunt and that’s it, not even his mom. So he I do everything on my own and running a business, you know, I yes, I do make great money.
00:16:22:05 – 00:16:41:10
It just got to the point where I just I got tired and I just but here’s what I learned from all of that. And that was months and months of just let’s go through that. I remember days that like I literally like full disclosure and I left Chicago. I was like, I can’t get the fuck out of here.
00:16:41:10 – 00:17:02:00
I can’t even look at a granite countertop anymore. Like, I swear to God, if I hear the word fucking stainless steel appliance upgrades GFCI outlets, I’m going to fucking throw up. Yeah, because like, it’s so emotional like the $10 people are fighting over. It got to the point where people are fighting over like a what is $1,000 on a home inspection item and I’m making like 15 grand.
00:17:02:00 – 00:17:19:09
I’m like, I’ll fucking pay it. I don’t give a shit, shut the fuck up. Like, I don’t care. Like just get out of here. Like, stop fighting. Yeah, honestly, I personally kind of I’m like, but I love the marketing side of the business. I love the Legionary side. That’s why I moved. But if you guys feel that way right now, that’s real shit.
00:17:19:09 – 00:17:40:14
Like, I think it happens, everybody. And I just don’t think anyone talks about it because you could get just burnt out in this business, you know, over everyone. How many clients have you shown it and show them 80 houses and in a buy anything or how many times have you logged on and found out one of your friends fucking hired your other friend or you know, the stuff gets it’s like a dagger go through your heart.
00:17:41:12 – 00:18:09:02
Yeah. I mean I, my own views on that. I just I’m normally, I’m just like, well, what, what did I for some reason they didn’t use me and whether somebody else could have built that trust. So they liked somebody more than me. And it doesn’t I don’t want it hurt my feelings and that’s that’s a huge thing in the real estate world is don’t get if your mom doesn’t use you you should ask yourself why.
00:18:09:02 – 00:18:36:12
But it’s like if you have to look in the mirror, well, yeah, that’s their job to remember what you do. It’s your job to remind them. That is exactly right. And there’s, you know, if if there’s a lot more short sales and a lot more foreclosures, you can bet your like, you need to be like getting cold business because those people aren’t going to be using their friends like they’re in a financial dilemma.
00:18:36:21 – 00:19:05:23
So giving me a little bit of a preview of where we’re headed, I don’t really I don’t know. I in my area, the markets always good. It was really good obviously during COVID, but I don’t I so after Hurricane Harvey I thought that was it was like my business is done. I just I had only been in business for like two years and I was building up and I’m like, Well, there we go.
00:19:06:09 – 00:19:33:06
And it just like it took off. So, I don’t know, I think if you acclimate to the market because now we have a ton of flooded homes and we are super saturated with investors and that’s actually that specific part of investing is not my niche, but like my investors buy you construction, but you just have to acclimate to the market, whatever.
00:19:33:06 – 00:20:00:09
You have to be proactive and just not reactive, just be proactive, acclimate to the market, learn whatever is coming our way. And so I don’t know. I don’t think our market’s going to be bad, not here in Houston. I’m curious about what’s going to happen in San Diego because I don’t know, like no one in their right mind is going to buy a house at a 7% interest rate at like 1.5 million when you can rent the same house for a third less.
00:20:00:23 – 00:20:29:23
Yeah, that’s the problem I see in this market, but it’s so different. A lot of people are living here too. They’re not like excited about like the future of California. So barely. But we have a lot of y’all come in here. Yeah, I know. We’re keeping you damn busy. All right, so where do we take this? Like, I think there’s a lot here, because the second thing that you’re you’re coming through now is what you you keep you don’t stop.
00:20:29:24 – 00:20:51:22
You keep going out there. And then I believe that opportunities as long as you’re really loud. So I like content creation so much as that. We have a client that is running for fucking mayor because he’s on video like it’s crazy. And the amount of brand you could just build doing it consistently never fails. But there’s always the real win in it isn’t the amount of clients you get, it’s the other opportunities that come your way.
00:20:52:10 – 00:21:16:03
And I think if people just because it just creates more conversations when you’re just putting yourself out there and these different conversations leave different opportunities and I’m sure I don’t we haven’t talked since, but I’m guessing that these little opportunities that have happened your way, you have a course that you created, you have a another business. You’re running and running on a leadership level.
