Done For You Video Marketing

Video in 2024, It’s No Longer Optional

Today we have Nick Niehaus on the show and we are discussing video in 2024. If you aren’t using video, then you are doing something wrong. Get ahead before it’s too late.


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00:01:40:20 – 00:02:10:17


So how do you attract new business? You constantly don’t have to chase it. Hi, I’m Mike Webster, Real Estate Marketing Dave. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand. People have come to know like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It’s your job to remind them, Let’s get started.

00:02:10:19 – 00:02:30:10


What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Wrap. So the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we’re at the end of the year here. And if you’re like most people probably thinking, Wow, 20, 23 sort of sucked, but what am I going to do in 2024? It’s what you should be doing this time of year. While business is slow this year, maybe a little bit slower than the normal for a lot of people.

00:02:30:12 – 00:02:47:10


But regardless of what happened this year, when the summer comes around, one of the things I always do is just practice and think about what the hell I’m going to do next year differently. What changes am I going to make? One of the things that you have to do is make changes, especially right now, this is the best time to make changes.

00:02:47:10 – 00:03:12:06


Is when everybody started looking around what to do when there’s an interrupt or a pattern change or anything like that. That’s the best time to go out there and actually stand out. Stick out. One of the ways to do that is going to be obviously with video, if you’ve been on the show for quite some time, we talked about video, we script an interview, lots of videos over the years, and we brought on Nick that’s going to tell us everything about video, where he sees it going and whatnot.

00:03:12:08 – 00:03:32:04


And that’s we’re going to talk about today. What are you going to do next year in video? A lot of change. In the last 18 months, we saw long form go to short form. We saw, you know, like the need for less, call it edited videos even more. Authenticity has always been the key. But what’s coming in 2024, you have artificial intelligence.

00:03:32:04 – 00:03:47:11


Can you use that for script writing all this other stuff? So that’s we’re going to be chatting about today. So without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guest, Mr. Nick Niehaus. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks, Mike. Excited to be here. Thanks for having me on. Why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about what you do business school.

00:03:47:11 – 00:04:03:04


What does that tell you about when you get into it? Like because what we want to talk about is how we’re going to do in 2024 on video. What can we do that you haven’t done already or what you see where the trends and what should we be focusing on? Yeah, absolutely. So I guess, first of all, you know, I run a company called Business Video School.

00:04:03:06 – 00:04:22:03


We primarily teach real estate agents how to use video. And one of the key components of that is that we really teach people that video is a form of communication. So, yes, it’s a marketing tool. Happy to provide some tips and tricks on that front today. But I think that that in my mind and heading into 2024 is maybe the most important thing to sort of understand.

00:04:22:04 – 00:04:38:20


You know, coming into this year. You mentioned obviously it’s been a tough year. And the good news about that is that there there’s less noise, there’s less people marketing. I mean, there’s literally less agents than there was a year ago. But there’s also just once agents that cut back on their their ad spend, they cut back on their effort.

00:04:38:21 – 00:05:02:05


You know, they’re they’re out there looking for side hustles. And I get all that. But that means there’s just less content being created, there’s less being posted. And so a lot of ways, I think heading into 2024, I mean, you got to think about it as an opportunity. I mean, this is this is a chance if you’re still serious about your business and you’re looking to grow, we are the projections look like we’re going to see a bit of an increase in transactions, not back to where we had been, but that’s going to help a little bit.

00:05:02:05 – 00:05:29:15


So I think that, you know, you mentioned obviously short form got big. I think we’re actually seeing a shift a little bit back towards long form. Again. You know, Tik Tok added 10 minutes and a live video never went away. Rights. There’s some opportunities there. But I do think you know what you’re talking about, authenticity wise, that is probably the biggest trend we’re seeing, is that I was doing an example, as I did doing a presentation that day, and I asked the roomful of folks like, who here can define your ideal customer, Tell me about them.

00:05:29:19 – 00:05:45:15


Like, do you know any of the information about that person you’re really trying to attract? Is that niche? Two or three years ago, nobody had an answer, right? Like everybody was just like, I buy it. So how’s anybody I can work on? Anybody. I wanted to relate to everybody. Again, we’re like trying to do what everybody like the person, like they can’t stand, like, you name it.

00:05:45:16 – 00:06:02:05


How are you going by us? I got you, bro, Right? Yeah. Like the guy I absolutely hate. I really want to work with that person. Right? Like, we know that’s not true. We know that’s also just not how your business works. You tend to attract, you know, certain categories of individuals and probably push away other types of individuals that sort of natural, but that was what struck me.

