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Should A Realtor Or A Lender Start A Podcast (ft. Trevor Oldham)

Chances are you listen to podcasts if you’re reading this. Chances are you might have considered hosting one of your own. But here is the million dollar question; is it worth the time and money and how will it help your business? Today we are talking about that with Trevor Oldham, founder of


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Real Estate Marketing Dude

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What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Wrap. So the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast, folks, welcome back. We’re going to be chatting about today is a different form of content creation is actually the type of content you’re listening to right now. Why the hell that 1.5 million are You guys decide to follow me? I have no damn idea, but I’m glad you did because this podcast has been one of the largest sources of my personal business.

00:04:40:16 – 00:05:06:05


I can tell you guys that without a doubt. You know, when I was I’m not doing video services for real estate agents more, so I want to make that very clear. I’m no longer doing video marketing, but I do have a software you guys can play with us in and we’ll talk about that later. However, if I never had a podcast and never built an audience and my prior real estate marketing dude business as a video marketing company would never existed, the podcast and a podcast in general.

00:05:06:05 – 00:05:24:21


It’s a form of content, you guys, it’s a form of media. And so many people right now are like, I got to create videos like videos, a form of content, okay, it’s just another form of media and everybody, as long as you work for yourself and you have your own damn business, you’re running a business. And yes, the answer is you do need to start creating content, whether that’s video, whether it’s podcasts.

00:05:24:21 – 00:05:47:01


I don’t give a fuck what it is, but if you’re not creating content, someone else is and you’re going to be out of business. The building of personal brand is everything, especially in a real estate related business. And if you don’t have a brand, you don’t have a business, you’re a salesperson chasing a chuck. So what we’re going to be chatting about today is we got my boy Trevor hold him here, and he’s going to be walking us through the power of podcasting.

00:05:47:03 – 00:06:00:02


See these questions pop up all the time. Should I get a podcast versus not get a podcast? So what would be the strategy if we were to create a podcast as a real estate agent or lender? Is it worth it? Is it not? We’re going to find out. Without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guest, Trevor.

00:06:00:02 – 00:06:20:10


Trevor, what is going on? How are you doing once you say hello to who you are and what we learned today, they’re do excellent today, Mike. Thanks for having me on, on the show. CONAN From out in New York, upstate New York, out here, finally get some nice weather, 35 degrees, which is nice that I was talking to one lady earlier today, 70 degrees like, damn, where I kill for that.

00:06:20:12 – 00:06:40:14


I’m not going to see those temps still till May. But with that said, we’re on a company called Podcasting. You podcasting. Why are you been doing it since 2017? Been in the podcasting space since 2015, seeing all of the ups and downs within the space and yeah, just how people personally brand themselves within the podcasting space love it.

00:06:40:16 – 00:06:55:16


Let’s get into it. I get questions all the time about this, like, Hey, should I start a podcast? Should we, should we do this podcast? And what we’re going to do is you do this for all kinds of industries, correct? Correct. Okay. So let’s keep it. We’ll try to keep it focus for the real estate people like that.

00:06:55:20 – 00:07:10:11


I would a reality investor, a mortgage lender, real estate agent and honestly, this is a deal for any local service based business. If your referral base, it’s the same thing, right? It doesn’t matter if you sell houses or vacations, I could care less your referral base. You need to build personal brand. People know who the hell you are.

00:07:10:13 – 00:07:35:04


Now. How do you like how is an agent someone in the real estate space? With that in mind, what and why would they want to create a podcast for? Well, I’d say one just generating brand awareness for who they are. People think that it’s cool if you have a podcast, if you’re, say, a real estate agent in your local market, I’d say, my market as an example in Albany, you have a podcast and all you’re talking about is the real estate market in Albany.

00:07:35:06 – 00:07:52:02


What’s going on? Our house is appreciating is value going down. You know, our market here in Albany is going to be a little bit different than some of the other parts of the country, like where I was in Massachusetts, where houses here don’t appreciate as much where in Massachusetts, you know, you could double your price. And in four or five years, it’s pretty ridiculous out there.