00:21:16:10 – 00:21:42:20
But those didn’t just come to you because you were sitting in the closet, not doing anything, not hustling. They’re doing it as a result of those. But none of that has a deal with a direct client for real estate, does it? No. And it’s actually so during this most recent rough patch that was my therapy is I just would get on my computer and I would just write and I would shoot video for my course.
00:21:43:14 – 00:22:08:07
But yeah, so back and I’m back. When you were making my videos, it wasn’t even I didn’t even have to run ads. I mean, I would just post it and the organic reach my business just like took off that’s and I, I’m shooting myself in the foot because I don’t do as much videos I need to be doing.
00:22:08:24 – 00:22:32:17
But I just wanted to throw that out there because you’re probably going to need it. Yeah. Like you need to open houses. You don’t need to do events, you just need to be on video, on social media. You don’t even have to run ads behind it. Now, I didn’t have to be good to. Kristen was coaching and she’s all about like rich ads and everything.
00:22:33:02 – 00:23:00:01
But if you don’t have the money to start that you just you you can just use that organic reach. But yeah, back on these life events, just going through this last one, the biggest thing that I learned and, and this has nothing to do with real estate, but I know like everybody goes through this is when you are I got I got to the point where I was super upset with my ex-husband.
00:23:01:19 – 00:23:35:19
And we have this cycle of abundance like it’s like this ongoing. Like we just we all the cycle of abundance you give, you receive. And when you are hung up on something that completely stops. And I let that control my mental peace and in turn that like my business came to a complete halt. And I every day, like, like the resentment, like you were so pissed off about this thing that you couldn’t move forward.
00:23:36:06 – 00:24:06:16
So right now, my oldest is in Cooperstown, New York, for a tournament that I busted my ass to get them to me and the other parents. We were fundraising like crazy I every it’s my blood sweat and tears I pay for his baseball every month. I take them to practice. I take them to games. I fundraised. I bought his plane ticket.
00:24:06:18 – 00:24:40:08
His new client studies wearing like everything and my ex-husband doesn’t pay child support. Didn’t help at all. Doesn’t help. And guess who’s at the tournament right now watching my son. And I’m here at home because I couldn’t go. And I have been so stuck on that. And it like every day I have to work on forgiveness and letting it go so that the rest of my life can run at the speed that I want.
00:24:40:08 – 00:25:21:05
And it’s not completely all his fault. Like when I’m producing, none of this matters. None of this matters. I’m like, You know what? You’re hurting yourself. Because I get to see the boy’s little quirks. I get to see them grow. I get I that’s my gift. And he doesn’t get that. But he’s looking like super dad right now and Cooperstown am and did absolutely zero to get his son there but I guarantee he had his travel plans all paid for all made while the rest of us were bussing our house to get our kids to Cooperstown.
00:25:21:14 – 00:25:52:24
So like I it if anyone knows it’s me. Like, I feel that pain and I on a daily basis have to forgive him or I just. I’m going to live in this turmoil and I’m not going to make any money. My business is not going to run and I need it to. I mean, worst enemy. Yes. Yes. It’s crazy what our minds do.
00:25:52:24 – 00:26:31:23
It’s there’s so elaborate. And you have to learn to control and have peace. Mm hmm. How much how much do you rely? And then I’m assuming this is where faith comes in for you. I want you to rely back on. Yes. Yeah. And I. And I know. And back in 2015, 20, 16,017, when I was 13, when I was Laina Wake at 3:00 wondering how I’m going to, you know, pay the electricity bill or whatnot.
00:26:31:23 – 00:27:03:00
I was always I made sure that I was always thanking God for what I did have. I did have a roof over my head. I owned my home. So I didn’t I didn’t have to worry about getting evicted. In fact, like I totally I used like I knew the bank wasn’t going to come after me and I had a good six months, but I would dig myself out like every three months and then I would go on that roller coaster again.
00:27:03:00 – 00:27:25:14
I was brutal. Yeah, but I. I swear, like, the last six months have been even worse than what I went through back then. And I’m. And that’s what a lot of people I think are happening right now. But tell them and, you know, you’re not out of it yet. No, no. I have to build my business back up.
00:27:26:05 – 00:27:49:23
But my bit and and just to be super authentic and transparent. Yes, I had things set up. I had my pal whatever. But I, I had to go through what I went through for a reason. And now ramping back up, it is just so much more organized like I know what to do now and know putting those steps in place.
