If you are slacking on creating video, let this be a lesson. No one really loves to be in front of the camera, even if they seem like it, they probably don’t. We don’t do it because we love it, we do it because it’s essential to growing our brand. Jordan Silvester found that out, and listen to see how it helped his business explode.
The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)
What’s up? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Dude podcast. Folks, we’re gonna be chatting about today is something I think everyone’s going to get a little bit of a kick out of. Look, none of us want to get on social media. We do it because being on social media creates money. It creates clients, it creates a tension, it builds your brand.
00:04:47:12 – 00:05:04:04
But if we really had an option, me included in this, I’d go hide behind. I’d sit on my couch all day and watch television or play video games or something. Know, I wouldn’t be out there creating content, doing all the stuff on social media because I’m do it because I know I have to. Reality is, if you’re not doing it, somebody else is.
00:05:04:04 – 00:05:31:22
And building your brand on social, whether it’s Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, I mean, honestly, it’s all of them. If you’re not doing it, somebody else is. And that’s why you need to be there. 100% of your future clients will be online and over 80% of them will use the first person they come into contact with, many of which happens to be the first person they’re either introduced to or they personally meet or they run into at a bar or restaurant or through a family or friend.
00:05:31:22 – 00:05:52:07
That’s just basically how it is in other words, this damn business is nothing more than a giant popularity contest. So I get a message and we got a we got a Canadian coming up on the house today and he’s not too deep in the count. He’s just over the just over the border. But not that that matters. But he’s a you know, he just that’s a story.
00:05:52:07 – 00:06:08:02
Would I just what I just laid up. I hate social media. I don’t want to do it. But once I started doing it, I started getting a lot of buzz. People started commenting and all sudden I feel like I’m getting all these conversations I never would have had unless I’d started doing it to begin with. So we’re going to hear a story and see why he does it.
00:06:08:02 – 00:06:23:06
And I’m hopefully it’s going to kick you in the ass and why you need to do it too. And if you even are doing it, you need to get a little bit more consistent. Let’s we all do. So without further ado, let’s go ahead and introduce our guest from the other side of the pond, not pond water. Mr. Jordan Sylvester, What’s up, dude?
00:06:23:08 – 00:06:45:02
Hey, man. Thanks so much for having me today, Mike. It’s great to get a chance to just chat about the excitement of real estate and trying to figure out where that next deal comes from. You know, the the the infamous pipeline conversation, Where where’s the where’s the next one going to come from and what are we going? Yeah, feast or famine, peaks or valleys, month the month, week to week client by clients, you name it.
00:06:45:02 – 00:07:05:12
Right. So tell me a little bit about yourself. I saw everyone who you are. Before we get started here and I got a bunch of different questions and one here, your story on how why you actually like social media nuggets. You don’t like it, do you know? I’m not a huge fan of social media. And if you actually were to go to my Facebook page and look at posts previous to basically this August, you’d see five over the last two years.
00:07:05:16 – 00:07:25:04
And two of them are, Hey, you want to come hang out at my birthday on the patio crammed into one of our local watering holes. So but I understood that in the market shift in the where we’re going and where people are, you know, I love to I’m actually the person who you’d meet at the bar and want to chat with and hang out, and I’ll just talk to any random stranger, but any random thing, just because I think it’s fun.
00:07:25:10 – 00:07:39:23
That’s one of my, my, my natural skills, but one that is not natural is go live on Facebook. Go live here record stuff and have it actually posted out there so people can watch you. It’s like, No, no, thanks, man. I’m good. I’ve been trying to do it with a coach. He tried to get me to do it for like three or four years.
00:07:39:23 – 00:07:57:12
And the trick was hire somebody to do it for you. That was how I managed to jump. That was one of my buddies does a lot of batch creation, so I literally record for, you know, one day a week and then he gets anywhere from 20 to 30 videos a lot of the time out of that. And then we post what we need to in some of it’s relevant, some of it’s not.
00:07:57:14 – 00:08:16:08
But he also posts everything, so I’m just as surprised daily by the media content that I’m putting out as most of the people watching are. What you’re not even posting, you’re not even actually physically doing the post. You have someone doing it for you. You said, Shoot, go. Yep, show up and shoot. So. So for me, that was like it removed a lot of my what’s the right word Like, like concern.
00:08:16:08 – 00:08:31:22
I guess the right word is, is like if I had to edit a review things and then try to hit. Yeah, okay, go ahead. The chance of me doing that goes to almost zero just because I’m critical and critical of everything I say. Did I say it right? You know, Did I inflect like all of those things? And my buddy edits it all, throws it out and I just get to see it.
00:08:31:22 – 00:08:59:19
And sometimes, like we’ve had some conversations and adjustments about certain things that might get out that I’m like, Hey, dude, he’s a guy, but this is creating content. People are responding to it like it is what it is. They imperfection is part of the game. People expect authenticity. And if you go and look at all of my stuff, that’s the other thing I did was I rebranded to truly myself, which is you’ll see me with my covered hats, you’ll see me in my t shirts, and if you catch me in your pink shirt like part of your brand here, it’s not necessarily the t shirt thing like duh.