00:07:52:04 – 00:08:22:22


So why is just building that brand awareness? And then like you mentioned earlier in the show, taking the video content from your interviews that you do, whether you are doing it with a guest or whether you’re just doing it by yourself, typically only a 30 minute interview, there’s so much content that you can take. And I find that when it comes to social media, it’s hard for people to sometimes just sit down and try to write, you know, copyright different social media posts so when they can take an interview and they can either send it off to like an editor or whether they can do it themselves, I know for me I just send it

00:08:22:22 – 00:08:39:15


off to an editor and then they can create anywhere from 5 to 10 social media posts and then I can go out there and promote it and people are like, Wow, Like, look at this guy. He looks super professional. I trust this guy. I want to use this guy as my real estate agent versus totally. So your older real estate agent, maybe their website sucks, maybe they don’t.

00:08:39:16 – 00:09:01:22


Any content that’s out there like, I don’t know anything about this person, but now someone comes to your website, looks professional, you have all these videos, you have this podcast, people can check you out, find out more about you, and you’re just building like all of that credibility and trust. And even if you’re in your local market, yeah, you might not get like a ton of people listening to your podcast, but you might become big in your local market.

00:09:01:22 – 00:09:25:05


Doesn’t mean you need to become big nationally, but just in your local market, it’s going to be super beneficial. And then if you are real estate coach per se, then you can obviously go, you know, across the entire US service. But local, I mean, it’s a it’s a game changer and you think of there’s only so many real estate agents I see doing this in their local market and it doesn’t have to be like something you do every single day.

00:09:25:07 – 00:09:39:10


But maybe something you do once a week, once a month even apply. I want to go more than once a month because some people just lose traction with the show. We just do a monthly recap of what’s going on in the area, what a house to stand for, what are you noticing in? And then people start to look at you as the go to leader.

00:09:39:10 – 00:09:55:22


And again, you’re just building that reputation and building that brand. Yes. Like we’re talking about positioning. Right. And let’s just let’s just plays out. All right. To real estate agents. I’m just going to pretend I’m selling a house. I’m going to hire two real estate agents and I come across two and I you know, I don’t have anyone I’m referred to.

00:09:55:22 – 00:10:10:14


I’m new in a market. I’m a C to different people. Right? I got my if you guys are looking at somebody, I got my hands up. All right, 2 to 4. What? Agent One is what you expect the real estate agent to be. You go to their website, they got, like, their suit and tie on their professional site.

00:10:10:14 – 00:10:32:21


You go to the about page as the there’s a family shot. You know, they help people buy and sell real estate. Right? And you’re like, great, great. It’s just pretty much what I expect. Now. I go to Agent B, Agent B as a podcast. His podcast is up on his website. It’s multipurpose. There’s videos all over from all the clips that Trevor is talking about, multiple purpose in here.

00:10:32:23 – 00:10:58:09


And if two people were to land on two different websites, I can tell you that the experience I know this 100% is the experience is different. And even though no one might ever have listened to the podcast, the fact that someone has it says, You’re legit, doesn’t it? And then being able to use your podcast as a way for your social contact is a really good idea.

00:10:58:09 – 00:11:15:05


I did for two years because then it just filled in. That’s a real game in, right? But you got to get those big your plate because anything you do on video, especially with a mike in, you just look like you know what the fuck you’re doing, right? Like, okay, this video right here, if you guys watch it, I got just Michael Jordan look at me like I could be like, this is video.

00:11:15:06 – 00:11:40:15


Like I could be talking about blocks, right? But the positioning of what you’re doing is exactly right, guys. It’s really powerful. People start to paint you as more important than you really are. It’s it’s legit. Talk to me about the short form content off the podcast and I want to get more into like topics, but I want to touch on that because I think that’s important.

00:11:40:17 – 00:12:08:15


Multipurpose in your podcast. If you’re not doing it, don’t think there’s a point to have one to begin with. What’s your opinion on that? Yeah, now you got to be doing it. I mean, it’s just when you look at when you’re trying to brand yourself, obviously you have the podcast within itself and that’s what you’re trying to do, but you’re just leading all the sort of content that’s out there, whether it’s you be on the, whether you having your own podcast and just you being on your own and creating all the social media clips, whether it’s having a guest on the show, you’re creating clips for them and then they’re sharing those clips of their

00:12:08:15 – 00:12:31:07


audience and now you’re getting more recognition. I now you definitely ought to be doing it. And I would say pretty much all platforms when you’re thinking YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, I think a lot of people are still hesitant on TikTok because it’s just more newer. They think it’s more for like teenagers. But I’ve seen a ton of podcasters put their put their content on TikTok and have it go viral, get tons of leads from it.