00:06:02:05 – 00:06:20:24


This event is the average person in the room. They actually had some information about their ideal customer. They had started to think about this and that. To me, that’s the that’s the thing that’s shifting. You know, I think a lot of agents that have been serious about their business for years have finally sort of accepted this reality of like, look, communication is easier.

00:06:20:24 – 00:06:37:16


That’s ever been it is so easy to put information in front of other people. And what that means is there’s just so many more people doing it. So if I want to cut through that noise, I have to say something more customized for my ideal customer. Right? I got it. I got to get a message, is going to get their attention and is going to attract them.

00:06:37:16 – 00:06:54:17


It’s going to get them to want to start paying attention to me on a regular basis, especially in these periods where not that many people are buying or selling houses. Right. Because that’s that’s your brand, period, right? I mean, if anything, the agents that did it right this year, they focused on brand building. They got even better, you know, sort of learned even more about that ideal customers.

00:06:54:18 – 00:07:08:19


They could cater their content even more to them. And now they have thousands of additional people that know who they are, who are starting to trust them, starting to like them, you know, starting to see all the stuff they have in common with them. As soon as those people want to sell their house, they already have their agent.

00:07:08:19 – 00:07:23:01


Right. And I know I know you’ve been talking about, you know, being top of mind for for many years. Right. That’s the power of video. Is your face being the first face, the pops into that person’s head. And so I think I think that’s the big trend right now is is get to know that customer. Be honest with yourself.

00:07:23:01 – 00:07:38:08


It’s okay to narrow down and sort of pick a certain kind of group of people and then just make sure you understand them really well. And then my favorite version of this is to look at where you overlap with them, right? So what are your interests? What are what are pain points you’ve experienced in life? Match that to your ideal customer.

00:07:38:08 – 00:08:08:04


Find those those commonalities, the things that both of you are really excited to talk about. And that takes some work. It takes a little bit of soul searching perhaps, but you do that come to 20, 20 for that information, you’re going to kill it. That’s great that people are actually seeing it. You’re right. They are. I could really I mean, I really thought about it because they’re usually when I used to do a lot of like brand, the first question like what’s interesting, you and everyone else like this first thing ask right See like if they if they can recognize that and a lot of times 90% of time like, I’m going to you

00:08:08:04 – 00:08:23:10


know, work in the best interests of my client, I’m going to do a good job on them. I’m like, Are you supposed to do that? Like, yeah, like, like basic requirements of the job. Yeah, But yeah, I mean, that’s good because that’s all this is, is brand. So like Nick, are you told me that I just get on video.

00:08:23:10 – 00:08:41:21


I’m not just going to start generating a ton of lead just because I’m on video. Well you know unfortunately nowadays no. Right. I mean, there kind of was that point man. We used to make videos. They’re just generic. Is that put them out. People get business. Right. But yeah, I think that ship sailed a little bit. Yeah. And let’s talk a little bit because you hit it on the heart.

00:08:41:22 – 00:09:01:08


Go even deeper with it. Dialing in like the content strategy because it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. That if people are paying attention to you and often people are so scared to the, say, the how and how they would when no one’s looking. So what I mean by that is like, you know how the same way you are when the nobody’s watching you like when you’re by yourself is the exact same way.

00:09:01:08 – 00:09:19:19


You should be on video when everyone’s watching you. You know, But it’s hard for people to do that. We put that like, what is Johnny going to say about me or What’s Melissa going to say about me? And like, who cares why? You know? Like, how do people get over that? Well, yeah, that’s a great question. I think that that is and I’ve seen that.

00:09:19:19 – 00:09:32:16


I mean, you and I both seen that a thousand times, right? It’s like it’s it’s always the most Randy’s like, I have this cousin and he’s always been mean to me and like, he’s going to comment on my video and I’m always just like he’s, yeah, of course he’s been doing that his whole life. It’s he’s just that’s who he is.

00:09:32:16 – 00:09:52:06


That’s nothing new with you, you know, but that will hold people back. And so, yeah, I think so to me a lot of that is is luck when you when you do social media, you know it’s I think that’s what most people think of when it comes to video. It’s always going to be a performance. I mean, there’s a way because the thing is like you’re never going to get rid of that aspect that just sort of any random person could see that content.

00:09:52:12 – 00:10:12:16


Any comment could come through and you just can’t predict it. So the flipside of that is, okay, look, if that is a performance and there is going to be a little bit of nerves no matter what, are there other kinds of video? Are there other places I could be sharing content or are there other ways I could talk to people through the video camera that aren’t the same kind of pressure, you know, maybe to get some practice, get some familiarity?

