Done For You Video Marketing

Do I Need To Create My Own Real Estate Content?

If you’re not creating real estate content now or have plans to into the future, you’ll be out of business. That’s a bold claim to make, but hear me out first.

Every real estate agent or lender will need to create a personal brand.  You cannot create a personal brand without creating content, unless you’re famous, but if you were, you probably wouldn’t be selling real estate.

Every Real Estate Agent, Lender, & Independent Contractor Needs To Create Authentic Content

The topic creating more real estate content is starting to infiltrate marketing discussions, but what does that even mean? Do you have to create your own real estate content or can you use someone else’s?

Every real estate agents marketing plan will involve content creation You need to create your own real estate content.

What Defines Real Estate Content?

Let’s first define what content creation is.  I know this may be obvious to some, but not all agents are up to speed on the whole “content marketing” thing.  Content is anything that you share about your business that others could find interesting. In real estate, you can create articles (blogs), education videos, or even market your listings for example.

Content is anything that “reminds” other what you do for a living.

There are many services online that can “ghost write” content for you or post for you online, but do they work?

BUT….Here’s what I want you to consider.

Real Estate Content On instagram

It is impossible to outsource authenticity.   The key to your content is not creating it, it’s having it leave a lasting impression.

For example, there are many services that offer pre-written email marketing campaigns. One of the things I hate about pre-written “done for you” email marketing campaigns is that they are very cold.

This has a better chance of annoying your database than nurturing it. This is why we only teach and preach video email marketing for all referral generation efforts.

Do you get those financial planning and mortgage monthly news emails? What do you think?

There’s your answer…

The same concept applies when you have articles written for you.  The entire point of blogging is to establish yourself as an expert in your field and use your real estate content to attract more potential prospects to you. People do business with people they like first and foremost.

Should I Share Others Real Estate Content?

Absolutely, why not? Anytime you are sharing content on social media or to your email list, you are reinforcing in the minds of your database what you do for a living, which is referral marketing. But don’t just share it, REACT to it or comment on it.

One of the best types of videos you can do right now on Reels is a Green Screen Video Reacting to something in the news.

You should always be sharing content that reminds your social connections that you’re in real estate.

Creating content allows you to sell without having to ever sell anything at all. Focus on serving others and helping people get the answers to the most pressing real estate questions and it will start turning into money for you.

A while ago I was looking for some case studies about what makes consumers choose their real estate agent. I came across the Keller Center Research findings who did a study on this.  The first answer was through referrals, which is obvious.  This is what else they found;

Top 5 Things Buyers And Sellers Want In An Agent?

1.Comfort– Will I feel comfortable working with an agent over a period of time?

2.Honesty– Will the agent respect my wishes? Will I get straight forward answers? Do I trust them?

3.Establishment– Is the agent established? How long they been in business?

4.Experience– Does the agent have the experience to handle my situation?

5.Knowledge– If I am buying does agent know the in and outs of area? If I am selling does agent know marketing, technology, and staging in a way to justify their commission?

5 Magical Things That happens When You’re Known For Creating Real Estate Content

  1. People get an idea if they will feel comfortable working with you.
  2. They will get an idea of how honest and genuine you are.
  3. It will give people an idea of how established you are in the industry.
  4. Your level of experience will speak for itself
  5. Your knowledge will shine through demonstration.

Creating real estate content will attract more prospects, convert more leads, and generate more referrals.

So the final answer is, YES you should be creating your own real estate content.

It’s not about the content, it’s about the impact it leaves and the brand it helps you build.

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