00:08:59:21 – 00:09:17:17
So I wear t shirts. So I have a bunch of these very similar t shirts. You’ll see me in the blue, you’ll see blues and greens and stuff. And then I’ve got the hats that sort of match. So I have about seven or eight of these hats. Again, I just I liked I’m a golfer, right? So for me, these hats came out of golf and then I really like I always wear a t shirt anyway, so then it just sort of paired itself together.
00:09:17:17 – 00:09:39:07
When I was thinking about who am I? And one of the big things I’m going to go online, I’m going to be me and I’m going to eat. And I know that people have to somewhat, you know, play me online. There’s an extent where not all the content is me, not all of this stuff being posted is me specifically, but that person is understand who I am, how I operate, and what I would want that to look like so that when stuff is being done, it can look like me or it can actually be me.
00:09:39:07 – 00:10:00:02
And that was one of the bigger things. Now that I’m on Instagram, which I just literally logged in on my phone for the first time ever, literally this weekend. But it’s been out for years because I’ve had the office running it and doing things with it. But Tik Tok and Facebook, I’ve used more as a watcher and stuff and then again starting to comment and engage and again, a lady saw me on Tik Tok said, You’re a realtor that I could get.
00:10:00:02 – 00:10:15:11
You know, you didn’t seem like you wanted to sell me anything. You wanted to give me information. So she reached out, called me and said, Hey, let’s set a meeting. And that’s in four months. So again, man, I did. This is at least a minimum of a year play of just like constant, constant, constant to see when and where it was going to go.
00:10:15:11 – 00:10:34:03
Because if you just jump into anything for a minute, like if you it’s like it’s like they always say, you got to sow the seed, then you got to water the thing and then you got to reap. Right? And the reaping though, like in anything, whether that’s if you’re no matter what you’re doing in real estate no matter what Lee generation system, if you if you think you’re going to pick up the phone and dial 20 people in, you’re going to get a deal.
00:10:34:03 – 00:10:55:10
The odds of that happening are low. But if you dial 200, the odds go way up. You know, 2000. I can guarantee you a certain amount. If you do 20,000, like again, it’s that constant repetitive consistency and two things are true. If you do 20,000 phone calls, you’re going to be pretty good at phone calls when you’re done, when you only do you know, ten, ten or 15 calls and say, I’m not any good at this.
00:10:55:10 – 00:11:10:17
Yeah, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. You probably aren’t very good at it. And why? Because you just don’t have the experience. And so it’s social media. I’ve, I shoot a lot of content and a lot less time now than when I first started. And we we do a lot of different things where we’re expanding all of the social media stuff.
00:11:10:17 – 00:11:29:09
And like I said, I’m across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok right now. And then we have YouTube and YouTube’s running more of our long stuff. So the things he’s cutting up, then there’s the long formats and we’re doing some stuff there. And again, to be absolutely honest, I’m not 100% sure all the inner workings of this. That’s why for me it was a person for you.
00:11:29:09 – 00:11:44:09
If you if you don’t have the money or the ability to invest, you can do a lot of this stuff for free. Or take some of these seminars like my buddy who does this for me actually teaches batch creation. And if you were wanting to save the money and not pay him, he would show you the tools he’s using, the stuff he’s doing to help you.
00:11:44:09 – 00:12:01:09
You grow, right? So that’s a cool piece. That’s something that, of course, in my world, I needed to have somebody external to me do it, including posting my socials. Right? Which makes it like being on time every day. Like we post daily videos where if, if there isn’t a video out that day, then there’s a piece of content we’re ramping up.
00:12:01:09 – 00:12:14:05
Like Gary Vee said, just you got to get in front of everybody. They’re they’re going to love ya or hate you, but you better just be in front of them. And so that’s been the premise is, Hey, you’re going to love me or hate me, but I’m going to be there in the amount of people that see me and say, I’ve seen you, I’ve seen you, I’ve seen you, I’ve seen you is insane.
00:12:14:07 – 00:12:37:00
And you know, yeah, I’m thinking of selling my house. I’ll reach out. Right? And so again, a lot of it is just top of mind. Now, some of these people know me and would be referrals from my normal referral business, but the benefit and what I’m about to do and really leverage this is actually create like the casino model, which is, hey, give me some referrals, get rewards right, and start to build a reward based system within the social worlds and then at credit people through the social world, right?
00:12:37:00 – 00:12:55:23
So not only do you get the credit of of, of some level of, you know, comp and compensation, you know, through awards or different types of things, and doing it within the realm of what you’re allowed to do within your business. But at the same time, it’s also going to be, hey, here’s blah, blah, blah, they were able to get us this and we were able to work with these amazing people and create this great opportunity.