00:10:12:18 – 00:10:31:15


A lot of that, I mean, because in my mind, like any type of or to somebody, if everything else was second nature by then like if if using the equipment was was really convenient, they’d done it a bunch of times of speaking into a camera was familiar. And the only thing that was new was just the information they were sharing at that moment, then they’re pretty natural, right, because they’re comfortable.

00:10:31:15 – 00:10:48:00


So I think it’s about reps, right? It’s about how many how many reps do you have? How many times you made a video? That’s why for our school we always teach our students. I mean, start at the other end of the spectrum. Start with 1 to 1 video messages, right? You’re sending a video to a single person. My favorite example that is Happy birthday videos.

00:10:48:04 – 00:11:01:05


Get on Facebook. It tells you whose birthdays are happening today. Like literally next to each one of them is a message button. Yeah. And you can click it. You can jump into messenger and send them a happy Birthday video about 15 seconds. I do that demo on my my trainings all the time. Like, get your phone, let’s do it right.

00:11:01:05 – 00:11:18:13


2 minutes later, you send a couple these videos. So that’s just there’s just so little pressure. But the crazy part is like it also has business ROI. I like it. It’s actually one of the most effective forms of video we’ve ever seen because because it puts you again, it keeps you top of mind, right? Like you’re in their head now, Like they just saw you.

00:11:18:15 – 00:11:35:03


You just you just smiled at them. You wished them happy birthday or whatever it is you said, Hey, that that vacation you went on. Look, thought a lot of fun. Let me know what I should check out if I ever go there. Whatever it is. 15, 20 seconds. Now you’re in their head. Now they’re going to remember you a few weeks later when they when they, for whatever reason, have a need for your product or service.

00:11:35:03 – 00:11:51:13


Obviously, if they need to sell their house, you know, you’re going to be more likely to pop up. And it’s just so low pressure. So I like to start there. And I think that when you when you start with these simpler kinds of video, especially when you see the business impact. Right. So a couple weeks later, you sent 50 of them to a, you know, 50 people.

00:11:51:17 – 00:12:06:03


A couple of them reached out. You had a couple meetings scheduled, whatever it is. Right. That just makes you sort to accept, okay, this is worth it, right? Like, I can do more of this. I can keep taking more chances here. And then we kind of build on that, Right. So I think that thing that helps a lot.

00:12:06:03 – 00:12:25:16


Yeah. Yeah. It’s like you need a little bit of confidence. You need those little wins when you get when you’re getting started. Like, and, and you’re like, yeah, you actually watch that. What. I don’t think anyone watch that video and you might have had like ten views, but if four of them were impactful, like it was worth it, you know, like don’t look at, yeah, look at the law and it’s a long game.

00:12:25:16 – 00:12:56:16


So here’s a question I get for you. Curious how you’re going to answer it because there’s a in you got to approach it the right way. So like is video lead generation or is it branding. Yeah. I mean that’s a hard one right. Because I think I will say number one it’s branding, you know, I think it absolutely can do both, you know, I mean because again I think video is one of those things that it’s the closest as, as a species because like you know as humans like we’ve been inventing new ways to talk to each other for hundreds of years now.

00:12:56:16 – 00:13:13:02


Right? I mean, just in the past 30 years, I mean, you different ways that we invented that we can share our ideas with each other. There’s a whole bunch of them, you know. So I do think as long as you just accept that, hey, this is this is a new way to build relationships, and it’s the closest we can we can actually get to being face to face, right?

00:13:13:02 – 00:13:27:21


I mean, you look at I like to make the example of, you know, look at the pandemic. And I know we all got burned out on Zoom, but that was thank God we had Zoom, you know, because otherwise you’ve been on the phone all day. What about conference calls? You know, it just would have been much messier, much less impactful.

00:13:27:21 – 00:13:44:07


We would have we would have misunderstood each other at a higher rate. All that’s been research, you know, So it’s it’s very proven that, like, look, when I get in front of somebody, their brain in a lot of ways actually feels like they’re having a face to face conversation with me. So branding number one, right? Because it’s a relationship building tool.

00:13:44:07 – 00:13:59:05


They’re becoming familiar with you. They’re starting to form that trust. And that is one of the problems, right, is that a lot of times when you get results from your video marketing, it’s not because they just watch a video, immediately click the button and then they’re going to call you and say, I just watched your video. I’m signing up right?