00:12:31:13 – 00:12:52:07


So that’s like another sort of, you know, I’m obviously older, my year older, so it’s not something we really grew up with. But for the younger generation, that’s really how they’re consuming content now. So why miss the boat on that opportunity? Not to say that a 16 year old is going to be ideal real estate client, but say maybe there’s a 25 or 26 year old first time home buyer that finds you on it.

00:12:52:07 – 00:13:07:14


They know that you’re in their area. Now all of a sudden they decided to hire you because you create this cool social media content. And and if you say, I don’t have the time to do it, they’re services. You can go out there and hire. It’s not going to be you know, if you want to pay a pretty penny, it’s going to be better.

00:13:07:14 – 00:13:24:21


If you want to go cheap, you can go through like Upwork. Fiber out might not be as great, but at least it’s just something they are getting created and done. So yeah, I definitely recommend it for everyone. I mean, you’re just wasting I mean, you’re spending 3060 Minutes on a podcast interview to begin with, plus all the prep time and different things like that.

00:13:24:23 – 00:13:43:06


You know, why not just take that video content and produce it even further? Because you want to be like pretty much everywhere that you can all the time. So you’re constantly in the back of people’s minds. Yeah, I don’t even think it matters what you’re doing. I know it doesn’t matter what you’re doing on video because there’s like, you know, for organic, I don’t think it matters, period.

00:13:43:09 – 00:14:03:21


Like you just have to be consistent on organic right now. Paid like video and you’re running ads with that in. Yes those are scripted as a very well plan are there’s a strategy behind it but from organic and here’s why guys like Trevor at do you remember any videos you saw yesterday? Probably not. Neither do I. But like but you know, you saw people, right?

00:14:03:23 – 00:14:18:13


You know, like, I know who I saw people on video, but I have no fucking idea what the hell they’re talking about. Right? I just know I seen their face, but it’s present. Like there’s a article, the other that came out, like Gary Vee blows 250 pieces of content a week, and I was like, Holy shit, how am I going to do that?

00:14:18:13 – 00:14:35:02


Well, duties multipurpose. And he probably has like 5 to 10 core pieces of content he creates, and then his team cuts them up. And like what Trevor and I are talking about later. Yeah, and you have to posted it and guys, tick tock. Like I’m seeing people get big, big deals off Tik tok. It’s not a little kid platform anymore.

00:14:35:02 – 00:14:52:10


There’s there’s people on there’s legit I’m not on there really I don’t like it but if you’re on Tik tok you need to be on Tik Tok. One more tip then. I want to another question for you. Don’t take like your content and like not put it anywhere you’re at. So like, don’t go on Tik tok. If you’re not on Tik tok, it’s gonna work anyways.

00:14:52:12 – 00:15:08:15


Like, if you’re not constantly on Tik tok, don’t just go post the video there and there’s no points not going to grow, right? You have to be engaging on the platforms. Your posting, your content and the ones that you engage with are where these videos would go, you know? So for what it’s worth, Trevor, let’s talk about some topics.

00:15:08:15 – 00:15:22:13


You hit some interesting. I was asking about this like how do we what’s the cadence, what’s the frequency of a local based business like that? And you said it earlier and I want to touch on this. You said I would probably go like once a month is what you said, right? Yeah, exactly. I probably go once a month.

00:15:22:14 – 00:15:39:23


If you’re really feeling it, you could probably go about once a week. But I find that when you’re talking more local, maybe don’t have as much updates, but you definitely don’t want to go like and I’m sure you’ve seen podcasts, they do an episode, say, today, and then they do another episode three months from now and then maybe four months and then maybe they do, you know, three all in one month.

00:15:39:23 – 00:15:57:00


The following The long other notice all over. It’s sporadic. Your audience wants to know exactly when the podcast interview is going to be coming out. So you might say this interview is going to come out the last Friday of every month or this interview is going to come out, everyone’s one eight and Pacific or Eastern whatever time zone you’re in, and you just want to be very consistent.

00:15:57:00 – 00:16:13:06


So that way your audience has something to look forward to because, I mean, there’s million, 2 million podcasts that are out there. Like if you’re not consistent, they’re just going to move on to different podcasts no matter, even if they really enjoy it, they’re just going to have no idea when you’re going to be producing it. So it’s hard to build a following like that.