00:12:55:23 – 00:13:23:00
So there’s so many pieces we’re trying to say, very focused, as much as it sounds, rolling in place, but we’re going in launching different things at different times to be very, very what’s the right word like We’re really present, we’re omnipresent, we’re also being omni focused, which I would say like as we target different locations, we’re trying to target specific ideas about what’s going to work best on Facebook, what’s going to work best on IG, what’s going to work best on YouTube, and then grow from there.
00:13:23:00 – 00:13:45:13
And the next launch we are doing will actually be a podcast. I was listening to one of your other previous podcasts and he was talking about it’s like when you set one up, you’ve got to do it consistently and just for the short form. Yeah, I learned to cut it all up. Yep, She said a lot. I’m going to impact us, you guys, because everything he says I agree with, but I’m going to unpack because I want you guys to walk away with this because first the question I have is how long have you been in real estate?
00:13:45:15 – 00:14:04:14
16 years. Okay. And then so I like this. So you’ve been in real estate for 16 years and prior to you just having, let’s call it a fucking midlife crisis or whatever the hell, I’ll be 40 this year, so. Okay, well, there it is. And something happened where you’re just like, Look, I don’t give a shit. Is that fair?
00:14:04:16 – 00:14:32:13
That’s what I don’t know what that was. If you feel like sharing, that’s fine. But when was that time frame compared to where we’re at today? So. So with the crash in our market, which happened in 2022, I was doing I had actually sort of not left real estate, but I was investing more prominently and I was I’m part of a real estate team and I insulated myself when my dad retired specifically because if I did decide to go more the investment side, then I could still make sure my clients, if I wasn’t available due to whatever, they would have proper, you know, protections within my team so that I could make sure that no
00:14:32:13 – 00:14:47:17
matter who you know, whether that’s a referral hand off to one of the realtors on my team to make sure my clients are taking care because I have a lot of repeat and referral business. My dad’s been in bit was in business since 88, so we’ve got a long history. Okay, she got the part. But then what happens is the market completely, you know flips on its head up here.
00:14:47:17 – 00:15:08:20
And so the issue is is in the investment world everything changed wasn’t great financial we had to reset my brain, try to reset my life and in doing so, literally mean my wife went away for a 15 year wedding anniversary. We went down to Cali for two weeks. We drove down to Mexico. We did a lot of fun things and while I was away though, the entire intention of being away was, okay, what am I going to do now?
00:15:09:00 – 00:15:24:14
Right? What? What does it mean? You’re getting out of the business like, you know, not real estate. It was it was okay investment. Do I continue down the investment road as my primary or do I do real estate transactional as my primary or where where am I going to go next? How am I going to reengage my business?
00:15:24:14 – 00:15:40:09
Because I’ve got to figure out how to how to really insulate and build something that I can. I can make sure that I don’t put myself where I am currently, right? Like it’s if I’m going to get out of this, I’m going to take all the learning and I’m not going to call it failure, even though it’s all a bunch of learn.
00:15:40:10 – 00:15:56:01
You never you never, ever fail. As long as you walk away with the lesson. That’s it. And so with all the learning, I just tried to get really clear. And so it’s really funny is, is I just I just became me. And after that thing I went, okay, so I’ve been trying to be other things for other people.
00:15:56:01 – 00:16:12:11
I’ve been like, as an investor, you’re working with different friends and JV partners and all these things and I was always trying to appease and not in any negative way, but I’m a people pleaser. I realize that about myself. It’s very evident. That is, unless you were to ask my wife to do that knowingly or unknowingly, like I know you probably for the most part.
00:16:12:11 – 00:16:28:07
Yeah, I would say that’s I could see that with a lot of people. Just you guys are tracking like this is very typical. Like y what he’s walking you through Like you go 14 years of just doing the same way, same thing, and then it took the market from falling underneath it. You had to sit back and realize, right?
00:16:28:08 – 00:16:48:20
Like, Fuck, what is this? What is this? Yeah. You’re starting to realize that your personal brand is recession proof is where I said I could see your eyes going up. All right, so this is awesome. So now. So you get kicked out. You get kicked in the pants. Yep. 20, 22 and nine. You’re like, shit. Okay, Now you’re like, Did you still wear suits?
00:16:48:20 – 00:17:08:06
And like, did you put on like, or you just sort of like, was there different in the way in the. Because if you look on his page now, you guys and you guys could go, go look at it. Jordan Sylvester So I say Sylvester, I can Sylvester, Sylvester look him up on and you’ll see the content because it is it’s very just it’s very like, hey, what’s up?
00:17:08:11 – 00:17:28:13
Like, it’s very just authentic, I guess, is the right word for it. When you go through his page, he’s not like super dressed up. He just started talking like you just chill. Yeah, I was always kind of chill. And and I started in a suit when I started working for my dad as his admin and then got licensed and solely moved away to, like, collared shirt and pants to what I am now and what it is.
00:17:28:13 – 00:17:42:15
It’s t shirts. Yeah, flip flops and t shirts. But but again, what’s funny is realtors that knew me so pre-COVID, every realtor knew who I was, and I walked up to a door. Everyone recognized me because I was different. I didn’t look like most of the realtors, and most of them respect me because they all know my business.