00:13:59:07 – 00:14:24:02


Because it’s kind of like, you know, calling up a friend and saying, you know, or calling somebody. I’d be like, Hey, you know how we’ve talked to each other several times in the past? Like, that’s why I’m calling you today. Like, that’s that’s a like people are going to do that normally. So you have to ask. I think that’s the takeaway there is if you do this stuff, you know, you’re going to you’re going to have you’re going to get weird comments from people like, you know, here’s one of my favorite examples of how, you know, this is working is you go to a networking event and somebody comes up to you and it feels

00:14:24:02 – 00:14:38:14


like they’re really familiar with you, right? Like they’re they’re like, hey, you were doing the thing the other day and like, you were talking about this and you don’t really remember who they are because, I mean, that is just What’s up, dude? What’s up, bro? Right. Subdued. hey, how you been? Yeah, Yeah, Good to see you. Right.

00:14:38:16 – 00:14:59:03


Like, I don’t know, I started. I started to just almost say that in action. yeah. Good to see you. I like is if I know him. Because half the time, I think I do. But that’s what. That’s what you look for, right? Is like, are the conversations starting to shift and all of a sudden it’s cool because I mean, I go to the stuff nowadays and I don’t have to, I don’t know, strike up small talk, you know, like people remember who I am or I’ve never met them.

00:14:59:03 – 00:15:13:04


And but they’ve seen me a bunch because of my content. And so I think that’s a good indicator. And then if people are calling you, just ask them, you know, where have you seen me in the past few weeks? You know what? What kind of are you see in any of my stuff on social? I’m just curious if it’s working and all of a sudden that’ll trigger.

00:15:13:10 – 00:15:38:11


yeah. I watch your videos all the time. Okay, well, now, you know, that’s where those leads are coming from, right? Yeah, A lot of it is like these videos build up over time. You guys like it’s not a Yeah, instant like, gratification thing. And that’s like we had we have one one gallery that’s an attorney and she’s like, she’s only shot like four videos and literally like five months.

00:15:38:13 – 00:15:54:03


She’s like, Why isn’t this thing working? Like, dude, you got to shoot more videos. Like, you got it. So like, there’s this you got creating the videos only have to battle though, but you have to distribute, right? So why do we walk them through that importance of that? It’s not just creating the video that’s only half the battle, guys.

00:15:54:03 – 00:16:13:09


If you don’t get it seen, then that’s. yeah. So like, I see it all the time. People will post or they won’t be social on social media. Then they expect the video to work, right? So like it’s not Craigslist. You can’t just post the video on Facebook, but you’re never social on Facebook yet yourself. And then it’s it’s like it’s not going to work.

00:16:13:09 – 00:16:33:17


So question is, is video versus creating versus distribution, Where do you put the which is more important? All right. Yeah. No, that’s I mean, obviously, I’m preaching to the choir with you, right? Because you get all this stuff. You’ve dealt with all this discussions before. And yeah, that’s a huge point is it is so easy, especially if you’re nervous, right, to make the content.

00:16:33:17 – 00:16:45:22


And then and then for whatever reason you sit on it. I still need to edit it. I still got to change that one graphic or whatever. It is crazy. I use that a lot, you know? I mean, I got to the point where I had to just hire an editor on our team. Just be like, Look, I’m just going to shoot this stuff.

00:16:45:22 – 00:17:08:13


It’s going to be in this folder and then you’re going to take it, edit it and post it for me. So that just never happens again. So yeah, you know, distribution, I think it’s probably the most important part, you know, I mean, because, because I don’t think that the quality of the video is really what matters. So, you know, as long as you made something where I can clearly understand what you’re saying, I think that’s that’s kind of the one benchmark I always look for is like the audio is clean enough.

00:17:08:13 – 00:17:22:22


I can hear you. You know, as long as I can understand what you’re saying, then it’s good enough to share and you will get better. Right? But you don’t you don’t necessarily improve that much if you’re not getting any kind of feedback, you know, So if you you know, if you share a lot of content, you tend to get some feedback.

00:17:22:22 – 00:17:40:14


You can ask for more, you can collect data, you can look at your stats, you can see where people stop watching the video and go back and see why there’s so much information that you get from that that allows you to make those changes and improvements. So yeah, I think distribution number is probably more important. I think then it’s also dormant.

00:17:40:15 – 00:17:59:08


Don’t forget you can reshare the same video. I think people, they sort of forget to do that too, right? Because I mean, the first time you put something out, number one, but people didn’t see it. Number two is the idea of especially if it resonates with people will resonate again, You know, so I’ve taken some of my more popular videos that have performed better and just reposted them, and they do even better the second time, right?

00:17:59:08 – 00:18:15:22


Because then that person saw it two months ago. Maybe they recognize it, maybe they don’t. But but again, that’s kind of reinforcing that idea for maybe sort of the comment. Most don’t even notice it. It’s all in our own heads. Like no one remembers, like the video they watched yesterday. I don’t remember. I know I watched Stranger Videos yesterday, but I could I couldn’t tell you one of them.