00:27:49:23 – 00:28:15:03
And I, I, I’m super excited to see what God has in plan land for me because just everything that I’ve been going through and experiencing, like it’s just that much better just coming out and you realize too, your real friends are too okay. You get to see who the fake people are, who the real people are, who really has your back.
00:28:15:10 – 00:28:30:04
My dad told me I was younger. If you have two friends in your life, you actually had a good life. And I used to say, look at thousands of friends and hundreds of friends, like I’m the most popular kid in college. What do you mean? And he was right. I’m like, you know, because once, you know, money goes away.
00:28:30:04 – 00:28:52:02
And then I went from to be okay, pretty much everyone left with it. And then also and you see who’s around. But yeah, most people today are all talk. I can tell you firsthand, a lot of people you listen to, I’ll talk, bitch, you know, just the way it is. But I think the point here is, is that life isn’t always what it seems to be.
00:28:52:02 – 00:29:09:20
And this isn’t meant to doom and gloom, but motivate for you guys listening to this, because you guys are a lot of you going through this shit right now in my life, I relied back on my own faith, same way it was like for maybe just four years ago. And I remember as Christmas and I only had like $300 in my checking account.
00:29:10:09 – 00:29:30:21
And it was I think I was like the 23rd of December. And I bought $300 worth of gifts at Tuesday morning. And that’s the name of the store for Chris for Christmas. But I still had presents and I’m like, All right, what am I going to do for dinner the next day? And like and who knows? Like, money just showed up and I stopped worrying about my monthlies and whatnot.
00:29:30:21 – 00:29:51:00
I actually started tithing. It wasn’t until I started tithing that business started growing, oddly enough. So I encourage you guys, I’m not trying to preach the word to you because that’s I could just tell you about it. And it’s up to you to take that and accept that into your life. But if what I just said resonated or what Sara just said resonated, then give it a shot.
00:29:51:00 – 00:30:12:18
Because what do you got to lose at the same time? And I think if you could find peace through strength and just do it inner what happens is that like magical it’s just what happens with everyone who tries it. So I would encourage you to take a look at faith if you haven’t yet. Anything went Oh, I mean a ton.
00:30:12:18 – 00:30:39:05
I mean I just going through those things and I just tell you, I’m one of my best friends. The other day, like I I’ve been very lazy about taking my boys to church, but we, they know who Jesus is. They know who God is. But the fact that I was raised on Christian values have helped me tremendously. Has I?
00:30:39:05 – 00:31:04:07
It that event brought me so much closer to God and I had to one day I remember so clearly. I just had I had to I just threw my hands up and I just gave it all to God. I was just I can’t do it on my own. I was trying to control everything. I was trying to control the Cooperstown situation and my ex-husband and myself.
00:31:04:13 – 00:31:30:12
And I just I finally had to just throw my hands up and I just I was not forced, but I just was constantly talking to God. And I this is the whole story. But I would hate for my clients to know. But whatever, once that happens and this was just last month, once that happened, an acquaintance called me.
00:31:30:13 – 00:32:00:14
Her house was had been on the market for six months in my neighborhood. And if your your house is on sale on the market six months later in my neighborhood, our house fly off the market. Something’s wrong. And I their listing expired. I took over immediately. I sold that house within 2 hours of it being listed on the MLS for almost as much as it had been listed for before.
00:32:01:01 – 00:32:23:23
And it was all cash and like I had money in my account within two weeks and that was like I, I was wondering how I was going to be paying my mortgage in June. That’s how bad my business and like I listen to all the gurus, I had six months of reserve in my bank account and that’s that’s how long I had been going through that fund.
00:32:23:23 – 00:32:48:23
And I was running out of money. And as soon as I just let it go and gave it to God, like, boom, now it’s like life. And every single day something happens to where like the, the brokerage I just joined and partnered with. We have four divisions coming up. We started a leasing division because of my leasing course that took off and is going great.
00:32:49:02 – 00:33:05:21
We’re building a team and then one of my best friends calls and says, I want to just sit in front of my computer and come to my. And I was like, awesome, because that’s like it that we’ve needed that we, there’s investors that need somebody to do that and we can make a lot of money off of that.
00:33:05:21 – 00:33:31:17
So and then we’re starting a home swap division where it’s where we are going to be. The experts on estimable rates. You don’t want to sell your house because you don’t want to get in a higher rate. Well, here’s somebody else that needs the same thing. Home swap. So it’s just I mean, business is awesome now and I just had to let go and forgive, let go, let God.