00:17:42:15 – 00:18:03:14
They know who I am. Like. And for me, if how I look and I get like, like I get the conversation, like there’s a certain, you know, thing where we’re a blue collar city down here with a photo, we’re normal. I don’t like normal out their word, but like the guys down here, I’d rather have a cottage and and a four wheeler than, you know, a massive single, you know, house here.
00:18:03:14 – 00:18:18:01
They’re going to they’re going to spread their wealth around to create the best lifestyle versus work like you do in trying to live in a square box and hope to survive right here. It’s like own some property, have some fun, get up north, go down south, wherever it is, whatever it is you want to do to have a trailer, play some golf.
00:18:18:01 – 00:18:32:13
Like that’s really our lifestyle here. And so for me, I’m a golfer. So realistically, I’m always prepared to golf. And the golf shoes in my bag are almost always in my truck. And as a realtor, I can work from the car. So unless somebody needs to see a physical home, I can write offers on the course. I can do a lot of things from the course.
00:18:32:13 – 00:18:44:24
So I learned that I can. I can is as long as I’m, you know, everyone I’m golfing with knows like I might have to take the whole off, jump in the cart and just do some work. They get it, but I can go live my life. And so I learned to be really authentic with me and get happy.
00:18:45:05 – 00:19:02:07
And the best way I can be for my clients is when I’m happy, right? And so once I became that and that’s like when I went away after I lost and I felt like a failure to my wife, to my family, to my business partners, to all these people after the crash, because I just I couldn’t respond fast enough or understand it fast enough in that moment.
00:19:02:07 – 00:19:16:08
And like I said, because I’m a people pleaser, I made some decisions to like withstand some of it with some some partners when I would have made different choices if it was just up to me, which now I’ve already told all my partners, if we like, as we move forward and do things, I don’t play well with others.
00:19:16:08 – 00:19:30:14
Meaning I love to listen, I love to understand your position, but I have to be an authority to make the choice. I can’t let somebody else in my world and this is who I am. There’s nothing wrong with who I am in this. It’s knowing that. Knowing that when I have to have a 5050 relationship, I’m in big trouble.
00:19:30:16 – 00:19:44:12
Because what happens is I will defer to you. And yet I’m deferring to usually somebody who has less experience than I do. Not to state that if you do have more experience, it’s just if you’re working with me, I need to know that either I don’t get to make a choice at all, or I’m all of the choice.
00:19:44:12 – 00:19:58:04
I can’t be in this weird, like 5050 spot in my in my life. And so, well, I was away with my wife and we were doing those things. I really got clear about who I was. And then I ran into my buddy who was like, Hey, let me do a deep dive on your business. He’s doing the social stuff.
00:19:58:04 – 00:20:10:22
And again, at this point I’m like, All right, I want to I want to get myself out there. I want to do something. But what? And of course, I’m religious by nature. I believe in God. I believe that there is providence in the world and like, here’s this guy who this is this entire job. This is what he does.
00:20:10:22 – 00:20:24:11
And he and I and I sold him his house two years ago. And I saw him on a golf course playing in a tournament just after we got back. And he was doing some video stuff there. And so then he said, hey, And he actually sent me a video like follow up in an email. So I followed up with him.
00:20:24:11 – 00:20:38:02
And then like, you’re talking, this is June of this year to this August. And he’s like, How did you move so quick? Like, how did you go from where you were to where you are? I said, Because it wasn’t hard. I already knew what I wanted. I just didn’t know this is what I wanted. Like I didn’t see it.
00:20:38:02 – 00:20:54:11
Like it’s like you go away and you try to make your plans and then nothing works out exactly as you think because you just don’t know what to expect, especially in this world. I figured I’d start, like, posting on Facebook, start doing some small things, and then I listened to Gary Vee. I’m watching and trying to learn from other people and understand, okay, so if you’re going to do this, what does that look like?
00:20:54:15 – 00:21:09:08
If you’re really either I’m an all in or not personality, I mean, they’re going to do it or I’m not going to do it. I have to. What’s the point? WAY Yeah. And so I pushed all in with with the social world and I said, okay, so I can do billboards, I can do bus benches, I can do all the static, normal marketing and realtors always done.
00:21:09:14 – 00:21:26:00
You can buy the ads in your local magazines, do all these things. That’s great. Or I can go online and I can get across all these platforms in my reach is not as local, but it is much broader. And that was sort of one of those really cool things that I like. Again, I’ve got six years under my belt.
00:21:26:00 – 00:21:41:21
My dad was in the business a long time. I learned a lot from him, like the amount of knowledge that I have in all the different arenas. I’ve helped a ton of people do investments and do different things. So when you look at all of this, it was it was how do you get going? And like I said, so I went out and got somebody and then we just started creating content.