00:16:13:06 – 00:16:29:16


I know for myself when I’m listening to podcasts, the ones that I always stick to have a very consistent schedule. I know, Hey, this podcast is coming out on Tuesday. I can listen to it on Wednesday, Wednesday, I can listen to it on Thursday, so I have to look forward to. But if you don’t build that, people are going to be like, I have no idea when this podcast is going to come out.

00:16:29:18 – 00:16:51:18


Now I don’t care about it anymore. It’d be like Days of the Long Days of Our Lives not coming out the same time every year like Housewives Across America be fucking flipping out, right? Like imagine like, like it’d be almost be like I moved to California. Funny because I’m from Chicago, so football on Sunday starts at noon that when you move to California, move to California.

00:16:51:18 – 00:17:08:09


Football starts at ten. And for like six months, my whole world was fucked up. Right? And I’m like, Dude, why? Why? You got to learn that? That’s Kadence, you guys. So you have to if you’re going to set a date, you have to stick with it. And that’s true with anything like your podcast and can get any love for how long would you guess?

00:17:08:09 – 00:17:25:14


The first 3 to 5 months could be that could be a year to be a year. And that’s why people quit is they think they’re going to go into it. And obviously this podcast that do are successful right off the bat. But typically they’ve built a following beforehand and then now they’re dipping their toes into the podcasting space.

00:17:25:14 – 00:17:45:00


I mean, again, you’re talking a year, maybe two years, before you really start to see some traction. And that’s why people they’ll start off, they’re like, I want to start a podcast, let me go out and do it. They get so pumped up, they go out and do it. They do it for, you know, ten weeks or let’s say a year, and they’re like, I only have like five listeners on my show.

00:17:45:02 – 00:18:01:24


It’s not it’s not worth it. And then they’re just stop, stop doing it at that point again. Yeah, you can make a lot of money on the podcast, but it has to be very consistent with what you do and you got to know you’re in it for the long haul. I mean, the easy part within the podcasting space is going out there and, and guesting on people’s podcast.

00:18:02:00 – 00:18:16:03


That’s just, you know, that’s an easy way to get started. But when you’re starting your own podcast, you control all the content, which is the benefit of it. But again, it takes, you know, it could take at least a year or two and I don’t want to dissuade anyone. You just got to know you’re going to be in it for the long haul.

00:18:16:03 – 00:18:37:15


You can’t just start it as a passion project because it’s going to. In Ignite, I’d see the benefits of the rewards as soon as you think it’s going to be. And that’s like such a good point. And this this is true on anything with personal branding. You know very well said because you’re not going to get results. And it’s that’s why so many people don’t do it and they don’t last.

00:18:37:15 – 00:18:57:02


It’s not that you won’t get the results. You’ll never know how close you were. And then they just peel off. Peel off much like this guy’s ten years on the show, ten years, 2014. And I’ve missed the most amount of shows this year because I was pivoting my own business. But before that, it was consistent. Every Saturday, every Saturday, every Saturday, every Saturday, when I don’t have a show, I record myself.

00:18:57:03 – 00:19:22:00


I don’t have a guest. But you got to be so consistent. On when you say you’re going to publish, otherwise you don’t have a show. If the news stops coming on at 10 p.m. every night, it’s not the fucking news anymore, right? Discerning SEO value like search engine value. When you have a podcast because you’re getting a lot of love and you get a lot of good link backs from like Lips in iTunes and all these other authority sites.

00:19:22:00 – 00:19:47:21


So can you talk on that at all? Yeah, that definitely supercharges your SEO. I find one, you’re getting those. You know, the links back to your site is definitely super helpful when someone’s putting together a podcast interview title for the episode. I find that I want to throw it like I use a tool called Spy Food. You can use this tool like a AA drafts, same rush, any of those SEO tools, and I’ll put it in there and see what it spits out to me.

00:19:47:21 – 00:20:10:11


And that’s the name of the title of the podcast to make it very echo oriented. And then there’s trans transcription services where you can embed the full transcription of the interview onto your website, and that’s just going to be juiced up with SEO content. You could put the whole transcription, but I find just embedding it. Typically the website’s going to load a little bit faster, it’s going to have better page times and different things like that.

00:20:10:13 – 00:20:28:05


It’s just going to juice it up. I mean, and again, you might not see it right away, but I know from our end, from just doing in the podcasting space, throwing the transcriptions up there, I mean, it really grows here. I mean, it’s SEO again, it might take six months for you to start to see the impact on the echo side of it.