00:18:15:24 – 00:18:31:20


I just know I saw. Yeah, I’ll be halfway through reels all the time and I’m like, Wait a second, I think I’ve seen this before. Like two days ago, you know? But I’m still watching it again, so. And then back to what you’re saying, I think that’s huge too, which is you have to do the work on the other half, the other side of the coin.

00:18:31:20 – 00:18:48:18


Right. Which is you have to engage that. That was I got that wrong, too, when I first started. Right. Like I very I resisted social media initially. You know, I kind of grew up in the the era when these things were like literally coming out right to like my a couple of years ahead of me would have been like when Facebook was was released at Harvard.

00:18:48:19 – 00:19:02:18


So a few years later, like when I could have signed up for Facebook initially it was still just college students, you know, just to kind of show you the line up there. And I could of and I didn’t I kind of waited until the end of school to ever even sign up for it. So when I first got on, you know, it was for business reasons, right?

00:19:02:18 – 00:19:19:20


It was all about like, I want to I want to get attention for my business. And I did that. I just I just posted. Right. And I had a bunch of friends and I kind of wondered like, okay, why doesn’t this lead to much? Once I started commenting and liking and engaging with other people’s content, that’s when I saw that that switch kind of flipped, right?

00:19:19:20 – 00:19:35:09


Because, I mean, you got to remember, like the algorithm is going to look at the first 20, 30 people. It shows your post to right. And if those people engage and they comment and they like it and maybe they share it or something like that, then it’s going to go show it to a bunch more people. Well, you can create those relationships, right?

00:19:35:10 – 00:19:50:20


I mean, there’s there’s a certain group of people who are pretty active on social on both ends, right. If they’re posting a lot. I mean, they’re also logging on and looking at things a lot. So get out there, engage with their stuff, contribute in a meaningful way. And all of a sudden, couple weeks later, those people will return the favor.

00:19:50:20 – 00:20:11:00


And now that that seeds, that initial engagement with your content shows it to more people gets in front of more of those strangers you may be trying to attract. So yeah we we emphasize that a lot as well, which is, you know, if you’re having a problem and you are posting relatively regularly but you’re not seeing the engagement, go give the engagement and then see what happens to a street.

00:20:11:00 – 00:20:32:01


Folks. What about frequency? How often should I be creating content and should I be doing short form or long form? And like, how many videos do I need to do every single month or week to stay consistent? Is there? Well, and that’s that’s the thing, right? That to me that word the second one is consistency that that is actually, I think, more important.

00:20:32:03 – 00:20:49:22


So I think frequency, I think a lot of people try to start with too high of a frequency, right. Logo. You know, I keep hearing you’re supposed to post three shorts every day, which is a lot. I mean, any of us made content like suppose she were trying to make decent videos. That’s a ton of content, right? So, okay, I’m in post three a day and they post three today.

00:20:49:22 – 00:21:03:03


And the next day they post three and then they post two and then they give me like, I can’t do this and they stop altogether. And it’s yeah, it’s like you run out of business, right? It’s like you had this presence. People are seeing you and then you get you vanished from them. So I think it’s better to start with.

00:21:03:03 – 00:21:25:01


Just think about what you can do. Not not totally comfortably, you know, push yourself a little bit, but like what isn’t really outside the current realm of possibility, so to speak. Right? You’re not making a single video ever once a month to start, right? If you do that two or three months in a row and it was a piece of cake and you feel like you do more, make a bonus video or to write and then gradually up that frequency.

00:21:25:01 – 00:21:42:05


So as as once a month becomes comfortable, I’ll go to twice a month, go to once a week, you know, and then kind of see where you settle in in the long term. There are examples of this all up and down the spectrum, right? I mean, if it was that every successful business owner kind of did the exact same thing, then there’d be a formula.

00:21:42:05 – 00:22:03:04


Unfortunately, it is, you know, all over the place. I remember now, Mark Rober was is an extremely successful YouTuber. He’s got his own sort of like toy engineering business nowadays based off of the following he posts like once a month. It is very infrequent, but it’s consistent and people know as the kind of take me out every day takes my other that much closer to his next video.

00:22:03:06 – 00:22:27:15


And so it can build and it can build, you know anticipation right? People get excited that the next one’s coming, but it’s going to take a little bit of time. But it’s got to be consistent, right? If you don’t show up consistently, that’s where you have problems, right? That’s where where the algorithms starts not liking you. You know, I mean, these companies, they’ll they’ll favor the people who post regularly because they know that people are going to keep logging back in to see your stuff and therefore they can sell ads.