00:21:41:21 – 00:21:55:08
The first time I ever released content was hilarious. There’s also a golf tournament that was later in August, and my buddy goes, Hey, I saw your your video. I’m like, You saw my what? What are you talking about? You actually. And then I think like, my God, I go, Hey, what the heck? He’s like, Yeah, I’m just testing the waters.
00:21:55:08 – 00:22:14:03
I’m starting to warm up, you know, warm up, warm up right? So you got to like, you can’t just go from nothing to a million, right? So he said, Hey, let’s just get it rolling. And so he started to drop videos, drop videos, and then we’re just going to keep pumping and now we’re about to add money. So like money not only in the creation of all the content, but money in the sense of boosted posts and doing all that side of the house and then measuring.
00:22:14:03 – 00:22:30:11
And the biggest thing I’m learning is have the ability to measure what you’re doing, test it for a bit and then hit, stop or go. And if it works well and then and then try something new. If you’re not finding the result, you’re looking for what the metrics say, because there’s a lot of people who do this don’t don’t try to like go out there and be the new you know what I mean?
00:22:30:11 – 00:22:45:11
There’s there’s enough information on the Internet these days with big data that you can go and find out what is working and what isn’t working. I don’t think you have to go figure out this brand new thing because you’re going to only you don’t even need to buy a course anymore. Like it’s just, you know, you overthink it either.
00:22:45:11 – 00:23:05:16
All you got to do is just like, like, what are you going to talk about? That’s I usually where people get stuck. I think it’s more people get I think they get stuck on just like, my God, people want to see me. I don’t want to be just like, how when we started a conversation, like, we don’t want to get on video, I want to do this the podcast right now, to be honest with you, you know, this is a good this is a fun conversation, but know, we’ve been doing this ten years, but we’re consistent.
00:23:05:16 – 00:23:25:12
You have to keep on rolling because that attention is is is, is monetary. You guys that attention actually has value to it. Let me ask you a question on this. When you started creating a lot of content, what happened to your referral business? Yeah, again, it’s starting to rise, right? So one of the things that people like I mentioned earlier was it wasn’t just a few new people that are seeing me.
00:23:25:14 – 00:23:37:04
It’s like, so even today, before we jumped in this call, another buddy dropped in Facebook and through it like I’ve never sold his house. He’s just a friend I know on Facebook who knows me and sees my content. He’s commenting and all of a sudden he’s now. So he says, Hey, I want to sell my house in this neighborhood.
00:23:37:04 – 00:23:55:22
And all of a sudden he’s popping my name in like, And I’ll say this. It was just like, That’s such an interesting thing because it’s like, I know him. I coached with his kid, we did hockey together. But like, that’s you’re going back probably five or six years. He hasn’t seen you in that light before because you usually it’s usually like you guys are bro and out on the ice, hanging out, ready to go, blah, blah, blah.
00:23:55:22 – 00:24:13:08
I’m like, I don’t think of you as even a golfer at that point. You mentioned your golfer, but you’re now your hockey dad, right? Or whatever. You’re playing rat hockey, whatever it is. You may even think of the golf thing. That’s how shortsighted people are when they don’t think about it. And we as human beings are like, no, this guy knows everything about me because of me, me, me, me, me, me.
00:24:13:10 – 00:24:30:13
We think we’re more important than we actually really are. And that’s why we never do it, because we think everybody knows. And here’s the thing, guys. If like, look at your Facebook, like if you have let’s just say you have a thousand friends on Facebook, okay? I’m just going to assume 50% of them are local to your market.
00:24:30:15 – 00:24:47:21
If you only did six sides last year, you’re a fucking ghost. If you only did 12 sides last year, you’re fucking ghost. If you went to 20 sides last year and you have 500 people on Facebook, know who the hell you are, you’re a fucking ghost. What do I mean by that? Well, the statistics are 10 to 15% of those 500 people are moving this year.
00:24:47:23 – 00:25:07:22
But that’s the short sighted number. All 500 of them know someone they can refer you to. That’s a number I’m after. You have to become more marketable and more referable in order to attract more referrals. Right. It makes it’s common sense. You can’t do that without creating content. You can’t do that when you’re M.I.A. That’s why that’s what happens.
00:25:07:22 – 00:25:24:20
It does. I bet you people, let me ask you this question. Do you remember any video you saw yesterday besides the NFL games, besides the championship games? All right. Do you remember anything else you saw on video yesterday on social media? Yeah, it was. Watch. It’s only because Tucker’s here up in Canada, and so he’s he’s he’s on his tour.
00:25:24:20 – 00:25:46:14
So I listened to quite a bit of what he was talking about. So him. Yes. And then Ben SHAPIRO and one of the rappers dropped a pretty interesting see that there’s that pieces everywhere like that. That thing is everyone’s reviewing it like that. Have I’ve seen guys review different things a few times like we had what’s his name, who did that song like in August, I think it was, you know, and came out of nowhere and created those hits.