00:20:28:07 – 00:20:42:21


But the more you’re consistent, you can think I know like you might, you’ve been doing it for ten years. You know, over the course of time you can start to see the spike of the SEO. You can start to see the listenership start to go up. And again, the longer you do it, the more often you’re going to see these results.

00:20:42:21 – 00:21:00:20


Yeah, but the SEO component super beneficial, I think with that and again I go back to the title, not just throwing anything up there, making it like specific for an SEO rich keyword and I mean I could go on all day. It’s like, you know how to find the different keywords, whether you were difficult to search for and different things like that.

00:21:00:20 – 00:21:25:11


But just for this conversation, just make sure you at least have some sort of search volume behind that keyword. So like, you know, mine, you know, let’s say hypothetically, the title of the interview today, like the benefits of podcast casting and podcast casting is going to be that keyword, obviously the long tail keywords, the benefits of podcasts, casting, podcasts, guessing, you know, maybe it’s getting 203 hundred monthly searches per month.

00:21:25:13 – 00:21:44:06


So the now you’re putting that in the title and then the interviewer say is all about podcast casting as an example. Then it’s going to be talked about all throughout the transcription and it’s really going to juice up your SEO content. So in a nutshell, that’s how it would, how it would work. But yeah, you definitely want to just do the benefit from the standpoint of it.

00:21:44:08 – 00:21:57:02


Very cool. I think most people want to come on this show just for the link backs. I’m pretty positive most people, when they come on here, I know what they want. They want to either pitch their service or they want to come on and do like the link backs. And I understand we want the link backs all guys.

00:21:57:02 – 00:22:16:12


And I say Yes, as long as you have good shit. I think that that’s really cool. Let’s go to some topic ideas for them and then I think we get wrapped up. So I think people are going to What am I to talk about for 30 minutes? First off, those have to be 30 minutes. That’s just a number I think we throughout I’ve seen podcast at 10 minutes or 15 minutes and all the that it just needs to be consistent, right?

00:22:16:14 – 00:22:30:14


So I’m going to go I’m going to spitball. It’s doing like a branding session. Just be fun. Let’s think about some ideas you can have now. Personally, this is my opinion. I don’t know if it’s right or wrong. It’s fucking right. Damn it.

00:22:30:16 – 00:22:55:22


I would deem the podcast to your personal brand. So for example, let’s just say just Guy came in, I branded him a while ago and he comes to mind and he used to rescue dogs. So every house he sold, he would sponsor a dog. So my podcast would probably be called Man’s Best Friend or at best something backyard like who’s to say the San Diego Dog House or something like that, right?

00:22:56:02 – 00:23:18:24


So I would theme it towards dogs, but every month what I would feature would be the best place to take your dog hiking, the best dog friendly restaurants because it’s still real estate So community. So you need to be a tour guide. But I would go after a dog like in San Diego, dog friendly shit in San Diego, like you need a theme it still and match it to your personal brand, if that makes sense.

00:23:18:24 – 00:23:35:24


And I’ll give you guys a couple more because you can’t just be like, Here’s today’s market update. Here’s just a about because you’re going to go to Zillow and I’m going to get that information in 5 seconds. Looking at a graph, I don’t need to listen to a 15 minute podcast for it. However, a real estate agent or even a lender doesn’t matter.

00:23:35:24 – 00:23:57:04


You’re still local community based. So as long as you’re talking about community, you’re always reminding people what you do for business. So let’s do another one. Let’s say somebody is a workout fitness health buff. We’ll say the same concept. I mean, do San Diego is where I live. If I was a health fitness and let’s just say that I’m all into working out well, I’m going to create a series.

00:23:57:04 – 00:24:18:03


I’m going to publish once a month and every month I’m going to have a format. I’m okay. I’m going do the top hiking spots. I’m going to do the record setting healthy trends of the month, and then I’m going to feature and focus on all of the organic and healthy non-meat eating places. For example. As a matter of fact, I’d probably have some of those fuckers on my podcast.

00:24:18:03 – 00:24:38:00


I’d interview them, but I’m steaming it out. Right? Does that make sense? You’re my talking too fast. Yeah. No. Yeah. No, that definitely makes sense. I could definitely see that aspect of video has to be your personal brand when you think about it. I mean, again, I know we touched on it briefly, but there’s like 2 million podcasts out there.