00:22:27:17 – 00:22:44:07


So if you are posting consistently, they will show your stuff to more people because they see you as more of a partner for their ad sales, which not they make all their money, right? So that’s that’s where I focus on. Right. And then I think from there, I mean, between short and long and kind of all those decisions, that’s a personal preference in some ways.

00:22:44:07 – 00:23:02:01


I mean, Short is really popular right now. I like short form, especially for newbies, because if you’re putting out your first piece of content and I’ve never seen anything from you before, I don’t trust watching you for 10 minutes, right. Like you’re just a total stranger or in that case, a 22nd short. I might give you a chance and I might watch it.

00:23:02:01 – 00:23:30:06


And if I like it, then I’ll watch until a bit longer next time. So I do think it makes sense to start short and then kind of build to the longer content. Agreed. Agreed. Don’t overthink it either. sure. You’ve got to pick like one one spot because of something. You can’t do not do anything. There’s a tension and then there’s like legion, like the long form is going to be more like the people are way more down your funnel need you, but it’s the short that leads to the long.

00:23:30:06 – 00:23:45:24


So you have to have a little bit of both. I like long for website stuff. yeah. Up to there. You know, you got to have all your long stuff there. It makes sense. But then short form, we don’t see a lot of that. I’m not like the engagement on the logs just like doesn’t happen anymore no matter who it is.

00:23:46:01 – 00:24:05:13


Just seems like they’re just pushing those things up and the shorts are doing well. It’s crazy, but it switches. It switches. So what about 2024? What do you do? Yeah, you guys are doing some cool stuff I hear with AI and whatnot. Like, how are you using. I would video scripts is probably like if you guys are stuck with what to say.

00:24:05:13 – 00:24:24:13


Like use A.I. for your scripts. So it’s not that hard. There’s literally everything. Verify what it says first verify you agree with what the air bot tells you. Yeah. I don’t like read it. Don’t just like say something you don’t believe or agree with, but use it as a good baseline. How are you guys using it right now and what do you see the opportunity right there with it?

00:24:24:15 – 00:24:42:16


Yeah. So we’re got you know, we’re trying in all kinds of stuff. So yeah, first and foremost, I think script writing, it’s incredibly helpful for that, especially now that Jackie Beatty and several others have Internet access, right? I mean, you can have it right yet current up to date, factually accurate information. You’re right. You do have to double check it.

00:24:42:16 – 00:25:01:17


Just make sure it doesn’t make any mistakes, that it does a lot less of that than it was even six months ago. So it’s gotten a lot more trustworthy. But you still want to verify. And then from there, I mean, we’re starting to see opportunities with now generating images and graphics. So one of the things we did in our school is we started building our own tools there.

00:25:01:18 – 00:25:26:10


They’re based on the same tech as Chad GPT. We’re just using the API, but we’re able to kind of further train the the API a little bit. So the right scripts that are really specific to social media, that are specific to the real estate industry. We have a new tool now. We have something that we’re introducing tomorrow actually, which we’re calling workspaces, which is basically like all of the tools that you need to make your video all on one page.

00:25:26:10 – 00:25:43:10


So we’ve got one that writes a script for you. The second one will generate a background image that you can use if you have like a green screen set up and nowadays you don’t even need green screen, You just click a button and it removes the background for you automatically so you can swap that in. So we’re doing like a holiday video challenge tomorrow and so they’re going to using that stuff for that.

00:25:43:12 – 00:26:03:23


So those are couple examples. And then I mean, from here forward though, it’s just going to get crazier, right? I mean, because you’re looking at that full automated editing in some cases like right now, there are some tools starting to come out. We use a tool called carpooling sometimes, and it’s not perfect yet, but they have one now where you can just essentially talk to it and it’ll do the editing you want.

00:26:03:23 – 00:26:21:12


So some of the technical skills you need to edit your videos going away, right? So like just being like, Hey, three minute, you’re 3 seconds in, add a graphic with my name and it slides in from the right and it’ll do that and will generate it right. It’s like that’s happening now. There’s so matters, right? Like people just, you know, fake people talking to the camera for you.

00:26:21:12 – 00:26:45:07


Right. So it’s filed. Yeah I saw one a tool that I saw one that are doing like cool YouTube images for thumbnails, which I thought was cool. I forget what which one it was. But there’s another A.I. tool that was got I lost my train of thought. I’m going to it’s going to come back to me in a minute.