00:25:46:18 – 00:26:06:23
But like, it’s interesting. So yeah, a lot of it does stick with me. And then and so I don’t remember, but 99.9% of them, they use like I scroll like anybody else. I spend an hour probably scrolling and then I try to jump into my stuff and like and follow and talk to anyone who wants to communicate. But when you when you’re doing those things and you’re seeing them, yeah, there’s a few videos that catch my attention, but a lot of it’s just funny.
00:26:06:23 – 00:26:22:24
I like my comedy. For me, it’s always watching the wives and husbands things and all that type of stuff. So usually my feeds filled with so bad. How many When you’re walking around, you’re like in the grocery store, you might even have you might be out and haven’t seen someone a while. People are like, Hey, I see your videos, I see your videos.
00:26:22:24 – 00:26:38:04
Is that what you see happening? Yeah, that’s the part that’s so insane is there’s people who, like I said, so like this guy Mark, who was just talking about who just did that referral thing. Like, I haven’t seen him. I haven’t seen him in person in a long time in his and a couple of other guys. But they’re all seeing me now and they know me.
00:26:38:09 – 00:26:59:12
They’ve actually the cool part is these people have met me and know who I am and they they know enough about me and then they see me all over the place online. Now they’re starting to say, Hey, this guy, hey, this guy. And so that, like the other big one was now that I’ve got the socials going on, I’m going to my own database and saying, Hey, guys, like, like and follow my mom who’s working for me doing you guys, you guys are doing socials with this like events we’re going to.
00:26:59:12 – 00:27:20:01
So the social pressure. Yeah. So we’re going to crush big social events. Part of it’s going to be that we’re going to probably do a launch with our highest referral. So basically we’re going to create, like I said earlier, it’s like a casino referral program where you kind of the more you play, the more you refer, the more you do, the more we’re going to repay and we’re going to and it’s going to be through those events which will then, of course, show up in cuts.
00:27:20:07 – 00:27:35:22
And if again, we always get consent from people. But hey, if you can give us a blurb about why, like why are you here? So where we’re going to do those events at a clubhouse somewhere, we’ll either do a golf community or some kind of golf type thing. Well, we’ll probably head up a couple. One of them will be at the main office.
00:27:35:22 – 00:27:50:18
It’s easy. We got a cool location once we hit Summertime. Probably might even just throw it here at my house, do the outdoor back party. You know, I got the pool, open it up for families and kids and just, hey, like do more of an open house style thing, try to be different and then though, but be consistent.
00:27:50:18 – 00:28:08:21
So again, if we do it this year, do it next year, and then start to really show those value ads. And like I said, so we might do and then probably throw like a golf tournament or a charity like, yeah, something highly charitable, raising the line like there’s a lot of you’re doing it anyways. You might as well just might as well just start raising funds when you’re going out anyway.
00:28:08:22 – 00:28:22:18
Can be out there Saturday myself. Throw a tournament. Yeah, well, hey, guys, we’re going to, we’re going to run this, we’re going to cover this. But if you can, because here’s the charitable side. As a team, we we’ve decided we’ll buy the golf. But for you guys, hey, grab your for some. Come on out. We if you can.
00:28:22:18 – 00:28:40:07
Here’s the cost for meals and donations. Here’s what we’re trying to do and raise money for this time and build in the reciprocity piece because for me like we’re part of a smaller community just outside of Windsor in LaSalle, it’s about 30,000 people. And then again, so I can get, you know, leverage in there. And then you go to the city in the downtown cores and the people in need and it’s just like, how do you give back?
00:28:40:07 – 00:28:53:13
How do you if you’re going to make money in this life, how do you turn around and give it back? And I get there’s a social think. If you watch some of my videos, you’ll see one of the things I hate is asking for business I would rather not like. For me, I want to help you. I don’t like selling you.
00:28:53:13 – 00:29:08:09
I don’t want you to work with me because you whatever I want you to want to work with me because I can help you. I can support you. And that’s my message, not only in content, it’s also in my business. It’s also in the philanthropy that I’m looking to hopefully be able to do at a larger and larger scale.
00:29:08:11 – 00:29:35:01
Not only just give back with time, but actually give back with money in meaningful ways to the city and communities around me. So again, there’s some really cool stuff that once you start to build a brand, you can leverage your brand into being able to then, you know, help people in your community. And whether that’s monetizing the brand, whether that’s using it as influence within the community so that you can then go to the city halls and places and get like cause actual change and be a voice of reason maybe in your community.
00:29:35:05 – 00:29:53:18
Yeah. Again, once you one of the things that once you start to become a voice, it’s hard to silence you, especially across social when all you do is give. It’s not about hey get, get, get. It’s about give, give, give love people care for. So that is well said. If you guys are going to write anything down, write that down.
00:29:53:18 – 00:30:10:07
Because I think when you’re my next question I’m going to ask you was like, how do you determine what you talk about on social? And this is the biggest point from people and you’re right, you have to take that mindset that he just said, at least for me, it’s how I it’s not about like, you know, because we know that we’re posting to make money.