00:24:38:02 – 00:24:53:24


Why? Someone to listen to your podcast over another podcast. You got to make it specific. If you’re going to start a podcast as a real estate agent, interviewing other real estate agents on how they became successful, because that’s been done before. What are you going to do with that to make it more interesting, what it’s going to be like in potatoes on it?

00:24:54:05 – 00:25:07:17


I got a good one for a lender. What do you think this would work Well, so let’s pretend you’re a mortgage broker. What do you really fucking do for a living? You crunch numbers, right? You give people the lowest monthly housing payment. So what if you had a monthly show that was nothing about the best deals of every month?

00:25:07:19 – 00:25:25:10


That would probably work. You can literally just you could literally just budget crunch and go like this is the best place the cheap. Basically you’re going to sell Like this is the cheapest place to go eat this month and feed a family of seven. So basically the biggest bang for the buck and you would have plenty of context that changes every month, right?

00:25:25:12 – 00:25:57:16


So you just you deem it out per month. Think about Christmas like the best places to go buy gifts. Duh. And you could literally talk about and you could call it like budgeting San Diego. Yeah, exactly. And you’re making it specific to your location. It’s people now and then they and then, yeah, you’re just talking about that. And then you briefly mentioned, hey you know so and so lender that is episode we’re talking about this and then maybe put a spill halfway through the podcast if you’re looking for a mortgage looking to refinance, looking for your next house, you know, contact me, you know, then you go back to whatever you’re talking about and of

00:25:57:16 – 00:26:13:02


the podcast. Thank you so much. Again, you know, if you’re interested buying a house, contact me something. Yeah, something like that where you’re at that point in your service, but people aren’t thinking of you as like you’re only trying to you know, you’re being like over salesy with your podcast. It’s not going to be like an infomercial for 30 minutes.

00:26:13:04 – 00:26:34:16


Here’s the key, guys, is that your content doesn’t need to tell people what you do. It needs to remind them what you do. Big difference. I don’t know. And here, here, you know, my businesses, most people don’t, but I have a marketing podcast full of stuff that is marketing ever. And then once in a while I’ll slip you guys an offer, right?

00:26:34:18 – 00:26:47:21


So like, if you don’t have to, you have to remind people what you do for a living. You’ll need a tailor. But he’s right. If you start talking about you should buy a house. And this is why, like no one wants to listen to a podcast about telling me why you should buy a house like that might be the most boring podcast I think of all time.

00:26:47:21 – 00:27:01:19


You might win the Guinness Book of World Records with that one because you run out of shit to say in, what, three months? Yeah, Yeah, exactly. I mean, if someone wants to figure out how to buy a house, they can just go on Google tape and how to know how to buy a house. And I’ll probably an article for Zillow is right up there.

00:27:01:19 – 00:27:20:13


They can go through it. All right, then. I had one. Actually. This is such a girl. She never took the concept, so I’ll be happy to share it. It’s a realtor and she had a really she wanted it. It would have worked. She’s never did it. And she she wanted to do a podcast nationally about the craziness of real estate.

00:27:20:15 – 00:27:41:02


So what it was an interview story, but about the craziest shit they seen. So a haunted house interview for Melissa Listing Agent selling a house where someone got triple murdered in the house that like a waterfall, open up in the middle of basement. Like the craziest crazy stories really, Which was interesting. Like that one. I think that one had legs.

00:27:41:04 – 00:27:57:10


Yeah, Yeah, I would agree with that. I mean, I’d. I’d be interested. I think we called it Humor House, if I’m not mistaken. It was I think we named the show Humor House and I think of it as years ago, Humor House. It was like it’s the funniest crazy things that real estate what they don’t show you like that would have been fun.

00:27:57:12 – 00:28:16:09


But you see where we’re going, guys. It’s like you got to sort of like, think outside the box a little bit, right? And once you have that theme is a lot easier to create content. yeah. certainly. Definitely makes it easier. And then again, you know, you’re not just creating the cookie cutter content that everyone’s going out there and creating your again, everything’s going to be crowded.

00:28:16:09 – 00:28:43:17


People are starting their podcast, The Pod people in your own Market already started the podcast again. What can you do to make yourself stand out against the crowd? And again, like we’ve touched on, this is, you know, some great examples. So we touched on what does that SEO value, social media content, brand authority, brand positioning folks, any form of media is good and there’s not really an option, I don’t think.