00:26:45:09 – 00:27:08:02


What was I using that thing for? Something fucking crazy? And I have to. It just lost my train of thought. I’ll come back to it. I mean, yeah, there’s some that are like. Like one of my favorite versions right now is there are several to do it. One I know of, it’s called Opus, but it’ll take a long form video and it’ll just cut it up and do a bunch of shorts for you, you know, And it even has like the intelligence kind of find the most interesting points in that video, right?

00:27:08:02 – 00:27:23:07


So, I mean, it’s crazy what’s possible. We had one that’s what I was going to say. We had one translate in the Spanish like it was the same person. English. They’re speaking in English. And it literally translated everything in Spanish and in the voice it looked. I’m like, That’s not even though I’m like, No, I know. It’s not like I’m like, that’s a yeah.

00:27:23:07 – 00:27:44:07


They literally translated to Spanish, which is a big deal because you can’t edit in Spanish. You just switch over like, that’s crazy. So there’s a lot of that coming through. But these are these were just solving for problems that people who couldn’t get on video previously had. So there’s really not an excuse anymore. I mean, you could literally become anything by just do a little bit of research with any of that stuff.

00:27:44:07 – 00:28:02:07


And that’s and that’s a great yeah. I mean that that’s important to keep in mind here is that like, look, if you think you had a runway to drag your feet to use in video, I mean, it’s about gone now. And I think especially because, I mean, it’s one thing to compete with other people, right? So you can you they all have their insecurities, other issues.

00:28:02:07 – 00:28:18:06


They’re going to take their time to, you know, that’s already kind of fade now because enough people started doing this. But now you’re competing with a I to right now. I mean, heck, if somebody was nervous going on camera, they can use a fake avatar and put a video out there and like, I don’t think that’s as good, but as you being on camera and talking to people.

00:28:18:06 – 00:28:47:08


But it’s more content, it’s more noise, right? It’s easy to create. And so, I mean, yeah, the urgency has has just continue to accelerate. I mean, it’s really getting to a point where what is possible is just incredible. But that also means, you know, there’s no sitting on the sideline anymore, right? Because I mean, again, you got to remember, like, it’s all that psychology that the effect of somebody seeing your face in that face is talking to them and the way that that builds that relationship, that Parasocial relationship.

00:28:47:10 – 00:29:04:15


Parasocial was apparently like one of the finalists for word of the year in 2023. Right? So it’s like that people get this stuff now, right? I mean, we’re all conscious of it. And so, yeah, I think I think that that’s I think is kind of coming a little bit out of left field because we didn’t really know these things were going to pop up in advance so quickly.

00:29:04:17 – 00:29:20:14


But yeah, I mean, it’s really opening the possibility that we could see AI real estate agents, you know, I mean, you could see these kind of like fake avatars that work somebody through almost the entire the only thing they wouldn’t be able to do is physically show a home. Right? But I mean, you could do virtual home showings with an AI avatar.

00:29:20:14 – 00:29:44:22


I mean, it’s kind of wild to think like what some of these tech companies are going to be putting out in terms of products that are competing with a traditional agent here even in the next 12 months. So I don’t know they’ll come that fast, but keep an eye on it. What about for realtors right now? I mean, I don’t know any like big pop producers are aren’t doing video like it’s sort of weird if they’re not at this point in the game like and that I mean, that alone should just give you as motivation you have to do it.

00:29:44:22 – 00:30:18:13


It’s like it’s it really isn’t I don’t in real estate it’s such a personal brand business like like you have to be on video. It’s your face, not your brokers, your face that matters. Have you seen I still I’ve yet to see anyone that doesn’t like work with yet. I Yeah it’s hard to think of any I mean even the ones that are sort of more traditional agents that are have been successful for decades and you know didn’t necessarily need to carve out a new audience like they’ve, they’ve reluctantly started doing it, you know, just because I mean, you don’t want to wait until your clients are asking for it, right?

00:30:18:14 – 00:30:34:14


It’s like you got to get in front of at least that. And I and I was joking, you know, a few months ago, I was doing a presentation. I basically pointed out I was like, look, when people start getting video messages from their mechanics about their car and what’s wrong with it when it’s in the shop like star point, they’re going to expect this from you.

00:30:34:14 – 00:30:49:16


They’re going to start asking for it and like you want to be learning it, then it’s not it’s not something you learn in a day, right? You learn it now. So you can preempt that. And literally in that particular guys guy raise their hands like, you know what, my my BMW dealership just sent me a video message yesterday and I was like, well, I mean, it’s happening, right?

00:30:49:16 – 00:31:05:07


So I got I got one for my plumber. Like plumber come over. And it was it was cool. Like it was like he and it was a little intro. It was a little about video. I was like, here’s your technician. And it was it was like such a personal touch. The kid was like 22 years old, you know, and the company, like, set up the video.