00:30:10:11 – 00:30:26:06
So it’s hard to think about like, how do I give when I’m really just trying to receive, right? But it’s really in mindset, you know, it is like that that becomes like your content strategy is it’s not like no one wants to get on a soapbox and sell real estate. Like that’s like the worst thing. Like, just like they’re just sold.
00:30:26:07 – 00:30:45:03
I don’t cares. But there’s so many ways you can just no one’s going to remember what you’re talking about, first off, to the point where it’s like even if you said something really bad, you people to forget about a couple of weeks, like even like you could say the worst thing ever, but you do have to get. So how do you come up with your content?
00:30:45:03 – 00:31:02:00
Cheri? What type of videos you’re creating, What do you what’s the subject matter for you personally? And like, I see some stuff you’re talking about real estate stuff, but not always. But like what’s you’re talking about real estate. But you’re doing it in a way that’s authentic and it’s not like it doesn’t feel salesy. So I’m looking at all your shit right here.
00:31:02:05 – 00:31:17:13
So tell me about your tell me how you do it. Like what? That thing that some people struggle. Like what is the content? The benefit of the content is the guy who’s recording it. So one of the cool parts is just ask me questions like we we have a list of things we’re trying to go over. He has stuff he wants me to do because again, his job is to help promote, right?
00:31:17:13 – 00:31:32:13
So we have a website, we’ve got stuff, we’re realtors, we’re trying to get our job done. Like, so there’s there is the hooks, there’s the come in doing that. The biggest thing I’ve learned, though, is is just give, give, giving people a recipe reciprocal. They’re going to want to give you something. So when you do these things, you start to ask for help.
00:31:32:13 – 00:31:43:07
Just start to ask people. And here’s the thing. One of my my team leaders say, because like I said, it’s hard for me to ask for business even from out of the bar. I just want to talk to you, say, hey, what’s my answer? Well, let me do some little homework quick. Let me see if I can help you, blah, blah, blah.
00:31:43:07 – 00:31:55:23
And if it turns into a transaction, awesome. If it’s better that you stay in your home and it’s not for you, Awesome. Like I’m the guy who is funny as this is. I’m not looking to sell your house. Like, if it’s the best thing for you and your family, it’s the best thing for your future to sell. Cool.
00:31:55:23 – 00:32:13:07
But what if you can take that asset, reinvest with it, get yourself a piece of another piece of real estate to help grow your long term wealth. So you’re aiming at retirement when you’re 60, or then maybe 55, maybe 50, and then maybe 45. If you’re younger, like you might be able to pull retirement by like investing in something you can leverage like real estate.
00:32:13:09 – 00:32:31:22
So a lot of what I want to do is just get in your world, understand your world, understand your risk tolerance, where you’re comfortable and what resources you do have to make your life better. And so for me, like one of them, like one of my team leaders told me and she’s like, So would it be better for them to work with a different realtor if they’re going to do this or work with you?
00:32:31:24 – 00:32:43:11
And I’m like, Well, I believe work with me because I believe like, you know, we I got to have a little bit of, you know, whatever you want to call it in this business. But yeah, there’s not as many like, there’s a few out there. Them again. they’re amazing. I know them great guys. They’re going to do great girls.
00:32:43:11 – 00:33:00:16
They’re going to do amazing things for you. But there’s some you’re like And so if if I’m if I’m being honest, I would put myself in the upper echelon of realtors in my local market. I just would as far as care and compassion and working in the best interest of the client. And when we do need to do these strategies, I’m one of the like my mind is gamified.
00:33:00:16 – 00:33:19:13
I love the real estate game. I love when we have multiple offers and we’re putting people back against each other and working the strategies to get max dollar for your property and not only max out, but best offer meaning most likely to close, most able to take care of all the little intricacies. So for me, I back up not only what I say on socials, but I also am that guy when you meet me.
00:33:19:13 – 00:33:34:11
If you were to sit down and just talk to me in real life, you’re going to meet the same guy that you see on the screen. I’m the same guy at the grocery store, same guy at the local pub, same guy on the golf course, same guy on vacation, like I just am who I am. And for some people that, you know, might be too much for other people, they love me.
00:33:34:11 – 00:33:48:14
And that’s, you know, cool. Love me or hate me, I it’s really at the end of it, I’m only going to help the people who want me to. And the other ones are going to choose somebody else. And that’s perfectly okay. There’s enough out there that I don’t you know, I don’t need everyone to love me, even though that’s what I want, right?
00:33:48:14 – 00:34:06:09
Everyone does. Everybody has to like, you know, you see the people who really do like you to want to work and be with you and create a network of people in your world that you know and trust and create an active referral partners with in your own, like activating your own referral brand. Right. Is all the people who’ve already done and transacted with you who love you and want to tell everyone about your business.
00:34:06:09 – 00:34:18:05
You just don’t tell them to do it or you don’t give them a way to rate on social media. You have the simple way where these people can come right on. You can go on live, you can add them to live. They get to talk about their experiences. These are things I’m learning about. I’m still not even doing them myself.