00:28:43:17 – 00:29:00:21


I mean, you got to do media, whether it’s a podcast, whether it’s video, whether it’s this. I just think you have to do it forever. Why don’t you give us your final tips? Anything else you want to mention here? And anyone who’s struggling maybe with a podcast, should I do that? Should I do this? What do you what are your final thoughts?

00:29:00:23 – 00:29:18:19


Yeah, I’d say one. Yeah. If you’re on the fence, should I start a podcast today? What’s the benefit of this? I guarantee you competition’s already doing it, already thinking about it. So if you’re not doing it, they’re going to be doing it and they’re going to be the ones to get the leg up. And then too, I find the number one reason people don’t start a podcast is a I guess it’s twofold.

00:29:18:19 – 00:29:35:18


One, uncomfortable. And then two, not sure exactly what to do. Of course, it’s going to be uncomfortable. You’ve never done it before and there’s free YouTube tutorials out there. Or you can go on Udemy purchase of course, for like 20 bucks you you’ll learn exactly how to start your own podcast or you can outsource it again, Upwork five or different platforms like that.

00:29:35:18 – 00:29:55:15


There’s you can look up podcast editing companies, there’s tons out there, podcast coaches, tons out there. So really no excuses other than you just again, coming over that anxiety and obviously it’s going to suck. You’re probably it’s like the first couple episodes are just going to be normal like on anything else. But the more times that you do it, the more comfortable you become.

00:29:55:15 – 00:30:09:16


And think about like if you go into the gym the first time, you have no idea what to do. But then you go to the gym six months a year. Now you know exactly what to do. You know what weights to left, you know exactly how much to lift, what those weights exercises to do. Similar to like a podcast.

00:30:09:16 – 00:30:23:05


The more that you exercise, the better you get. That’s yeah, I would say those are really the last two pieces of advice that other people are going to be doing. There’s going to be other realtors in your space. I’m just giving an example of the realtors. There’s only other ones out there that are going to be creating content.

00:30:23:05 – 00:30:41:21


Either this you’re already creating content, so how can you compete with them and not fall behind? And then to start your own podcast, just you just got to do it. You got to be consistent with it. Understand it might take a little while, but you’re really going to reap the benefits at the end of the day. Yep. Anything you guys do in content creation, just know that you’re you’re always have to multipurpose the content.

00:30:41:21 – 00:31:02:03


It goes create, distribute and then multipurpose. And as long as you follow that formula, I’m a firm believer that no matter what you do and form of media, it’s always going to pay off eventually because the most the biggest assets you have on anybody is your personal brand. It’s not your bank account. So personal brand is recession proof, folks.

00:31:02:03 – 00:31:22:07


Remember that. So I appreciate it, dude. Great time. Why don’t you tell people where they could reach you if they want to learn more about what it is you do, don’t you? Tell them it is what you do. Sure. So we work with folks primarily like the real estate space to go out there and our services either get our clients booked on podcast, help them start their own podcast, editing their podcast, different things like that.

00:31:22:12 – 00:31:41:06


But again, been in the space since 2017 and just been working with us. They can just check us out on our website. Podcasting. Just podcasting. Why are you They want to get connected with me personally. Just check me on LinkedIn or Instagram under my name, cover all of them and happy to connect and chatter. Appreciate you, man.

00:31:41:06 – 00:31:57:18


Thanks for coming on and thank you for listening to another episode of The Realest Stay Marketing Do podcast. Folks. Check us out. Check out our new software we have. If you’re looking to get in content creation, you need to check out referral suite. Referral suite. We help you script not get in the video side. We don’t help you script.

00:31:57:20 – 00:32:15:17


We distribute your social content or we give you the content to create a social media video email and automate your direct mail each month so that you can take on the omnipresent channel approach Farming your database, your relationships. They stop forgetting what you do and they start remembering who you are and more importantly, sending you their referrals. So check that out at referral suite and thank you for listening to the episode.

00:32:15:17 – 00:32:35:24


The rest of you are going to do podcast. We’ll see you all next week. Piece. Thank you for watching another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do Podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW dot Real Estate Marketing dude dot com. We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you.

00:32:35:24 – 00:32:47:00


So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.

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