00:33:31:17 – 00:33:51:09
And so I’m a huge yeah just for a lot give it all up here. I was like Mike and Darren covered like I’m like, why don’t you want to wear a mask? I’m like, because if Scott thinks I’m going to die, I would go, but I’m going to get it. No matter whether or not I have a fucking mask on or not, I don’t give a fuck about no stupid, you know, COVID, whatever.
00:33:51:09 – 00:34:09:03
Like, even if the people were turning into zombies, I’d say when my time to go, my time to go. But I’m not going to stop doing what I’m doing today because of what someone else says. And that’s what faith over fear is, folks. So great episode, folks. This is, you know, to really do like these motivational type things, but it just felt we should.
00:34:09:23 – 00:34:30:17
I think we did a good job. I thought it was good show. Any closing thoughts once you talk about your leasing course that you mentioned, now that we do have a business side, let’s see if we can help sell some of your courses. Why don’t you tell them how they could get involved in that? Folks, what you just said was for different, unique selling propositions, adapting to the current market conditions.
00:34:31:19 – 00:34:54:14
And you have to people are still going to be moving. You have to be a problem solver for those who are. So you have to shift and you have to shift the way you market your business. You have to shift the way you generate business because yes, she’s right. The truth is that people who are safe right now aren’t going to move as likely because they can’t replace the same house they’re living in with today’s rates at the same price, they’re paying for it.
00:34:54:19 – 00:35:16:08
And that’s one of the biggest problems. Hence this home swap creation she’s come up with. She’s solving a problem. And anytime you could be a problem solver on your business, regardless of market conditions is going to happen. I’m going hard into distressed. I’m focusing on high debt, bankruptcy, foreclosure, short sale, 60, 90 day lates because those are the transactions that are going to happen right.
00:35:16:08 – 00:35:41:21
That’s what happens in a shift. So buy your course and tell me about that and let’s get this show wrap so you guys can get back to your day. Yeah, the main course, the core offer is how to be a six figure agent and it’s not it’s not business coaching. It is like the art of how to get business.
00:35:43:14 – 00:36:11:16
And then what I’m an expert at Lisa, is because I have a lot of investors, we buy, buy and holds and I turn around and I list and for lease I get tenants and I’m sorry my dog was not supposed to be in my room and so I did a leasing course. So if you need money right away, if you’re an agent and you’re struggling and you need money, this is a course that teaches you how to make immediate money.
00:36:12:05 – 00:36:45:17
And while you’re building your business and honestly, like I put lead gen stuff in my leasing course, which you can totally use for buyers and sellers. So and it’s much cheaper where do I get it? And well, I can send you the link I have, but I don’t even know my link tree link. But if you go on link tree and you search Sarah Kors S.A. RH C r us e it will take you to there that up program.
00:36:46:19 – 00:37:11:21
Sarah Cruz Keep crushing it and don’t stop folks listen to this a couple times. Do you? I know a lot of you. I feel exactly what we were talking about. I just know it and take notes and just sit back. Zero in. Don’t run around like a chicken. That’s what happens. You know, you’re that animal trying to get out of the hole that you got stuck in and you can’t really sit back and think of an intelligent way to get out of a hole.
00:37:11:21 – 00:37:27:08
You just keep clawing at what’s next and that’s where these folks, that’s when you start spinning wheels like a hamster wheel. You don’t get out of it. So get the fuck out of it. It’s up to you to do. And yes, you can do it because I guarantee you, chances are probably what me and her have gone through.
00:37:28:02 – 00:37:46:02
And I don’t mean this in a negative way, but it’s probably a lot worse than what you’re probably going through right now yourself, because we’ve gone through some shit and a lot of it wasn’t shared on this, but maybe it will get really, really deep on another episode if we get a good response on this one, I’ll be happy to go really, really deep.
00:37:46:10 – 00:38:03:16
So thanks for listening, guys. Check out our new software we just launched. It’s called Referral Suite. AECOM is a component of suite assist. If you want to learn about that, it’s called suite assist. Visit that W WW dot sweet assist dot com piece we’ll see you next week. Thank you for watching. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do podcast.
00:38:03:16 – 00:38:24:11
If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our Web site at WW dot real estate marketing dude dot com. We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace.
00:38:24:15 – 00:38:41:06
Thanks for watching. Another episode of the podcast will see you next at.
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