00:34:18:05 – 00:34:32:04
I’m just like, Man, that’s a cool thing. You can do client referrals with clients who will jump on, and most of my clients are a little bit crazy. So a little bit like me and might be a little bit like, I don’t know if I should. It’s like, Hey, I’m just going to ask you a question. Would you answer it on camera and then if you don’t like it, we’ll do it.
00:34:32:04 – 00:34:48:19
We can do it off camera. It’d be pretty fun. I would buy like you could probably buy golf rounds. Would be a good way to do it for referrals. Like it’d be like there’s a lot of ways to do this. I want you guys to I’m going to end with this and I’m going to do some post I found on his page.
00:34:48:21 – 00:35:04:19
And this this is what what do what he writes. So here’s how he writes. I can guarantee you one thing. What you see here is what you get. I’m not the old school realtor wearing a suit and tie hat, shirts, shorts, flip flops. Instead, I believe in being authentic, and that’s why all my content is exactly what you see when you meet me.
00:35:04:24 – 00:35:21:23
So if you’re looking for a down to earth, real and authentic realtor, let’s chat. And he just tells it how it is. And you know, people appreciate that. And I’m sure there’s some like there there’s probably some some dude with a stick up his ass in Windsor right now. I was like, my God, that guy is so fucking unprofessional, you know?
00:35:21:23 – 00:35:38:12
What do you care? Jordan No, I learned not to. That’s good that, guys, I’m going to tell you it. You said it earlier in this conversation. And the most important thing and it’s something I say to all the new agents all the time when they’re doing calls or doing different things. And I you have to remember, A, nobody knows what you’re supposed to do.
00:35:38:14 – 00:35:54:19
Nobody knows. Nobody is out there going, you’re not repeating exactly how how this trainer said to do that. Right? Nobody knows what you’re supposed to say and to no one really cares about you. And I mean this in the most honest way. You care because you think people care what you have to say. And honestly, they don’t.
00:35:54:23 – 00:36:11:00
What they do care about is feeling that you care about them. And I’ll say this if you can actually care about them, that will benefit you, because I think if you’re authentic, you’ll come across. But even if you have to train yourself to learn to do that, that’s the skill of real estate, in my opinion. We’re counselors more than we’re salesmen.
00:36:11:02 – 00:36:27:00
We’re in people’s big time world, so be real and know that it’s okay for people to not like you. They’re not all going to and I don’t like it. I will be honest. It’s still not something I’ve fully digested, but it is something I do I sort of come to grips with, and that’s why I go live. I do those things.
00:36:27:00 – 00:36:43:14
I’m just out there like people are like, your thing looks all shaky because, yeah, I’m running around with my with my hand holding the screen, walking. It’s like, yeah, I should buy one of those better things, all these knickknacks and things. But I’m just doing it with what I’ve got now and keep upgrading, right? Just start and just keep upgrading as you need to go.
00:36:43:16 – 00:37:03:15
That’s all. Shaky. Yeah. Damn right, it’s shaky. Gold Ally. What are you fucking blind? It’s freezing out. It’s -30 degrees out here. That does better, though. I don’t mean like Jordy watched over one more time where they can find you. You can find me in Jordan Sylvester dot com. Or you can reach out across pretty much any of the platforms.
00:37:03:15 – 00:37:30:00
LinkedIn, Tik-Tok, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. You know, guys, if you do just want to reach out, you’re welcome to DM You’re welcome to call 5199600350. You’ll probably reach one of my assistants, but I’m not far behind. So if you have any questions or concerns or want to know what I’m up to and you want to you want to pick my brain or you want to get in contact with my guy that’s helping me do what I’m up to, I’m more than happy to share the secrets of what I’m doing and how I’m making it work in my world.
00:37:30:00 – 00:37:52:22
So appreciate it, man. And yes, appreciate you guys. Listen, another episode, the Real Estate Marketing Do podcast. Don’t overthink this content creation stuff. You have to do it and you just have to get in the habit of it. And that’s really all it is. After you get going, you won’t stop. Rarely people do because it works, and if it didn’t work, people like me wouldn’t be sitting here talking, at least in the last 40 minutes, telling you about why it works and about how much we hate doing social media ourselves.
00:37:52:22 – 00:38:11:01
But we do it because it creates money. Secondly, if you like what you heard here today, you got to check out our new software referral suite. That’s a referral S.W.A.T. suite. We give you all of the content to create on social each and every month, as well as direct mail to automate to your database. So stay on top of mine there as well as video emails and send them.
00:38:11:01 – 00:38:25:13
We’ll give you the script a subject line, and we even tell you what to record the videos on. So don’t overthink this stuff from your database with content. Do it on social, do it on email and do it on direct mail. Normal people stop forgetting what it is you do and start referring you business instead. See you guys next week.
00:38:25:13 – 00:38:43:13
Thank you for watching another episode of the Real Estate Marketing Do podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is. Visit our website at WW Dot Real Estate Marketing do dot com. We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site.
00:38:43:18 – 00:39:08:19
Download the training and then schedule time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We’ll see you next time.
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