00:31:05:07 – 00:31:18:12


But when he showed up to the door, I’m like, yeah, you’re the guy in the video. It was I was like a little different of a, you know, tell me, I hate plumber, How are you doing? But now he saw a video. There was a different what’s the word is a different exchange of Hey, nice to meet you.

00:31:18:12 – 00:31:37:10


I almost felt like a new beat already. Right? It’s just like. And it’s just that little touch is a difference many times for getting hired or not. Especially when people are like, looking for an agent. You got to stick out and do something differently. Anything else you want to add for 2024? Any other tips? Anything that you want to you tell people to be on the lookout for?

00:31:37:12 – 00:31:54:08


Well, you know, I think that honestly, I mean, if you just make video, the focus 2024, you’re going to be in good shape. You know, I mean, I think there are other things to think about. Obviously, we’ve talked a bit about it and that being a big part of those. But I think the reality is like this is the year to do it.

00:31:54:08 – 00:32:13:02


The market is going to start to come back to some degree. I think. I mean, I’m I’m not that expert. I’m not the one saying that. But the experts seem to be saying that to some degree. And so, yeah, I mean, you just got to have awareness, right? I mean, you got to have enough people that know who you are, what you what you do, the fact that you’re a friendly, trustworthy person that they could see themselves working with in the future.

00:32:13:04 – 00:32:28:24


And I just don’t see a long term future for people that don’t have that awareness. You know, I mean, if you’re not if you’re not seen as somebody if your face can’t pop into my mind when I think about real estate, you’re going to be in trouble at this point, right? I mean, I think that that’s really it.

00:32:28:24 – 00:32:47:02


So I don’t you know, because video can be so overwhelming to people. I want to leave it at that. Right. Because, I mean, I don’t want to give you other things to to use to procrastinate. So at least when it comes to me, it’s like, hey, make it make it all about video, Make it all about getting yourself on camera, whatever that means, even if it’s as simple as just saying happy birthday to people.

00:32:47:04 – 00:33:02:01


I mean, I think if you did that, you spent 2024, sang Happy Birthday through a video to every single person in your database. And that’s the only kind of video you made. You probably can change your business. Yeah, you probably will. 10 to 15% of the people who say hello to you are going to be moving themselves this year in 100%.

00:33:02:01 – 00:33:19:05


I’m have referrals. So like whoever. Right. I think you actually sent me a video birthday email before on Facebook. You might have. I think I have. Yeah. I think it sort of sticks out now that I’m thinking about it. But I mean, that’s that’s like the perfect that’s like the perfect example guys. Like, I’m just like, yeah, Nick did send me one of those videos in the past.

00:33:19:07 – 00:33:48:21


Now I have like, this is years ago. Yeah, Yeah. Why don’t you tell them the video business school or it or buys video Schools act so they can check it out if they want to learn more. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So easiest way to find us. Just check out the website. Bizarre video school accounts so busy video school dot com and yeah we got you got some freebies on there I think that’s a great place to start you can check out our memberships we do both monthly and annual plans that is not a long term contract.

00:33:48:21 – 00:34:09:13


We don’t sell any individual courses so it’s very much a community based experience. We have an entire curriculum. We have 200 video recipes, which is basically video scripts on steroids. Monthly Challenges Q&A is, you know, all kinds of support tools. I mean, the laundry list is all there. But definitely check us out at bizarre video school dot com.

00:34:09:15 – 00:34:43:16


Sweet. Thanks, bro. Appreciate you sharing your insight This episode we appreciate you guys. Another episode of the wrestling Marketing Do podcast folks, if you like this whole thing about generating and staying in front of your database and generating attention from the people that matter most, visit referrals. Sweet Adcom Referral Sweetcorn. We will farm your database through direct mail, video, email and give you everything the post and do on social media each and every day and months so that you don’t have to stop thinking about what to do on any of social channels and more importantly, the people that you want to remember what you do for a living will, and then start setting your businesses

00:34:43:16 – 00:35:02:08


with attractions all about keep your personal brand from the people that are most and and forget who the hell you are. That’s all referral suite does WW dot referral suite dot com. Check it out and hope to see you on the inside. Thanks Nick and appreciate it too. Of course. Thanks for having me. Thank you for watching. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do podcast.

00:35:02:08 – 00:35:23:03


If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW w dot Real Estate marketing do dot com. We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace.

00:35:23:07 – 00:35:26:02


Thanks for watching. Another episode of the podcast will see you next at.

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